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Business in France


Submitted By hargisdej
Words 1364
Pages 6
Business Communication in France:
An Introduction to Customs and Culture

I chose to research France for this particular assignment. I have always dreamed of moving to France and, as a business major, I thought it would be a good idea to use this opportunity to learn about business communication in France.

France has a truly fascinating culture filled with centuries of customs and etiquette built “brick by brick.” With America being a much younger nation, I think it would be very important to accommodate and adapt to their techniques and business communication strategies as opposed to Americans attempting to force our techniques and business communication strategies on them.

Based on my research, it doesn’t seem like we would be given much choice in the matter. The French are so adamant about their deep culture and manners that one would basically have to accommodate them or face a failed attempt to obtain a business relationship with them.

The report goes into greater detail about these issues. Feel free to contact me with any further questions.

Executive Summary
This report gives a brief comparison of business communication between France and the United States.

Speak French Fluently, or Not At All
The French are very proud of their language. It is one of the most endeared languages in the world, and widely known as “the language of love.” Therefore, one must be able to speak French very well in order to communicate successfully with them, especially in business.

Style, or be profiled
Paris may be one of the fashion capitals of the world, but France in its entirety is a very fashion driven country. The French pay more attention to the details of their dress than most other things, so you can bet they’ll be paying attention to yours as you arrive for a business meeting.

Keep it Light
When discussing business with a Frenchman, get straight to the point. Keep the discussion simple and accurate. Prepare to answer every possible question that may be asked of you by a French businessman. The more you know and understand about the French culture, the more successful you will be in building business relationships with them.


Business Communication in France:
An Introduction to Customs and Culture

I would not normally begin a report with a quote, but in my research, this appeared to be the most vital part of business communication in France, and will be reiterated throughout this report. Morrison and Conaway could not have been more accurate about communication, both personal and business, in France when they stated, “The way in which you say something in France is almost as important as what is actually said” (p. 168). The French culture has a deep love and respect for sophistication, especially in the use of their language. A French businessman will quickly dismiss someone if he has to listen to or read their poor attempt to use his language. If one lacks the ability to speak or write in French fluently, it is best to communicate in one’s native tongue.

Dress Etiquette
When preparing to meet for business with the French, the first step is ensuring you are properly dressed. The way one dresses is extremely important to the French, and a French businessman will be quick to judge based on the way you dress. As Bosrock states in his text, “The French have a strong appreciation for expensive, well-made, and fashionable clothing, and you should share the same appreciation when choosing your attire.” (p. 173)

Choosing an Appropriate Meeting Place
When conducting business in France, it is common to meet over a meal. Business meetings in France mostly take place at restaurants, and can last up to two hours or more. We should take Morrison and Conaway’s advice, “France has a very cultural background in food and drink, and it would be wise to share their enthusiasm about the meal prior to discussing a business topic.” (p. 174)

Customs and Courtesies
Upon arrival, always shake hands when meeting a businessman, and again when leaving. Ensure that you know the title of the person you are meeting, and address them appropriately. Giving gifts is customary, but never at your first meeting with French businessmen. “Good gifts tend to be intellectual given the love of complexity and punctuality by the French.” (Bosrock p. 174)

Written and Verbal Dialect
To an American businessman, entering into a debate with a French businessman may seem highly confrontational. However, this is a standard business practice in France. A French businessman will seek out every possible discrepancy involving the topic of debate, while an American businessman will attempt to cover the similarities. The American businessman must be able to discuss certain business topics in the same mindset as the French businessman if he wants to obtain his goals.
Do not be alarmed or offended during such debates, or discussions of any kind, if you are interrupted at any point. Interruptions will often occur at any time by any individual involved in the discussion. A French businessman may want to discuss every possible concern he may have, and will encourage every person involved to voice their opinion. The French view this as highly beneficial when attempting to reach the overall goal of the topic being discussed.
When engaging in conversation with a French businessman, try to speak in as simple of terms as possible. If he cannot see that a logical discussion is taking place, he will not hesitate to let you know. This may be your only opportunity to change your course and convince him otherwise. If one fails to seize this chance, he can expect to fail to reach his goal.
Written communication is very similar, and equally important in the French business culture. One must proceed with caution when writing in French. If you are not familiar with the French language, it may be best to use a translator to ensure nothing is poorly written.
Here is an example of a formal business letter in French: New York, le 10 novembre 2012Monsieur Georges UNTEL
Entreprise fictive
46, rue Jenesaisquoi
Sonpays | | Monsieur Untel [salutation],J'ai l'honneur de vous informer [open letter] que j'ai bien reçu votre lettre du 6 novembre 2000 [confirm receipt]. C'est avec plaisir [express pleasure] que j'accepte le poste de traductrice de votre site web que vous m'offrez [accept/refuse offer].Je regrette vivement de ne pas pouvoir commencer immédiatement [express regret]. Je serais disponible à partir du 20 novembre [availability/contact info]. J'espère que vous voudrez bien me faire savoir si cette date vous conviendra [make request].En vous remerciant de la confiance que vous me témoignez [pre-close], je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur Untel, l'assurance de ma considération distinguée [close].Laura K. Lawless mon adresse, mon numéro de téléphone et cetera | Emphasis on Work and Play
Americans have been convinced that they must constantly be moving forward, as quickly as possible. We are devoting more of our time into work than ever before. France has a different viewpoint on work, and the balance of work and play. As you can see in the graph below, France puts quite a bit more emphasis on leisure than the U.S. It is important to take note of these statistics when attempting to build a business relationship with a French businessman. The French take a mandatory five weeks of vacation annually, and if an American businessman has not done the appropriate research, he may be very confused when he does not hear from his potential French business associate for several weeks.

Conclusions and Recommendations Any time you are conducting business with the French, you will be expected to adapt to their customs and cultures. It is extremely important that you do a great deal of research prior to engaging in any form of business transaction with a French businessman. The amount of research you do can make the difference between achieving your goals or failing entirely.

Millar, R. (1998). Doing business with france. London, N1: Pricewater House Coopers
Bosrock, M. (2006). European business customs and manners. Minnetonka, MN: Meadowbrook Press
Morrison, T., Conaway, W. (1995). Kiss, bow, or shake hands. Avon, MA: Adams Media.

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