C.L. Barber Argued That Comedy Is All About Pleasure and Merrymaking. How Do You React to This Idea in Your Study of Much Ado About Nothing?
Submitted By rorymerrick Words 2589 Pages 11
C.L. Barber argued that comedy is all about pleasure and merrymaking. How do you react to this idea in your study of Much Ado About Nothing?
Much Ado About Nothing is heavily influenced by the inclusion of C.L. Barber’s viewpoint on comedy, that pleasure and merrymaking should be a focal point in festive comedy. Shakespeare utilizes witty mockery, satirical conversations and the Saturnalian reversal of roles to emphasize festivity and merrymaking as a main theme in his comedy as this ensures the audience can make fun and laugh at the situations displayed. But, as the audience we cannot forget that Shakespeare used this idea of pleasurable entertainment to disguise the underlying Machevellian plots of Don John and Borachio to disrupt the fairy tale type of tenor the characters could have led. Therefore, further into Much Ado About Nothing, discussions about whether Shakespeares play conforms to C.L. Barber’s argument or to what extent is C.L. Barber’s perspective disputed are risen. Initially, from reading the script of Much Ado About Nothing, the reader can respond to C.L. Barber’s argument with firm disagreement as many other genres are used to heighten the effect of comedy in the play, although C.L. Barber’s argument was specifically aimed at comedies, whilst Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is classed as a dramatic comedy, where tragedy is also hung in the balance in the climactic parts of the play. The purpose of Shakespeare’s plays in general and especially Much Ado About Nothing, is to expose the foolishness of society’s customs and unwritten laws such as the disvalue of women, whilst also reminiscing an awkward, preposterous circumstances that the audience can relate to and laugh at to disguise the true sub plot of mischief and interference.
Shakespeare uses insults to create a humorous and pleasurable atmosphere for the audience thoroughly throughout