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How Did Ww1 Affect Canada

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World War I lasted over four years, but America was not involved until the last seventeen months. The arrival of the United States strengthened the Allies and the Central Powers pleaded to surrender. Many soldiers were killed in this war but, World War I did not have the same detrimental effects as the Civil War. World War I had a major impact on literature at the time, many people debated about "the responsibilities of the United States in relation to the rest of the world" (Loeffelholz pp. 201). Many writers wanted the United States to enter the war earlier to help the European countries that the writers held dear. America decided the Central Powers went too far and joined the war when Germany started attacking ships with American passengers on it. America quickly joined the war with the support of its citizens and a host of new government agencies. With media being more widespread than ever before the government made a law, the Espionage Act, that stated any opinion shared through media could not "interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces" (Loeffelholz pp. 202). This infuriated many …show more content…
After his college graduation he moved to Paris where he would one day become an influential writer about how terrible the trench warfare was in France. He was one of the many authors that encouraged Americans to fight with France out during their time of need. In his poem, "I have a Rendezvous with Death…", Alan Seegar is portraying the viewpoint of a soldier who realizes that he could die at any moment. The soldier allows the reader to understand the thoughts of someone that is faced with death every day. At one point the soldier is saying that it would be easier to die and let Death take him away. This poem proves that Alan Seegar wanted America to get involved in the war to save the Allies from the tragic losses of

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