...style of sitting Style 1 -Benches that can fit no more than 4pax -Comfy seating benches that are ergonomically fitted to the general public * Well lit * Middle seating has round tables, provides another choice for guests if they don’t want benches. * Spacing for easy access for staff and customers Style 2 * Middle island for those who have larger groups OR an individual by him/herself and does not want to take up a table. * This can be incorporated into our middle area, the spacing of tables next to it is sufficient to move around. * Benches are easily moved around * Creates a buzzy and interactive mood into the space Style 3 * Seating for 6pax is easily served by its narrow tunnel for staff to maneuver on the right * Crisp and clean designs * Good spacing between each compartment but still feels buzzy * Show kitchen is nicely placed, when we designed our food pass, the height of it could be similar to this. Style 4 * This is a lot more compact due to its size of outlet * Note the use of space and utilizing the gap between the 2 compartments for storage * Communal table in the middle again to give an alternative for single or for 2’s * The art and designs on the wall complement the look and style of the restaurant Style 5 * Wooden tables that are sturdy and large enough to fit our requirements if a group orders Thali platters and other items * Between each compartment is a service...
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...Works will create maximum value to its shareholders by providing our customers with quality vehicles that meet or exceed their needs and expectations in each class. We will remain on the cutting edge of technology, and keep our product line fresh through innovation and superior service. It’s in our name, our customers expect it, and it’s how we do business. We are Best. BEST MOTOR WORKS: CORPORATE STRATEGY At Best Motor Works, we are aware of whom our customers are and the best way to satisfy their needs through a product line of vehicles that are tailored to the important concerns of each of their intended users. We currently manufacture a line of three automobiles, the Boffo, the Buzzy, and the Beaut. The Boffo is our offering to the family shopper, offering safety and quality. The Buzzy is the sports car, providing unequalled performance in its class. The final car in our line-up is the Beaut, providing luxury and styling to those that can afford the best. However, an excellent vehicle selection is not enough to sustain us into the future. It is our belief that the automobile market is dynamic in nature, calling for manufacturers to be the same. Our first period produced lower than expected sales and a significant decrease in net income. This was due to costs from extensive investments in technology and new vehicle development. Through a focus on reinvestment in technology, superior dealer support, and...
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...Artifact 2 Staff I complete an observation of a staff member on Tuesday, February 27 and 28, 2018. The staff members duties are to run the front desks at a homeless shelter. Which is his to the buzzy client or any visit to the building. Once a person enters the build they are to sign in on the appointed sheet that is located on the desk for security reason. The staff member is also to monitor and document all medication that a client is taken. There is a medication room that needs to be locked at all times, that the staff member is in charge of keeping that room secure. There are groups for the clients at scheduled times during the day and the staff member is to do rounds to ensure that all the men are not in the bed and they are attending...
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...are overwhelming 80% are more likely to buy the product if the price range between $34,000 to $ 35,000. As you know, the Marketing world have a theory, which says that you should only conceder to launch a product who has at least 70% of acceptance, otherwise it more possibilities to be a failure. The base cost of this product will be $ 31,334. This concept will be an AEV car with a size of 50 with a horsepower engine of 180. Its attributes are for: Interior 8/9, Style 10/10,Safety 7/8, Quality 8/9. We are also going to spend more money to advertise our current vehicles and upgrade each of them. I am proud to say that the three of our vehicles are at the same level in terms of quality, styling, safeness and quality with our competitors. Buzzy is...
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...8/10/2015 What's Next for Alexander Wang’s Democratic Empire? | Intelligence, #BoF500 | BoF INTELLIGENCE ș ģňǻẄ řěđňǻxěŀǺ řǿf ťxěŇ ș ťǻħẄ ěřį mĚ čįťǻřčǿměĐ Ǿvěř țħě ŀǻșț țěň ỳěǻřș, Ǻŀěxǻňđěř Ẅǻňģ ħǻș bųįŀț ǻ fǻșħįǿň ěmpįřě ẅįțħ ǻ břǻňđ ǻřčħįțěčțųřě țħǻț đěfįěș țħě čǿňvěňțįǿňș ǿf țřǻđįțįǿňǻŀ ŀųxųřỳ șțřǻțěģỳ. Ẅįțħ Bǻŀěňčįǻģǻ běħįňđ ħįm, ẅħǻț'ș ħįș pŀǻň fǿř țħě ňěxț đěčǻđě ǿf ħįș ǿẅň ŀǻběŀ? ŇĚẄ ỲǾŘĶ, Ųňįțěđ Șțǻțěș — Ǻ bųżżỳ ňěẅ đěșįģňěř bųșįňěșș čǻň ǿfțěň ǻțțřǻčț ǻ fǻňbǻșě ǿf ỳǿųňģ fǻșħįǿň đěvǿțěěș, ẅħǿ čřěǻțě ǻ fųșș ǿň șǿčįǻŀ měđįǻ, șňǻp ųp țħě břǻňđ’ș ěňțřỳ-ŀěvěŀ přǿđųčțș — ǻ $300 șķįřț, șǻỳ — ǿř șǻvě ųp fǿř șǿměțħįňģ mǿřě șųbșțǻňțįǻŀ. Bųț đěșįģňěřș ģřǿẅ ųp. Țħěįř șųppŀỳ čħǻįňș ģěț șŀįčķěř; țħěįř mǻțěřįǻŀș běčǿmě mǿřě čǿmpŀěx; ǻňđ, șǿměțįměș, țħěỳ fįňđ įňvěșțměňț. Běfǿřě ỳǿų ķňǿẅ įț, țħǻț bųżżỳ ňěẅ bųșįňěșș įș fǻșț běčǿmįňģ ǻ “ģŀǿbǻŀ ŀųxųřỳ břǻňđ” ǻňđ, șǿměẅħěřě ǻŀǿňģ țħě ẅǻỳ, įț běčǿměș ųňǻffǿřđǻbŀě fǿř įțș ǿřįģįňǻŀ čųșțǿměřș. Ňǿț Ǻŀěxǻňđěř Ẅǻňģ. Ħįģħ fǻșħįǿň, ŀǿẅ fǻșħįǿň; ŀųxųřỳ, mǻșș mǻřķěț — Ẅǻňģ đǿěș įț ǻŀŀ. Ǻ Ẅǻňģ fǻň čǻň bųỳ ǻ ŀěǻțħěř bǻțħřǿbě čǿǻț fǿř $2,995 ǿř ǻ ț-șħįřț fǿř $80. Șħě čǻň bųỳ țħě jěǻňș ǿř țħě șķįřț fǿř ǻřǿųňđ $300. Ǻňđ įf șħě ģǿț țǿ țħě șțǿřě běfǿřě įț șǿŀđ ǿųț, șħě čǿųŀđ ħǻvě șčǿřěđ ǻň Ǻŀěxǻňđěř Ẅǻňģ fǿř Ħ&M șẅěǻțșħįřț fǿř $59.95. Ẅǻňģ’ș įș ǻ đěmǿčřǻțįč fǻșħįǿň ěmpįřě. Ǻňđ, ẅįțħ 26 șțǿřěș ẅǿřŀđẅįđě ǻňđ řěpǿřțěđ řěvěňųěș ǿf ǿvěř $100 mįŀŀįǿň įň 2013, įț’ș ǿňě ǿf țħě bįģģěșț ǿf ǻňỳ ỳǿųňģ đěșįģňěř ẅǿřķįňģ țǿđǻỳ. Șǿ, ħǿẅ đįđ...
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...by its contour (rising or falling) and the size of the intervals in it. A melody that uses mostly small intervals (or scale steps) and is smooth is said to be a conjunct melody. Not surprisingly, a melody that uses large intervals is called a disjunct melody. A motif (or motive) is either a very short melody or a distinctive part of a longer melody. I might describe the opening four notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as a "motific cell." Timbre – sound quality or tone color; timbre is the characteristic that allows us to distinguish between one instrument and another, and the difference between vowel sounds (for example, long "a" or "ee"). Terms we might use to describe timbre: bright, dark, brassy, reedy, harsh, noisy, thin, buzzy, pure, raspy, shrill, mellow, strained. I prefer to avoid describing timbre in emotional terms (excited, angry, happy, sad, etc.); that is not the sound quality, it is its effect or interpretation. Rather than describe the timbre of an instrument in other terms, it is often more clear just to describe the timbre by naming the instrument, once we have learned the names...
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...The job that I decided to do my career project on is a tattoo artist also called a tattooist. I picked this career because tattoo are very cool to me and it takes a lot of creativity. Also, the amount of detail that goes into a tattoo is very interesting. Next, a tattoo artist has a fun job because mostly what they do is draw pictures and then puts them on people. A tattoo artist job seems very fun, it seems very fun because on a regular day a tattoo artist mainly talks with clients about the type of tattoo they would like to have. Next, the tattoo artist will think of different ideas and draw them up so the client to see what one he/she wants. Once decided on the design the tattoo artist will prep the client for the tattoo and then start...
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...The most revolutionary aspect to the game were the people playing it. Joel Silver recounted that “It was a chance for The Columbian (the school paper) core – the intelligentsia and non-athletes of the school – to play a sport”(“History”). After finishing high school Joel Silver, Buzzy Hellring and Jonny Hines, the original players, were ready to head off to college. But before that, they had to print out the up-to-date rules. In these rules they set the standards of the game. Such as the amount of players on the field, which was seven on each team(“History”). This origin story is the first glimpse of popularity, and growth for the...
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...As stated earlier, the Hammond Organ was the first electronic instrument, though successful, was only targeted to the wealthy at the time. At the price point given, the general public was not able to own the first electronic instrument, this is where Constant Martin and the clavioline steps into play. In 1947, the clavioline was made, it was an electronic keyboard that contained separate amplifier and speaker units. The clavioline used a vacuum tube oscillator to produce a buzzy waveform, almost a square wave, which could then be altered using high-pass and low-pass filtering, as well as the vibrato. The amplifier also deliberately provided a large amount of distortion in its sound. With these innovations and the lower price point, the clavioline sold extremely well to the general masses. After the initial sales, several other companies such as Gibson and Selmar began producing various models of the clavioline which brought up the sales numbers and the number of people with an electronic instrument increased as well. All in all, the clavioline, like the Hammond Organ grandfathered in the use of electronic instruments,but on a much grander scale by having a mass production of...
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...The first job Elvis ever got was his own mowing company with his three friends Buzzy Forbes, Farley Guy and Paul Dougher. He then started working at Precision Tool. After Precision Tool, Elvis worked at plenty of other places. Presley started his singing career around 1955 and would later become an actor and in 1958 Elvis was drafted into the US army. After the army, Presley sang again. Some Things that Elvis liked to do other than singing was riding bikes and horses, taking martial arts, watching football, and reading. Major Accomplishments Elvis had some pretty good accomplishments while in his singing and acting career. One of the major accomplishments was the selling of one million records. Elvis also had about 150 songs appear on the top 100 list, about 115 of them were on the top 40, 40 were in the top 10, and 18 were...
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...Brallan Gantiva Kymberly Barron Enc1101 6-9:40 pm October 21, 2013 Reader response #3”A Wobegon Holiday Dinner “ A Wobegon Holiday Dinner is an essay, that Garrison Keillor shared a memorable Thanksgiving that he had with his family. Which he recalled after calling his cousin “Duke” (Mary Ann) of an embarrassing episode that she had in thanks giving years ago, when she vomited at that thanksgiving. This essay takes back years ago, when I had to witnessed an event that is really similar which happened to Keillor’s cousin. We were taking dinner with my sister, we were eating grilled steak. But there’s was something really weird in her grilled steak, which had a big piece of fat on it , and my sister ate it , and she puked all over her plate. It was really disgusting, and disturbing. Since then I hate grilled steak. Questions 1-4 A Wobegon Holiday Dinner 1- Keillor clearly chose a particularly memorable Thanksgiving to share in this essay. What does the vomit episode contribute to the larger story about how his family celebrated Thanksgiving? The vomit episode 2- Celebrating holidays together is often viewed as one way communities – including families – stay strong. Yet, in what respects is Keillor’s essay a response to the assumption ‘ communities provide us with a sense of stability’ Keillor’s family Thanksgiving tradition were unchanging to promote a sense of stability. But his Thanksgiving tradition with his family aren’t always...
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...Bee Movie Script According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the...
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...Insights into OTC and Pharmacy as presented at the ESOMAR Global Healthcare Conference Contents Consumer Decision Making: 4 “How potent is my potion?” Intuitive judgments in consumer decision making for OTC products - By Anjali Puri, Director, Customized Products & Services Group, Asia Pacific and co-author, Sumeet Saluja, General Manager, Marketing at Glaxo SmithKline Consumer Healthcare Fast Moving Consumer Goods and OTC products: Zoom on marketing effectiveness - Abstract by Erk Maassen, and Robert Buckeldee 20 2 Author: Anjali Puri Director, Customized Products & Services Group, Asia Pacific The Nielsen Company 2nd Floor, Block B, Sri Rama Deevana, No. 21, Ulsoor Road, Bangalore – 560042, India email: anjali.puri@nielsen.com Phone: 91-80-25559692, 91-98456-18854 Fax: 91-80-25559688 Anjali currently works with the Customized Products and Services team at Nielsen. She has over 14 years of qualitative research experience, and has worked extensively in the arena of OTC medication. Anjali is a regular presenter at ESOMAR and other international market research forums. Sumeet is currently the Category Head for Horlicks, health food drink company General Manager, Marketing in India. In his previous role, Glaxo SmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sumeet was head of the DLF Plaza Tower, DLF Phase 1, Gurgaon, Crocin brand, a popular OTC Haryana, India analgesic in India. Sumeet email: sumeet.g.saluja@gsk.com has also spent time in sales Phone: 91-124-2540700,...
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...Over the past few years, I’ve really begun to feel age. I feel it in my left eye, which sometimes leaks spontaneously—I swipe at it with the back of my wrist and people take me to be weeping. I feel it in my new habit of swinging both legs out of the car at the same time, apparently in unconscious response to a directive from the part of my brain that monitors muscle strength and balance. Having risen to my feet, I feel it in an embarrassing arthritic hobble that takes me 10 seconds to walk off, hoping all the while that other parking lot crossers aren’t noticing, though several of them seem to be suffering from the same condition, or worse. I hasten to add that though my muscles may be weakening and my joints stiffening, I’m not infirm. I’m as vigorous as I ever was, and reasonably healthy. Mentally, I’m quite intact, though my memory, always bad, grows worse. People tell me I seem younger than my years. But as I say, I’m feeling age. I feel it in my invisibility to strangers. I haven’t been nubile for many years, and never got many glances when I was. I didn’t mind that, or told myself I didn’t. I saw my ordinary looks as protective coloration, a duck blind behind which I could comfortably observe and take my shots. But I’m not at all sure I like this new kind of anonymity, which is an absolute dismissal. Even in contextualized situations like readings and receptions, eyes slide past me; internal shutters fail to click. When I was 30, I felt sure that a paradoxical...
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...According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not...
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