...The Misrepresentation of Cambodia Sociology 300 Professor: Emmanuel Obi Althea M Pullins 01/18/2010 Abstract The history of Cambodia will be reviewed in this paper. The paper will focus on the history of Cambodia from the time that Pol Pot led the country until present time. The paper will look in detail at the genocide of Cambodia that occurred under the leadership of Pol Pot from 1975 to 1979 where an estimated 2,000,000 Cambodians died. An analysis of the political landscape will be discussed in the paper. Women culture and the treatment of women during this period will be examined. The paper will also evaluate the religious culture, the impact that various ethnicities had on Cambodia, and report on the agrarian reform in Cambodia. An exploration of why Cambodia progress in the areas of economic growth, social development, and political development has been stymied will be investigated. A comprehensive look at the educational system of Cambodia will be reviewed along with urban development. History Cambodia is juxtaposed on mainland Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam (2010). Because of Cambodia’s location, it has long been vulnerable to foreign territorial ambitions. Cambodia has struggled to maintain self-identity and survival as a nation (1993). The name “Cambodia” derives from the French Cambadge, which comes from Khmer word the People’s Republic of Kampuchaea (1979-1989), the country was known internationally as Kampuchea, but more recent...
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...Cambodia is a small country located in Southeast Asia bordering the Gulf of Thailand. ; Cambodia lies between Thailand and Vietnam. ; It occupies a total area of 181,040 square kilometers, and out of all of this, only 176,520 square kilometers are on land. ; Cambodia has a 2,572-kilometer long land boundary and 443 kilometer coastline. Cambodia has a total population of 14,088,333 as of 2010. The rural population is 10,914,732.9, and the rural poor population is 3,765,582.8 all as of 2010. Cambodia has a tropical climate like most countries in Southeast Asia. ; In this tropical climate, there is a rainy, monsoon season from May to November. ; The dry season lasts from December to April. ; The land terrain in Cambodia is mostly made up of low lands, flat plains, with mountains in the Southwest and north. ; There is a wide amount of natural resources in Cambodia. ; The natural resources include timber, gemstones, manganese, phosphates, and hydropower potential. The main kind of agriculture in Cambodia is subsistence farming. ; This is where the food you grow on your farm is for your own good. ; The opposite of subsistence farming is commercial farming where big industries farm for commercial profit. ; The Mekong river floods the fields in the wet season, making the land perfect for growing rice, which is their main cash crop. ; Even though they grow a lot of rice, their main export is rubber, and their man import is machinery. The U.S. dollars are converted into U...
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...Life Span Development in Cambodia Crystal M Rowe Harper College March 5th 2012 Cambodia is an amazing country that has overcome much recent adversity. It is a ideal recent example to study human development in a redeveloping country. In fact as far as my research has taken me there is no published research on human development or transition to adult hood in Cambodia. The country of Cambodia or officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Its total landmass is 181,035 square kilometers (69,898 sq mi), bordered by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest [ (Wikipedia) ]. Cambodia has a population size of approximately 14.8 million with the official religion is Theravada Buddhism which is practiced by about 95% of the total countries population. Cambodia is one of poorest and least developed country in the region. In 2003 Cambodia is ranked 130th out of 175 countries worldwide and the human development index was 0.556. Cambodia largest city is Phnom Penh was originally colonization by the French and has grown to become the nation's center of economic ,industrial, political and rich in cultural heritage. It was once know more commonly known as the "Pearl of Asia". Little attention has been given to life span development in Cambodia. In this paper we will go though and discuss all phases of human development from prenatal...
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...In contrast to the solid economic foundation in Cambodia, the political framework was unstable. The government faced erratic government policies and was and was ruled by unpredictable leadership. In 1863, some of the struggles ended when France took over and created its protectorate. Cambodia regained its independence in 1953 from France, while Prince Norodom Sihanouk continued to rule the country as an autocracy until 1970. He was eventually overthrown in 1970 by his prime minister, General Lon Nol and a military government was established. As a reaction to the military rule of Lon Nol, the Khmer Rouge (Red or Communist Cambodians), which were a small group of revolutionaries, waged a war with the army until 1975. Cambodia is located in southeastern Asia where it borders Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. In addition, Cambodia is a worldwide export business that exports items such as rice, cotton, and rubber. The Cambodian official language is Khmer, which is the oldest language with written record of any Southeast Asian language in stone inscriptions dating back to the seventh century. The language contains 66 consonant symbols, 35 vowel symbols, 33 superscripts, and 33 subscripts. For that, Khmer is a very hard and complex written language. Historically, Cambodia was conquered by France. At that time, only the elite people were offered a higher education with the French. Only the poor or rural people used the Khmer language. After 1979 and the end of Pol Pot’s rule, Khmer...
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...The economy of Cambodia was in poor conditions due to the genocide. It was primarily damaged by the US bombings during the Cold War. “The countryside was littered with as many as 8 million landmines.” (Text 3) The economy lying in irresponsible hands resulted in decrease of food supply and medicine and several thousands of Cambodians deceased because of malnutrition and illness. (Text 2) “In less than four years, between 1.7 million and 2.5 million people died, out of 8 million. Many succumbed to starvation or exhaustion.” (Text 3) The bombings alone caused several deaths. Even though many were forced into labor, it did not serve the country enough to sustain the economy. The genocide did not conclude until Vietnam invaded Cambodia...
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...A new frontier in discovery and exploration, Cambodia offers wonderful vistas both in and out of the water. text sol Foo Photography Paul Ferber, Kua Kay yaw & birKan Tanis charms cambodian 70-77 Siteseeing-Cambodia.indd 70 7/26/08 3:42:31 PM Photo Kua Kay yaw cambodia Photo Paul Ferber hen I was invited to dive in Cambodia, I was more than sceptical. I’d never heard of anything like that there. then Paul Ferber, manager of the Dive Shop Cambodia, set the bait: he sent me pictures. I booked the next possible flight out. After all, even if the diving were average, I knew I’d still have a good time exploring this place that is more known for Angkor Wat, the Mekong river and the killing fields. three-and-a-half-hours south-west of Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville is a whole different world. on the gulf of thailand, this place has transformed into a holiday destination, much like Phuket 20 years ago, with a similar laidback feeling and guesthouses, cafes and restaurants lining the main road. the beaches can rival some of the best in Asia. Checking into the Dive Shop Cambodia (DSC), I meet the rest of the Photo Kua Kay yaw W 71 Issue 98 • asian Diver sihanouKville New perspectives Explore a different part of Cambodia, away from its historical sites and enjoy what its waters can offer — you’ll be quite impressed! CAMBODIA crew, and we set out for the island of Koh Rung. on the way there, Ferber tells me of his plans to create more awareness of the...
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...Starbucks in Cambodia Introduction Globalization, a process of international integration from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and cultures which can benefit all countries that embrace international trade. With the right strategy to involve in international trade, a country can successfully grow economically, as well as socially. Cambodia is a country located at the central of Southeast Asia, with population of over 14.8 million people. With an open investment policy, Cambodia offers opportunities for creative entrepreneurs and dynamic businesses. It is evident through her rapid development and strong, positive growth over the last 15 years. It provides opportunities for foreign investment. In this paper, we will discuss the global coffee company-Starbucks Corporation and its potential expansion into Cambodian market. Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks has developed an internationalization strategy to enable the company to open stores and franchises in countries across the globe. They provide unique tasting products and have improvised the recipe of traditional coffee according to modern tastes. While Starbucks was very successful in its domestic market, the leaders of the company sees the potential of foreign markets and planned to expand its business to foreign countries through globalization in order to fully utilize the potential that the company had. In 2003, Starbucks...
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...Endangered Species in Cambodia Source: http://cambodia.panda.org/wwf_in_cambodia/endangered_species Special thanks to: Samnang SAN Student of Faculty of Forestry, Royal University of Agriculture for providing Khmer names to some of the wildlife below. Just 50 years ago, large herbivores like Banteng, Asian Elephant, and Eld’s Deer as well as predators like Indochinese tiger and leopard were so abundant in the Dry Forests of North and Northeast Cambodia that scientists compared this ecoregion to the savannas of East Africa. In the troubled decades that followed, however, habitat destruction and hunting greatly reduced animal numbers and diversity. Today, the largest intact dry forests in Indochina remain in north-eastern Cambodia in an area known as the Eastern Plains Landscape (EPL). Cambodia large variety of habitats both on land and in water are home to a significant diversity of threatened wildlife species. Among mammals, wild cattle and deer species as well as predators like tiger and leopard still roam the remote forests of the Eastern Plains Landscape, while a small population of Irrawaddy Dolphin inhabits the Cambodian section of the Mekong River. Birds are equally plentiful - especially Cambodia's populations of large waterbirds in both forests and wetlands stand out as globally significant. The Mekong River is also home to several endangered and iconic fish and reptile species, and critically endangered Siamese crocodile have been observed...
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...Kingdom of Cambodia: King Norodom Sihanouk wanted Consolidate/Retain Power -Khmer Republic: General Lon Nol = Attain/Maintain Power -Communist Party of Kampuchea: Pol Pot = Overthrow Khmer Republic 2. Sihanouk Policy (foreign and Domestic) -Cambodia foreign policy was based on Neutrality (non-alignment) within the region -Sihanouk received large amounts of aid from the USA *-Sihanouk maintained strong relations with China and Vietnam +Did not believe US could win the war, and thus: -Did not want to align with a loser -Did not want to upset with eventual winner (vietnam) +Cambodia Domestic Politics became polarized among classes: -King Sihanouk Urging to retain power -Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK – Khmer Rouge) led insurgency against the government. 3. Conference in Bandung: -29 countries, mostly newly independent, representing 25% of the planet and 1.5 billion people -the conference’s stated aims were to: +Promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation +Oppose colonialism or neocolonialism by the either the United States or the Soviet Union in the Cold War, or any otherImperialistic nations. -The conference was an important step toward the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement (Neutrality) -Event attended by Cambodia’s King Sihanouk 4. Destabilizing force in Cambodia: A. International: -US support General Lon Nol -China support Khmer rough -US used “strategy bombing” ( Hochiminh Trail) -Cambodia receives aids from the US. -Cambodia improves...
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...Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan IPC Working Paper Series Number 121 CHINA AND CAMBODIA: PATRON AND CLIENT? John D. Ciorciari June 14, 2013 1 CHINA AND CAMBODIA: PATRON AND CLIENT? By John D. Ciorciari * International Policy Center Working Paper No. 121 Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan June 14, 2013 Abstract In recent years, Cambodia has become one of China’s closest international partners and diplomatic allies. Cambodia’s recent support for China during multilateral talks on the South China Sea has demonstrated the strength of the partnership and led some critics to depict Cambodia as a Chinese “client state.” This paper examines the extent to which that label is valid. In its ideal form, a patron-client relationship entails an asymmetric exchange of benefits, typically including material support and protection from the stronger state and a degree of deference and political support from its weaker partner. This deference, which reduces the weaker state’s autonomy and often generates political backlash, is what makes governments reluctant to embrace client state status. This paper argues that the Sino-Cambodian relationship has strengthened largely because China has offered Cambodia’s governing elites a favorable bargain, providing extensive economic and political benefits without demanding costly forms of political fealty in return. That has begun to change, however. Cambodia’s governing elites have...
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...The twentieth century saw numerous scenes of genocide, for example, the circumstances in Rwanda and Cambodia. While both are sad, these two cases are altogether different. The distinctions incorporated the day and age; one occurring over days, and the other over years. Additionally, the objectives of the killings, with the savagery concentrated on either political or ethnic adversaries. The leader of the genocide was also different, one led by the head of the government, and the other by an entire ethnic group. In addition, the goals and methods used differed as well. In Cambodia, the genocide was driven by the communist government, once Pol Pot had seized control and occurred between 1975 to 1979. His vision for Cambodia's future was an agrarian culture, with everybody chipping away at shared ranches. The slaughtering was coordinated not really against one ethnic gathering, but rather more against individuals that contradicted the Khmer Rouge's transformation. This included potential or real political adversaries,...
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...Culture In Cambodia Cambodian culture has a rich and diverse history of the past few centuries, and was greatly influenced by India. Throughout the long history of Cambodia, the main source of inspiration was from religion. Each of the countries in the world has different cultures and how they preserve their culture. Khmer culture is very hierarchical. The greater the age, the greater the level of respect that should be given to them. Most of the population in Cambodia is still a closed-minded in dealing with culture or status among them. When husband and wife become too old to support themselves, they may invite the youngest families to move and take over the conduct of household. At this stage in their lives, they enjoy a high status position. Individual Khmer is surrounded by a small circle of family and friends that form or the closest associates, those he would approach first for help. Family consisting of husband and wife and their children who are unmarried, is the most important relationship. In these units are strong emotional ties, security assistance if a problem, economic cooperation in labour, sharing of revenue and income, and contributions as a ritual obligation of the unit. In rural communities, neighbours who are often also his possible role. In rural Cambodia, the Khmer may develop a strong relationship-other than those to the nuclear family is a close and members of other friends local communities. Strong feelings of pride, village, district, and...
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...INDEX ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………….…..3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………..……...4 INTRODUCTON…………………………………………………………………..…...…5 THE AIR (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF POLUTION) ACT…….…………………7 SALIET FEATURES OF THE ACT……………………………………..……………….9 CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDS………………………..…...…………11 STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDS……………………..…………………….13 CONCLUSION………………………………………………….………………….……15 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………….…….16 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers and class mates who have assisted me in successfully completing this project. First of all I thank my professor, Mr. Ashish George for his guidance and support. I thank the librarian for his help in selecting the books and collecting relevant materials. I also thank the University for providing me with the necessary facilities for gathering the information. Finally I thank my classmates who are always approachable with any doubts that I have and also for assisting me in preparing the project. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This paper focuses on the various aspects of the Air Act, 1981. This paper is non doctrinal research and the various concepts regarding the act have been highlighted especially the need and the authorities under the act. The source of information for this paper is mainly articles as well as books regarding the same. The paper starts with a small introduction about air pollution and the need for a legislation to combat the same. Then it...
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...from that they are not even able to try to make things better for themselves and their families. Those countries do not have the same help and those countries are known as developing countries. The country that I did my research on is Cambodia. Cambodia relies a lot on assistance. Over the years the United States has changed many times on whether it was sending any assistance to Cambodia or not. Cambodia hurts from all the war in it's past. The different war's that Cambodia has been a part of has hurt them financially. There are many positive and many negative effects that war and peace have on distribution of foreign aid. A positive outcome of war was in 1953 when they gained their freedom from France. Soon after in 1954 they joined the United Nations. The United States and Cambodia have become closer and get along well. Cambodia belongs to a lot of the same organizations that the United States does. The wars over the years and the different people in leadership have been the cause to some changes in whether Cambodia received aid from places such as the United States. During the war's of the past, Cambodia has been hurt more and more financially. War for Cambodia has caused an already poor country to lose even more. Although Cambodia is currently considered at peace it shows what war has done to them. There has been genocide,...
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...Cambodia Cambodia is a small country bordered by Thailand and Loas on the north and Vietnam on the east and south. The country has a rough population of 15 million and is the size of Missouri. The country consists mainly of grainy plains ringed by mountains and has two large body of waters Mekong River on the east side and in the center Lake Tonie Sap, which is the storage basin of the Mekong. Cambodia’s main language is 95 percent Khmer and then French and English are the other 5 percent. Their labor force is 8.8 million est. in 2012 with 75 percent of it being agriculture. The industries that they focus on mainly are tourism, garments, rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products, gem mining and textiles and that’s how the country gets a living. They also have almost 45 percent of women employed in nonagricultural sectors, which is very low for a country of any size. The country also has a very low percentage of females that have seats in their national parliaments with 20 percent so it shows that males dominate the work force and the nations power of voting for decisions. The Quantitative figures of this country and their labor force participation rates for men and women are actually very close over all despite the idea of men over taking women in the working fields. The figures actually show that men of Cambodia are actually 90.9 percent for primary completion rate. The women actually have the upper hand with a percentage of 91.7 and that’s above the men...
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