...Homework Assignment: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 NOTE: Follow the instructions for sending your homework to me that you’ll find in the Learning Module 1 Lecture Notes. START COPY HERE (Chapter 3)************************************************************ Your Name: Xin Song Chapter 3 Homework (type your answer below each question; keep your responses concise) 1. Why is outsourcing such an attractive way for firms to tap into foreign markets? What are the risks of foreign outsourcing? 2. What are the key elements of sociocultural barriers to trade? How can companies overcome these barriers? 3. How has NAFTA impacted the U.S.? Overall, do you believe that it was a positive move for the U.S.? Why or why not? 4. Take a look at Fortune magazine’s most recent list of the 500 largest global companies ( HYPERLINK "http://fortune.com/global500/" http://fortune.com/global500/). (If this link doesn’t work, just copy and paste the URL in your browser.) What are the top 10 companies on the list? What industry, if any, dominates this Top 10 list? What country, if any, dominates this Top 10 list? What country dominates the overall Global 500 list? 5. From golden arches to blockbuster movies, American business has clearly influenced cultures around the world. But foreign industries and companies have also shaped American culture. Brainstorm a list of 5 foreign goods or services that have influenced American culture; include the specific good or service as well as its country...
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...A business analyst is seen as a domain expert or a subject matter expert – different from the league of coders/ testers at Infosys. This means, you are expected to do a lot of domain trainings. I have done many in the past and tell you what – the experience has been good. As a trainer you need to do your homework properly and be up-to-date in your chosen domain. Presales is another stream. As a presales anchor at Offshore – you should be able to handle Client Visits and lend Proposal support. This involves market research/ deck preparation. A deck is a suite of inputs – Value proposition of services, staffing plan, costing etc. As a presales anchor at onsite (or locations abroad), you can be projected as a BDM, and you literally get to acquire clients. Apart from this, one can be into Delivery. In delivery, you would be expected to carry out user acceptance testing, suggest improvements to the project has been managed and services have been offered to clients. Also, one has to review test cases, even do testing (depends on your luck – manual/automation/performance are the possibilities) Requirements gathering is yet another path that a BA gets to traverse. A requirements analyst – engineers requirements, gathers and documents them. You get to due-diligence of clients’ applications and interface with them to understand their requirements better. These are some of the streams that I am able to think of Will add more as and when I recollect..Hope this is...
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...Ahmed Shaqo Business Economics GM545 Spring session A 2012 Adam.gmail.com Chapter-25 question 14 Why might protections trade barriers not save American jobs or benefit the economic? First of all I would like to defined what protection trade barriers means, it’s a measure that government or public authorities introduce to make imported goods or service less competitive than locally produce goods or service. The government has much way to apply trade barriers such as Tariffs, quotas, embargoes, license required, and regulations establishing health and safety. Protection trade barriers does not save American jobs or benefit the economic for a several reasons: 1- It would cause a limited choice of product and would therefore force customer to pay higher prices and accept inferior quality, for example Tariffs are taxes will increase the imported products’ price which has the same quality as goods produce by local suppliers that will cause the customer to pay more for product he could have it for cheap price. 2- Quotas is a legal limit on amount that can be imported, which may cause raise price on the foreign product, , for example if we import ten million technology product from china every year that mean we need this amount because is cheaper and has good quality’s. Government put a limitation for import technology product from china to five a million part a year, that will make this particular product cost more money, because the foreign country knows that...
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...Assignment 1 1. Research method The following is a brief description of a sociological research project. Read it over and answer the questions about the methods used below. Dr. Cheney researches culture and social movements, specifically how social movements generate social change by challenging commonly-held values. In order to study this process, she focused on an organization, Vegan World Network, which attempts to persuade community members to forgo the use of animal products for food or clothing. Since no previous research had been conducted on a group of this type, Dr. Cheney decided to attend the group’s monthly meeting. During the meeting she introduced herself, her research project, and asked permission to observe the group during meetings, protests, and other activities, which she was granted. After 6 months of observation Dr. Cheney began to ask group members a series of open-ended questions about their eating habits, political goals, and biographical history. a.Which of the four major “sources of evidence” is being utilized here? What indicated this to you? * b. Was this study deductive or inductive? Why? This study is deductive since Dr Cheney persuade to forgo the use of animal products for food or clothing by group meeting, observation, asking questions. c. Did the researcher assume an obtrusive or unobtrusive role? Explain. The researcher assume an unobtrusive role because she asked permission to observe group meeting and ask members a series of open-ended...
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...Homework week 4 Chapter 15 2. Demand for Soft Shag 3month weighten 3month Month Carpet (1,000 yd.) moving avg moving avg 1 8 - - 2 12 - - 3 7 - - 4 9 9 9.2 5 15 9.3333 9.99 6 11 10.3333 8.62 7 10 11.666 11.22 8 12 12 9.78 9 - 11 10.79 Total 84 a. 3-month moving average b. weighted 3-month avg., weights of .55, .33, and .12 to the moths in sequence. Month 4= 8(.55)+12(.33)+7(.12) = 4.4+3.96+.84= 9.2 5=12(.55)+7(.33)+9(.12)= 6.6+2.31+1.08= 9.99 6= 7(.55)+9(.33)+15(.12)= 3.85+2.97+1.8= 8.62 7= 9(.55)+15(.33)+11(.12)= 4.95+4.95+1.32= 11.22 8=15(.55)+11(.33)+10(.12)=4.95+3.63+1.2= 9.78 9= 11(.55)+10(.33)+12(.12)=6.05+3.3+1.44= 10.79 C. MAD Month Error Error (absolute) 1 - - 2 – - 3 – - 4 - - 5 5.667 5.667 6 .667 .667 7 -1.666 1.666 8 - - 9 - - Total 4.668 8 MAD = 4.668/3= 1.556 MAPD= 8/84= 0.0952 = 9.5% 6.a Ft+1=aDt + (1-a)Ft Month Gasoline Demanded Exponential Demanded (gal) Smoothing October 800 November 725 F2=0.3*800+0.7*800= 800 December 630 777.5 January 500 733.25 February 645 663.275 March 690 657.793 April 730 667.454 May 810 686.218 June 1,200 723.353 July 980 866.347 MAPD | | Error | Absolute | 800 | | | | 725 | 800 | -75 | 75 | 630 | 777.5 | -147.5 | 147.5 | 500 | 733.25 | -233.25 | 233.25 | 645 | 663.275 | -18.275 | 18.275 | 690 | 657.7925...
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...Abdirahman Farah 1915 Martin Grove, Etobicoke, Ontario M9V3T2 Tel: (647) 702 8919 Email: abdi_somalian@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------- OBJECTIVE: To work with a dynamic organization to learn and develop the skills that are required to enhance my knowledge in creativity and to get the opportunity to interact with people from diverse background. SUMMARY OF SKILLS * Proven track record of providing outstanding service to diverse client groups. * Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain rapport with team members and clientele. * Quick learner, reliable and creative. * Goal - oriented, highly motivated, hardworking, organized and punctual. * Outstanding written and verbal communication skills. * Willing and eager to learn new procedures and methods. * Consistent ability to work under pressure while multi-tasking. * Physically fit and able to lift heavy weight (30+kg). * Excellent knowledge of MS Word and MS Excel. * Languages known English, Arabic and Somalian. KEY QUALIFICATIONS * Over 4 years of experience as General Labourer and Cashier. * Physically fit, hardworking, and talented to follow instructions rapidly and professionally. * Demonstrated ability to quickly gain knowledge, follow safety precautions, and become helpful with numerous kinds of tools. * Able to work on dissimilar crews...
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...Unit 2 – Probability and Distributions Sherrill Walker American InterContinental University Abstract Statistics is the science that we use to conduct studies, summarizes, analyze and this is how we make our conclusion from each data. (Bluman, 2010). Memo To: AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL UNION From: SHERRILL WALKER Date: November 20, 2011 Subject: Value of statistics Dear [ [Recipient] ]: AIU HEAD I will be providing statistic by using several data value from a sample that has been provided. Overview of the data set Data can be used in several ways. When collecting such data they then become a set. In this data set we will be using the qualitative variables as well as the quantitative variables. Qualitative variables are the ones that can place in categories such as gender. Quantitative variables can be ordered or rank such as extrinsic, or intrinsic. Use of statistics and probability in the real world In this article watch your weights stated that weights are a sample count. Surveys were used in a simple random sample. Surveys were done of the general population of the US and they hardly ever use simple random samples because chances are everyone will ne inclusion. Weights are variables that determine how much each respondent counts. Distributions In this table you will find the gender, age department, position, tenure with company, extrinsic or extrinsic. Below you can see my findings and the probability that I have came up with. This...
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...Amazon is and has been one of online's most used web-based, although not yet hit to be the number one online data-base to most people. Amazon is still competing with giant Web-bases online, which are Microsoft, Google, and many others. I feel that the company is not moving away from its core competency of being an online retailer. They have done nothing to show that they are moving away from their core. Amazon is known to be the largest retailer online, but not yet has proven itself with profit growth that is to be expected. Amazon can be used in many different ways by online users, it is a very helpful web-based for business, online shopping, and even storage. To build its online store, Amazon has spent 12 years and about 2 billion dollars to put into infrastructure, which is the biggest in the world and among all. Which brings me to explaining the different components of Amazon, in which makes it easer for companies and individuals to help run their businesses in a more logic way. The first component is Simple Storage Service (S3), with (S3), to store data and applications on the Amazon disk drives, Amazon charges 15cent per gigabyte. The next component is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), with (EC2), starting at 10 cent per hour, Amazon rents out processing power. Lastly is Mechanical Turk, which are employees who are well trained and paid people to take care of kind of work that machines cannot do, like recognizing inappropriate images. By Amazon creating these components, it...
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...Parth Vyas Econ- 312 Enron bankruptcy Enron Corporation was an American energy company based in Houston, Texas, United States. His company was formed in 1986 through the merger of two natural gas pipeline firms, Houston Natural Gas. Enron started out as a natural gas company put together by Kenneth Lay. Enron's natural gas pipeline brought the company much success. Supplying natural gas was a lucrative business. Enron senior management falsified accounting records to make it look like they made a lot more money than they actually made. Stock prices don't continue to rise unless Net Income is increasing every quarter and every year. Enron did a fraud in stocks. Enron established to shield itself from mark-to-market losses in its growing equity investment business. Enron and all publically traded companies are required to report on their finances to the public and to the Securities and Exchange Commission who regulates financial reporting over publically traded companies. The problem for Enron was that after some successes the traders began to have some financial failures and Enron was no longer really making a profit. The market traders, who were effectively just high-stakes gamblers, were no source of profits but instead a major source of loss themselves. People formerly involved with the company, such as creditors, auditors, the SEC and accounting regulators, it’s a nightmare for them. Enron essentially failed because the executives did not want to admit defeat. They had...
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...Club IT Club IT is a nightclub owned and operated by Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada. The club has retained and even increased its niche customer base making it a success, so far. The evenings are usually the busiest time for Club IT because locals enjoy going out to eat, drink, and socialize with friends. Ruben and Lisa decided with this success it is time to expand; more specifically, they want to expand on their information system for more than profitability to the club but to allow their customers additional information and reliability. A nightclub is a different type of business and there is much to learn, through monitoring I have come to learn the clubs current needs and their targeted demographics. Club IT offers their patrons a high-energy night of food, drinks, music, and dancing in an energetic, friendly, and safe atmosphere. Club IT has a clientele ranging from those in their early 20s to the mid or late 30s. Most of the club’s clientele are considered to be of the Net Generation, and sometimes referred to as Millennial; these are people who embrace new and the most popular technologies as soon as they are released. Oftentimes technology clever individuals will wait in lines for hours to gather the newest technology products. The Net Generation customer is constantly changing so the club needs to ensure he or she do not become bored and take his or her business elsewhere. Club IT has a website, but it is not using it to the fullest potential, the club needs to promote...
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...Royalty Statement Project Description: You manage a small publishing company in Austin, Texas. You publish and sell hardback and paperback novels to regional bookstores. At the end of every six-month period, you prepare royalty statements for the authors based on the net sales and a standard royalty rate. Your assistant prepared a standard royalty statement for one author. You need to insert formulas to calculate missing values and format the worksheets. In addition, you need to insert worksheets to prepare a royalty statement for other authors. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step | Instructions | Points Possible | 1 | Start Excel. Download and open the workbook named Exploring_e01_Grader_EOC.xlsx. | 0 | 2 | Enter the text Royalty Statement in cell A1. Merge and center the title over the range A1:C1. Change the font size of the title to 16, and apply bold formatting. Change the font color to Purple (under Standard Colors).Hint: Use the Font and Alignment groups on the Home tab to make these changes. | 9 | 3 | Insert a new row between rows 13 and 14. Enter Standard Discount Rate in cell A14, 0.55 in cell B14, and 0.5 in cell C14. Format the two values in B14 and C14 as Percent Style.Hint: To insert the new row, right-click the header for row 14 and then click Insert. | 10 | 4 | In cell B15, enter the formula to calculate the price to the bookstore. The price to the bookstore is calculated...
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...5. Macro environmental factors: India has largest pool of skilled labour and professionals who can be employed in various capacities. The wage rate is far lower than in the western countries which provides good leverage factor. The natural resources are abundant with good availability of raw material for furniture industry. The most important factor is that country is technological advanced and thus it forms the rare combination of low cost operations coupled with technological infrastructure. How will this decision support the overall goal of growth and expansion? The overall growth and expansion of the company will be affected by the market aggressiveness and ease of market expansion in the coming years. India is a growing economy that has posted a steady and positive growth rate in the recent few years. The impact of economic growth can be seen in the number of retailers that have become part of Indian economy in last decade. It is imperative for the company to leverage the untapped market and expand in regions which are not been explored by other furniture giants. Since, J and D furniture is a domestic firm, in order to finance its growth in other regions, it needs to venture into the areas where the labour cost is less and availability of skilled labour is high. In the later stages, the company can also outsource its manufacturing to the facilities in India and just keep design and innovation to the headquarters. This will help the company to have a strong control...
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...India, Israel to explore joint defence equipment manufacturing, R&D 1 of 3 http://www.ibtimes.co.in/india-israel-explore-joint-defence-equipment... India will send a business delegation to Tel Aviv to participate in a defence and security seminar to be held from Feb.21 to 25 in order to explore investment and manufacturing opportunities in collaboration with Israeli companies. The Indian delegation, consisting of enterprises with interests in defence, aerospace and security, will look at joint R&D, co-development and co-production of defence equipment at the seminar being organised jointly by India's Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci) and SIBAT, the International Defence Cooperation Directorate of Israel's Ministry of Defence. "The mission will connect companies in Israel to the Indian industry through B2B networking sessions and meetings with leading industry organisations, senior government officials, OEMs and procurement agencies in Israel to facilitate greater cooperation," Ficci said in a statement. Israel has said it is willing to work in the area of defence under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Make in India" initiative. "In the field of defence, we are open for the concept of transfer of advanced technology and joint development. Both our governments as well as the Israeli companies that are already implementing projects in India are ready to engage with relevant partners under the 'Make in India' initiative to create...
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...Internal and External Factors Paper David Munoz, Raymond Richards, Noemie Neipert, Donald Robertson University of Phoenix MGT/230 - MANAGEMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE MU12BSB05 Dr, Zeneo Williams 08/20/2012 Internal and External Factors Paper Internal and external factors can play a big part on management in negative or positive ways. This paper will cover some of the factors that arise both internally and externally within a company that can and will affect individuals in management positions. This paper will cover factors dealing with globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics. Furthermore this paper will explain how factors in some of the categories mentioned can affect some aspects in the four functions of management. According to Bateman (2011), Management is broken down into four functions planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Chapter 1). An overall definition of management is working with people and resources to achieve organizational goals. Performing these actions can be made more difficult by factors within a company and factors external to that company. A large worldwide company such as Toyota must keep a lot of factors in mind while also attempting to accomplish these goals. Managers play a vital role in adapting to situations within companies such as Toyota they must be aware of changes and situations on a global scale. Some examples will be provided on how managers have to deal with planning, organizing, leading...
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...Business Resources P1 Describe the recruitment documentation used in a selected organisation Documentation is very much required while recruiting personnel. This will be useful for both the parties. Different Organizations deal with different procedures with regard to recruitment documentation. However, the following are some of the important recruitment documents in general used by different organisaitons: i) Offer Letter ii) Appointment Order iii) Physical Fitness Certificate iv) Indemnity Bond v) Cancelled Cheque All these documents are very much necessary for the both i.e. for Organisations and for the persons to be employed to avoid legal complications which normally affect on the day to day administration of the Company as well as the employees. i) Offer Letter: Offer letter contains invitation to a person for appoint him/her for a specific post/ position. It also contains Salary, Perks, Position, responsibilities, facilities etc., The following is an offer letter for the post of Staff Accountant to be recruited in the Fischer, Johnson, Zuelke and Company P.A. ii) Appointment Order : There are some similarities in Offer Letters and Appointment Letters. But both are different. Once the conditions fulfilled by the candidates (if they agree) either orally or in written, the appointment letter / Order will be issued to the candidate. The model Appointment letter of Institute of Educational Research and Studies Primary Teachers’ Training...
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