The laundry business is an up and coming business that has seen growth over the
past years due to many factors such as long workdays or school days. Creating a laundry
pick up and delivery service is one way to help make those days seem shorter and
provides its customers with the highest level of convenience possible. Our company
values its customers as well as their clothing in order to provide the best worry-free
The first thing every business should think of is its potential customers, who
they’re going to be, and how to attract customers. For my business located in Madison,
New Jersey I have chosen to select college students as well as dual income families that
may not have time to do house hold chores such as laundry. College students being the
bulk of my potential customers, I plan on providing the same service they may have
received at home either mom, dad or someone besides themselves doing the laundry.
This type of “mom away from home” strategy would attract students that never have
done laundry before. Parents and guardians may also buy into the idea because it is a
cheap affordable way for their children’s clothing to be washed and cleaned correctly
without the chance of damage or the expense to buy new clothing. For a laundry delivery
business you want a quick, clean and affordable service for your consumers. Madison is
a great place for this service because of its growing population and surrounding colleges.
According to the 2012 population Madison, New Jersey contains 16,128 people and has
increased by 2.4% since the year 2000 (Madison, NJ). Also within the three colleges that
surround Madison, NJ, FDU, Drew and St. Elizabeth’s there is a population of over 8,000
students (FDU).
Our mission at our laundry pick up and delivery business is to provide our
customers with the most convenience possible and with a fair price so anyone can afford.
Our business is not to drain anyone’s wallets but to enhance the lives of each of our
customers in a positive way. Our vision for the future is to expand into other college
populated cities and to link up with colleges to establish pick up and drop off areas for
the highest possible convenience. As we gain customers on college campuses our goal is
to lower the price so we can provide college students with not only the best service but
with the most affordable prices as well. For the first year we will advertise heavily which
may cause our expenses to be high but we will limit our employees to keep dividends
low. Two major goals for our business is to link up with surrounding colleges and
provide excellent services for an affordable price.
The service our company will be providing is a laundry pick up, wash and fold,
delivery service. What makes us different from other laundry services is that we offer
the pick up and delivery convenience but most importantly we provide prices comparable