...Business Writing Portfolio Name Professor Name Class Number and Title University Name December 11, 2000 Part I - Communication and Collaboration Strategy Step 1: Identify the target audience. The audience for the business letter includes Store Managers. The audience for the business memo is store employees. The audience for the e-mail message includes retail customers and the public. Step 2: Identify the communication types that will be used. For the Store managers, a business letter will be used. For Store employees, a business memo will be used. For retail customers and the public, an email message will be used. Step 3. Identify the appropriate communication styles for each audience. For the store managers, using a business letter, the style will be formal. For the store employees, using the business memo, the style will be persuasive. For the retail customers and the public, I will spin the message to the advantage of the store, while making them feel that they are not losing anything. Step 4. Write the communication. Step 5. Read and rewrite, as necessary. Step 6. Put it aside for a while. Come back to it and, if necessary, rewrite again. Step 7. Distribute message to recipients. Part II – Portfolio Item #1 – Business Letter John Doe 5555 Deer Way Anywhere, Anystate Anyzip December 11, 2009 Store Manager Store Name Store Street Address or PO Box Store City, Store State Store Zip Dear (Name of...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix H Business Writing Portfolio XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication University of Phoenix Reflection During this course XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication I have learned many new tools that I really never paid attention to before. I have been working in an office for ten years now and I realized that when we hear the work communication we automatically think about a phone conversation, email between people, or just a meeting in person. Taking this class has really opened up my eyes and that communication is really not only about how you feel about something and the way that you communicate it is the way that you can listen and read what other people are actually telling you. Since taking this class I have made it a strong point to make sure I am really paying attention to what the other person has to say. Whether it is on the phone, through emails or in person, I make it a point that I fully understand what the reciprocator is saying and what they really want. Once I really pay attention to this I am able to communicate back and once this happens we will be able to carry on good communication. I have also noticed that if I have any questions I know that the only way I will be able to understand is to ask the questions that I need to ask an order to full understand what is needed or wanted from me. Business Writing Graphic Organizer REVISING – Once the document has been composed. We then prepare...
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...Running Head: 76587456 BUSINESS WRITING PORTFOLIOS Business Writing Portfolio Name: Institution: Course: Date: Introduction The work of a Public Relations Manager is to keep employees updated on the relevant information pertaining to the company. He/ she have to inform the relevant stakeholders about changes in corporate policy which is likely to cause impact on operation, revenue and the general reputation of the company. One such scenario of changes may take place due to rise in the cost of gas. The adverse effect may be felt when retail hours are being adopted in order to acclimatize with the changes. In this situation, public relations manager must inform stakeholders such as store managers, employees and retail customers as well as the general public. This particular kind of message must be communicated to the audience through various medium of business communication which may involve letters, memos and retail messages. The Public Relations Manager should ensure that the information channeled to the audience is well formed and delivered successfully. It is important to note that forming and delivering a successful message takes various writing steps. Business Writing Steps In choosing out the business step, it should be put into consideration that the target reader has the time to read the letter or access the information through email. Much focus should be paid to what is being said and what it means to the employees and the investment. It should...
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...Business Writing Portfolio Part I: Business Writing Steps • Do an audience analysis • Identify o The target audience Store managers Store employees Retail customers and the public o The communication channels Oral or written o What the message is set to do Persuade, inform, praise or shock (Townsend Hall, 2005) • Organize o The structure and format of the message o Keep communication simple and to the point. o Proofread the message o Deliver the message • Follow-up o Was the message clear to the audience o Does the audience have additional questions o Determine if extra communication is required Part II: Portfolio Business Letter: Store Managers Hook Retail 1234 Main Ave Charlotte, NC 28213 January 19, 2010 Mrs. Sophia Walker 532 Shortbend Road Charlotte, NC 27563 RE: Hook Retail Stores Modified Operations Dear Mrs. Walker, We would like to thank you for your dedication and hard work you have provided this company over the years. You may be aware of the increase in gas prices. Due to the rise, it is causing higher costs to the company as well as inflating gas bills for managers and employees commuting to work. We want to take this opportunity to inform you of the upcoming changes to our retail chains. These changes should ease your current position, save our employees’ money and time, and in the end guarantee the survival of our company. Effective February 1, 2010, a workday will consist of 10 hours. This...
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...Business Writing Portfolio COM/285 September 6, 2010 Matthew McCallister Business Writing Portfolio Part I: Business Writing Steps [pic] Part II: Portfolio 9/6/2010 The Retail Store 123 Any St. Anywhere, TX 76013 Dear The Retail Store Mangement Team The board of directors for The Retail Store has determined that scaling back the hours of our retail operations. Beginning next month, all stores will be closed on Sundays, and will open one hour later and close one hour earlier Monday through Saturday. All full-time employees, including the management team, will work four, 10-hour days each week. Part-time employees will consolidate their hours in one, two, or three workdays each week, depending upon the amount of hours they work. It has become necessary t hat we take action for both the sake of our employees and the companies’ bottom line. Working fewer days each week will help employees combat rising gas prices, enabling them to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets. This move will also help the company keep operating costs lower and maintain a steady profit margin. As a member of The Retail Store management team, we are relying on you to institute these changes within your stores, workout any issues that may arise with this change, and as always, we are open to any and all suggestions you may have to offer in cost cutting and sales initiatives. The Retail Store Deric Bentley President and CEO The...
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...• Part I: Business Writing Steps ❖ Analysis of the Problem ➢ Who is (are) your audience(s)? ✓ Store Managers ✓ Store Employees ✓ Consumers and Public ➢ What are your purposes in writing? ✓ present information regarding changes in retail store operations to three sets of stakeholders ➢ What information must your message include? ✓ explain adjustments that allow employees to come to work on fewer days a week in an effort to combat rising gas prices and save money on store operations ✓ Stores close on Sundays. ✓ Monday through Saturday, stores open an hour later and close an hour earlier. ✓ Full-time employees, including managers, work four 10-hour days a week. ✓ Part-time employees consolidate their hours in 1-, 2-, or 3-day workweeks, depending on how many hours they are scheduled to work. ✓ No stores are closing, and no new stores are opening. ➢ How can you build support for your position? What reasons or benefits ✓ an effort to combat rising gas prices and save money on store operations. ➢ Will your reader find convincing? ✓ yes ➢ What objection(s) can you expect your reader(s) to have? What negative ✓ Some people may not like working a ten hour day ✓ Customers may wish to shop on Sundays...
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...Business Writing Portfolio Sharon Tucci XCOM 285 October 7, 2012 Karen Blatter-Schieler Capstone Checkpoint - Reflection Sharon Tucci XCOM/285 October 5, 2012 Karen Blatter-Schieler In this class I have learned effective writing skills which I plan to use when needed in my current job and more importantly my future job whatever that may be. My current job is very informal and does not require me to write very often. Once I graduate college I plan to leave this position behind and move forward in the banking industry which I know will be much more professional. It is there where I really plan to utilize these skills, whether I will be writing internal memos, corresponding with clients, preparing a report for my superior, or writing e-mails. I think one of the most important lessons I learned in taking this class was the difference between academic writing and business writing. Especially since I am currently a student it can be difficult to make that transition. Writing papers for class I am used to trying to impress my instructor with an extensive vocabulary and using a lot of “fluff” to make my papers flow and to meet certain word requirements. Where in business writing I do not want my audience to need a dictionary to translate what I am saying, most people are busy and will probably be juggling several tasks while trying to read the document. It needs to be quick and to the point delivering only necessary information. This is a class that I think everyone...
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...customers. Management in all business and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. It can also be referred to the person or people who perform the acts of management. In management there are many different duties that comprises this department in any business or company. They do all the planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, and controlling of the organization which is compiled of a group of one or more people or entities and all the various aspects of the business in effort to accomplish their desired goals and accomplishments. It is very important that a manager knows all aspects of the company they are managing. It is also vital that they know what the policies are for the company when deciding what is ethical or morally right. When knowing this information, the manager can then implement and enforce the company's policies on ethical behavior. Consistency is very important for managers when dealing with ethical issues. If one employee gets punished for doing something immoral and unethical, the manager must do the same punishment for any other individual who violates or preforms anything unethical at any time. There are rules and regulations that need to be followed by everyone in the company and if they are violated then the proper procedures need to be taken with consequences for their actions. Business ethics is the...
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...Business Communication Trend Abraham Fetalvero University of Phoenix Com 285 Bill Liesman August 23, 2011 Business Communication Trend Exchange of information for business, clients, and customers is paramount in business communication. Current trend in business communication is constantly changing. There are ten trend in business, government, and non-profit organizations affect businesses and administrative communication: Technology changes, including information overload and data security versus privacy; a focus on quality and customers’ needs; entrepreneurship; teamwork, diversity; globalization and outsourcing; legal and ethical concerns; balancing work and family; job flexibility; and the rapid rate of change (Locker & Kienzler, 2008). Businesses adapt quickly to new forms of technology that enhances the experiences of workers. New software and programs are always available in the market that can help businesses, with the new programs; employees have to be trained, so that employees will have the knowledge to operate the programs or devices. In professional setting, business communication plays many roles in day-to-day activities. Everything I do involves communication. Good flow of business communication is about sharing information that is useful to co-workers, business partners and clients. I used to be employed with the Department of Defense, where business communication is very important. The role of business communication in my job involves...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix H Business Writing Portfolio XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication University of Phoenix Associate Level Material Appendix G |Submission Checklist | | |Cover page | | |Reflection | | |Business Writing Graphic Organizer | | | | | |Store Operations Messages | | |Business Letter | | |Memo | | |E-mail | | |E-mail Etiquette CheckPoint | | |Report | | ...
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...Business writing Steps, Portfolio, and Reflection COM 285 – Introduction to business Communication October 31, 2011 Business Writing Steps, Portfolio, & Reflection Part I: Business Writing Steps Planning Planning is effective when you analyze, pick the perfect medium, and gather the information. The key to planning successfully is to compile information what will satisfy the basic requirements of the audience. It is necessary that the correct medium is considered when planning to write a document. These tools are important to manage the information so that an effective message is presented. Writing Writing is the next step after planning the most effective way to connect with the audience. The cultural behavior and method of style of the audience will influence the structure of the writing, and therefore the composition of the message will be considered effective because of choice of words and sentence structure. Revising Revising will assist me in evaluating his or her words and making sure that the structure of the message is accepted by the target audience. The question is, “Will the delivery of the message be accepted.” To revise the written work, changes can be done to the structure of the sentences; correct grammar or adding more words to give a sentence a different tone. Examine whether the goal set for the document has being achieved. Editing Editing is the final step in the writing process. The format of a document is important...
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...Final Project Overview Business Writing Portfolio During this course, you will complete six writing pieces to be compiled and submitted as your Business Writing Portfolio. Each assignment, with the exception of the reflection, must be revised by incorporating your instructor’s feedback and your understanding of the writing process. You are encouraged to use the tools available in the Center for Writing Excellence; of particular importance are WritePointSM and Tutor Review. WritePointSM submission will help reduce the amount of editing and rewriting you may have to do in finalizing the documents for your portfolio. The Business Writing Portfolio, submitted in Week Nine, must showcase your best work. Deliverables List and Portfolio Document Ordering 1. Cover page 2. Reflection 3. Business Writing Graphic Organizer 4. Week Five assignments—two parts 5. Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report 6. Submission Checklist 7. PowerPoint® presentation, submitted as a separate attachment 8. Final Project Timeline 9. You should budget your time wisely and work on this project throughout the course. As outlined below, some assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete the project. 10. • Suggested in Week One: Print this Appendix and keep a copy of Appendix G in a folder with other work from this...
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...Business Writing Portfolio Business Writing Portfolio Jacky Baker COM/285 January 04, 2011 Kenneth Mack Part I: Business Writing Steps Planning Analyzing the problem, defining your purposes, and analyzing the audience. Brainstorming information, benefits, and objections to include in the document. Gathering the information you need—from the message you’re answering, a person, a book, or the Web. Choosing a pattern of organization, making an outline, creating a list, writing headings. Writing Putting words on paper or on a screen. Writing can be lists, fragmentary notes, stream-of-consciousness writing, incomplete drafts, and ultimately a formal draft. Revising Evaluating your work and measuring it against your goals and the requirements of the situation and audience. The best evaluation results from re-seeing your draft as if someone else had written it. Will your audience understand it? Is it complete? Convincing? Friendly? Getting feedback from someone else. Is your pattern of organization appropriate? Does a revision solve an earlier problem? Are there any typos in the final copy? Adding, deleting, substituting, or rearranging. Revision can be changes in single words or in large sections of a document. Editing Checking the draft to see that it satisfies the requirements of Standard English. Here you’d correct spelling and mechanical errors and check word choice and format. Unlike revision, which can produce major changes...
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...A. (Hons) in Hotel Management Business Ethics HM 04/28 Module Handbook 2011-2012 Module Leader: Rakesh Katyayani Email: rakesh.katyayani@tajhotels.com rakesh.katyayani @ihma.ac.in HM 04 / 28 Business Ethics Introduction: This module examines the values and value conflicts inherent in the modern practices of the business world, investigates the major philosophical issues that challenge the conduct of ethics as a rational enterprise, exposes students to major traditions in philosophical normative ethics and applies those traditions to specific value conflicts in the business world. A critical thinking component is included in the course. Specific problems relating to topics such as corporate responsibility, employee rights, and the nature of the free enterprise system, environmental concern and ethical business practices. In deciding how to act, managers reveal their inner values, test their commitment to those values, and ultimately shape their characters. In general, Ethics is both an academic “subject” and a thoughtful way of doing things. Theoretical Ethics is that branch of Philosophy concerned with determining what is right (with regard to principles and actions) and what is good (what ends or ideals are worth pursuing and what values are worth holding). Practical Ethics is the art or techne (know-how) of figuring out how to make things better rather than worse with regard to concrete or actual situations. Business Ethics is a type of applied ethics...
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