Premium Essay

California Drought

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Pages 4
It is said that California is entering its fourth year of a record-breaking drought… Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January 2015 and imposed strict conservation measures statewide. (“California's Drought”, n.d.) an atmospheric and environmental sciences professor at the University of Albany stated that, It is obvious from what we can see from the half-million acres of parched and idle farmland to the swaths of receding reservoirs, California’s drought is a serious issue. Even with the record- breaking temperatures, we still must ask ourselves what we can do to conserve water use. California also ranks as the top farm state by annual value of agricultural products, most of which …show more content…
Farmers rely on this for an income to provide for their families. It also provides jobs for many, and food for families all over the country. For example, it is said that almonds, a major component of farming in California, use up some 10 percent of the state’s water reserves according to some estimates. (California's Drought. (n.d.) As a community we can all assist in the conservation of water. Such acts such as taking shorter showers, using sprinkler timers and following the rules and regulations provided by your city regarding the days and times allotted for your neighborhood, installing astro-turf, …show more content…
These devices, which include faucets, toilets, showerheads, washing machines and dishwashers, use significantly less water than their older counterparts, without sacrificing performance or user satisfaction. Water efficient fixtures are widely available in the market both in developed and developing countries. Compared to other mechanisms of curbing water usage, such as through prices or mandatory restriction, installation of water saving devices in new buildings and retrofitting conventional appliances in older building are much more effective and certain means of reducing water consumption. Once installed, these devices will continue saving water over their lifetime, provided there are no behavioral changes among the

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