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Business Law and Contracts


Submitted By wachira
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Business law and contracts

There are quite a number of business entity that are lead and regulated by various laws.Theselawsensures that each business operates within its jurisdictions. In running a business, one has to deal with various types of contracts with other businesses or different individuals. Whatever types of businesses that one dealin, understanding of business contracts is an essential part of running a business and making sound agreements that can be defended in a court of law in the case that one party defaults on their original profit.
Contracts governance by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). A contract can be defined as an enforceable legal agreement undertaken by two or more parties, corporate or individuals that necessarily creates an obligation between the parties to do or not to undertake certain things (Brullote, n.d). In many countries, business and individual contracts are majorly guaranteed by two laws: the Uniform Commercial Code abbreviated as UCC and the common laws each having its distinct jurisdiction. To transact business properly, it is required that one understands both contracts (Brullote, n.d).
Common laws contracts are those contracts that are controlled by a set of rules that are established by various states. These are traditionally basedlaws that are set by thelegislature and are always being changed to suit the various changes n business environments. Common law contracts are meant to guide various business agreements, leases, and employment agreements. On the other hand, the Uniform Commercial Codes primarily control those contacts that govern the sale or purchase of goods and various products. Suchcontracts are mainly meant to guide the law of commercial transactions. In the case of Acme Fireworks, the type of contract that the business has with the other bigger companies for the

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