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Business Management


Submitted By tbarnwell
Words 2026
Pages 9
A successful business appears to go through many transitions of change. Markets, resources, locations and staff, are all subject to change. Productivity and continued success, can depend on, many factors of concern. A plan of strategic development, may work toward continued success. However, specific tools must be used, in order to adjust with those changes. Understanding these measures, along with adaptation, can remove long term obstacles that hinder success. The Green Revolt Marketing firm has decided to expand business operations, to the neighboring state of Virginia. The chosen office location seems to reflect positive growth, which work toward, both short and long term goals and objectives. The market appears to be, culturally diverse, which can open new doors, of growth and enhancement, concerning the vision of the product. A strategic plan of operation is in order, concerning a fresh approach, with in the hiring process. The legal team has been contacted, in reference to Virginia law requirements and concerns.
Analysis (Job): Key roles must be filled, along with choosing top of the line employees to fill these positions. New staff cannot be appointed, without organization, along with planning the recruitment process. A chief human resource officer must be aware, of the first steps within this process. They include; understanding the needs of the department, number of employees needed, skills required and the type of people to accomplish these objectives, mission and goals. Understanding the needs of each department will work to ensure that long term goals are successful. Job analysis is also important, while also providing collected information, in reference to the open position and description used for recruitment. This provides a solid foundation, concerning what is required from the employees. Three phases of job analysis should be considered. They are; qualifications, terms and conditions and descriptions.
Job Description:

The job analysis and description appear to go hand and hand. Job responsibilities, tasks and duties are the focus. Along with this action, other components are needed. The job vision, purpose, level and use of equipment requirements must be clearly stated (Sostrin, 2014). The job description gives an overview concerning what duties the job consists of and whether additional responsibilities are needed.
The job description must also cover, whether this position requires supervising others and the number. Also encompassed in this, is the position authority. Is the position a team effort or independent? The job specifications must also be provides this. What makes a person qualified for the position? The job analysis gives valuable information, in reference to time allocated to each duty, working conditions, performance standards, reporting relationships and job conditions.
Job Specifications:
The answer to the questions can be a signal, concerning whether the applicant will be successful in that position. Job specifications requires that a person to have skills, knowledge and ability (KSNOs), in order to qualify the applicant to be successful. Individuals must also have specifications, which reflect job analysis. The choice will dictate whether or not that individual, will blend in with the company’s goals. Because this is a marketing company, the individuals chosen, must have skills and knowledge in this area.
Knowledge, skills and abilities are important, in order to perform job functions. The job specification and job identification seem to work toward a solid foundation of development, concerning the materials of recruitment. It also can assist employees, with the knowledge, of what job and KASO skill they should possess.
After investigating the six marketing positions to be filled, it has been decided that applicants, should have a business or marketing degreed background. This will also require them to have had at least two years of experience in the marketing or business field. A recent graduate may be considered, with one year of experience, in a lower level, with six months of experience that is obtained at the company. New graduates will receive special training and supervision. However, all new employees will receive training to meet there level of experience.
Testing will also be a requirement. New employees will also undergo a cultural diversity seminar. Psychological testing is also a requirement, along with no criminal record. Both drug and integrity testing will be conducted. If the employee should fail the tests, they will not be hired. This company strives for excellence and must maintain the ethical standards in place.
The other two positions to be filled will be, customer service representatives. A job description outlines the duties that are to be performed. Their major duties will include the following:
The submission of specialty pricing request
Answering phones calls
Responding to website request
Processing orders
Percentage of time for each allocated job.
Standards (Performance): These standards are used to evaluate the employee. These are considered to be, written descriptions of work standards that are measurable, which include behavior, timeframes that is evaluated by others. The performance standards work hand and hand with the job description, while also comparing it with job performance.
Reporting Relationships: Reporting relationships is also important. As mentioned above, an outline description should be given, within job descriptions. The number of supervisors that the employee, reports to is also required. The Marketing position for this company will have two supervisors. The customer service representative, will have one supervisor.
Working Conditions: This company will have different working conditions. Call representatives, will work at a call desk, with various equipment needed to perform job functions. However, other duties may require them to be mobile, within the office when needed. The marketers will also be mobile. They will be assigned an office, in order to conduct business. However they will also drive to various locations, when needed to conduct outside business.
Equipment Used: Company vehicles will be utilized, along with computers, fax machines, telephones, software and other electronic devices. They must comply with OSHA regulations that are governed. This includes, certification training required for Microsoft office. These requirements are outlined, within the job description.

The interview process is gives the employer a chance, to meet the applicant face to face. It appears to be the traditional way to select employees. However, Green Revolt marketing firm, has decided to select two other representatives to sit in on the interview process. The chosen applicants will also be given a chance to meet their new employer. Questions can be asked and answered, on both sides.
Statements of concern can be addressed, along with clarifying concerns. Questions work toward fairness and consistency, along with being professional. It is also important to note those unrelated questions are against the law. The interview process has carefully been chosen. However, it seems important to reflect on other approaches that are considered to be valuable to the process. They are listed as follows;
In this type of interview, hypothetical problems are asked to be solved by the applicant. This focuses on, situations that may be encountered on the job. It works to reveal, how the employee, will assess situations and resolving conflicts.
The panel interview is held, with more than one interviewer. It appears to give an overall view of the person, from different perspectives. This type of interview can be flexible, because panel members can consist of HR managers or members that may give a different perspective.
This type of interview is used to predict, what may happen, in the future, concerning employee actions. It seems to be positive, because past performance questions are asked, while basing the answers, on past job performance.
The Appraisal Interview- This method is used for an existing employee. However, it appears to be an effort that should be implemented, in all companies, due to constructive employee outcomes. Managers can discuss, the employee’s performance record, along with growth and improvements. Future development plans can also be reviewed. It appears to also be a great opportunity, to encourage the employee; concerning the positive efforts that he or she has made (MUSE, 2014).

Legal Concerns:

It is important that the interview process and questions are carefully planned. Not all information can be asked. Certain questions are prohibited by law. Title VII protects individuals from answering questions that violate their rights as American citizens. The American Disabilities Act and the Civil Rights Act, both serve as examples. Any questions about race, religion, sex, color or national origin are prohibited, if they do not relate to job duties (Turner, 2014).
Employee Evaluations: Specific criteria can be assessed, with this process. This company will have an evaluation process, due to the teams and departments that exist. This will work toward, having a better understanding of, the operation and employees. However, there are different types of evaluations. It seems important to investigate the available options. This will assist, with determining the best option that will meet the needs of the company (Intellipath, 2014).
Behavior Based- This appears to be a great method, concerning what the employee does on the job. This can also assist, with the company’s performance. This can help to determine the best methods for the company to use. This type of evaluation can work to guide the employee, concerning regulations and policies.
It appears that traits and results would make this evaluation stronger.
A great strength seems to be, that the evaluation is based, on the employee’s job performance, along with determining how the organization can better succeed. It appears to be positive that familiarizes the employee, with policy and regulations.
Trait Based- Characteristics can be evaluated. This can be given in a test or while the employee is present at work. Job performance is not evaluated. This makes team construction easier to conclude, the employees capabilities. It does not determine employee abilities that may be needed by the employer. Determining which employees are strong performers, can work toward strength and weaknesses.
Only traits are looked at, which appears to limit the results. Strengths- It appears to be beneficial that it can be given in test form, while the employee is on the job.
Results Based- Collective achievements can be monitored, along with teams working toward missions and goals. It appears to look closely how the employees work on projects given, which will benefit the company.

This approach appears to be limited, due to not covering multiple perspectives.
It appears to focus on teamwork, which is an asset in any organization.
Hybrid Approach- This appears to be a multi-task approach. It gives more than one view of the employee. It looks at behavior, traits and results based evaluations.
It does not give a future performance review.
It seems that this type of approach will be an asset to this company. It seems stronger, due to the fact that it allows the employer to have a 3-D view of the employee, by looking at behaviors, traits and results.
Employee Data (Employees)- Much data is needed, in order to evaluate an employee. Production statistics and financial metrics assist, in order to better understand pricing, along with the cost associated with them. Products and services may be improved, with customer service data. Team based evaluations and project management data can also be used, in order to evaluate teamwork, once a project is completed.
Employee Evaluation Strengths- Employee evaluations appear to be an effective measure used, in order to heighten the level of performance. Performance can be measured, through HR coordination, within the evaluation process. All companies should support fair and ethical evaluations. Mentoring and positive feedback can be the result. It is important to follow procedures and protocols, in reference to evaluations, and ethical treatment within the work place.

Conclusion: Company expansion can lead to continued success. Green Revolt Marketing aspires to achieve continued success. However, being successful requires strategy and research, in order to meet the mission, goals and objectives. The hiring process has many elements of concern that require tools of assistance. Although, tools can assist with developing the plan, they do not operate alone. Valuable recruitment must be obtained, along with the many processes that lead to a successful outcome. Laws must be complied with, while job analysis, descriptions and specifications are priority. Last but not least ethics cannot be compromised, due to being a reflection of the company standard and longevity.

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