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Calument's Restaurant Case

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Pages 3
1. . Do you think it was a reasonable decision to open the store in Calumet City based on the information available at the time Yes, I think that it was a reasonable decision to open the store in Calumet City based on the information at the time. Calumet City has a good-sized population within a five-mile radius so there are people in which the restaurant can market to. Many of the families are blue-collar families and people of these families tend to have jobs that are more manual work in society this leaves room means that they might be more likely to grab things on the go rather than go out and find a place to sit and eat. Another reason why I think that it was a good idea to open up the store was because of the heavy traffic. With the traffic being so heavy slowed this creates an opportunity for people to notice it and then think about it. Last with there …show more content…
What are you going to tell Robert? What is the purpose of the research that he needs to conduct and why? If Robert hired me, some advice I would give him would be to conduct research. Within that research you should try to find out; how much his consumers spend a week or so on restaurant food, what times does the population go out to get food, what kinds of food are they looking for when they go out to eat, and last figure out some of this information about the other restaurants that are near him. The purpose of getting this information is to figure out what who are we getting into the restaurant, how much are people (willing to) spending on average on fast food, and what kinds of things do they like when they go out to get food. With this knowledge we determine a plan of action of how to better suit the customers whether it is just by having promotions during specific hours or adding a special meal to the menu that the area likes. We can also determine the reasons why the restaurant is not making money whether it be that the customers just don’t like to spend money or they just think its too

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