Premium Essay

Bust Of A Flavian Woman Analysis

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Words 532
Pages 3
Roman art has entranced people for centuries and continues to do so even today. One notable piece of roman art is the Portrait Bust of a Flavian Woman. Her outrageous hairstyle and slender features offer a glimpse into the fashion and beauty of the ancient women of the Roman Empire. She is a statue bust that offers both mystery and knowledge. To begin with some background of the statue, the artist that created her is unknown. However, we do know that The Flavian Woman was created sometime during the Flavian dynasty between 69 AD and 96 AD (Vasta, 107). She is referenced in “Great grandmothers: the female portrait sculpture of Aphrodisias: origins and meaning”, by Dr. Long as being “one of earliest known uses of the Ceres body type in a portrait

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