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Worldview Assignment


Submitted By philly92
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Part One: What is a worldview?
To me, my definition of my own worldview is simple; it is what I can see around me and what I believe to be true. I can see the stars, therefore I know they are there, but in contrast just because I cannot see God, does not mean that I don’t believe in him.

Part Two:
The question of origin –
The question of origin is basically where we come from. The Christian worldview is that in 6 days God created everything, the land, the sea, the animals, the sun and the stars. We also learn in Genesis 1:26 that God desired to create man in his own image so that he could rule over everything on the earth. Also within the question of origin we learn that God created man and women in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
The question of identity –
In my view of Identity I believe that my true identity is that I am a sinner. I am a sinner who cannot inherit God’s kingdom until I repent my sins and accept him as my Lord and Savior (Romans 5:8). I also believe that my identity is that God created man into his own likeness and allowed us to take command and rule over everything on earth (Genesis 1:27-30) as God has allowed us to use the cattle and the fowl as well as grain to feed and clothe ourselves. This example is one that allows us to recognize God’s greatness as well as his plans for us.
The question of meaning/purpose –
What is our purpose? Why are we here? We are here for several reasons, though primarily we are here and we were created to serve God, to seek him out and seek out his kingdom (Matthew 6:33) We are also here with the purpose of spreading the Word and providing non believers with teachings of God so that they may come to know the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior (Matthew 28:19-20)
The question of morality –
What exactly are morals? Basically Morals or Morality is being able to differentiate actions between good and bad. It sometimes can be even though of as your conscious as often times we get that feeling that something we might be doing is wrong or vice versa. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)The choices we make as Christians, how we act, and our sexual morality, how we choose to make our living and how we treat others is always at the forefront as to how we can decide on our own if we are living a morally correct lifestyle. We must also understand that we have to obey worldly authority, but the only authority that we are truly held accountable with is God’s authority (Romans 13:1-7)

The question of destiny –
As a Christian I know that my destiny is only one of two places, either to serve God eternally in Heaven or to be cast out from God and sent into the fiery pits of hell (2 Thessalonians 1:8). As a Christian we believe that both of these place do in fact exist and that in order to obtain everlasting life with God we must live a proper Christian life and believe in God and that he sent Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16)

Part Three:
How should a biblical worldview influence the way I think about, treat and speak to others on a daily basis?
I believe that in order to inherit the kingdom of God, it is my duty to show that I am a child of God. Ephesians 4:32 says that we should be kind to one another, forgiving one another as God has forgiven me. That verse alone shows God’s mercy and we should strive to please him by following that passage.
How should a biblical worldview influence the way I decide a future career?
This question hits close to home. As I was sitting in Afghanistan in 2012, about 8 months short of retirement, I began thinking and contemplating my next career. I spent many nights wondering where I would go and how I would get there, but it wasn’t until I remembered a verse my mother told me, Matthew 11:28 Come to me all who are tired with heavy loads and I will give you rest. I was able to use that verse to realize that it was God’s will that I finish my degree and pursue teaching as a way to instruct young men and women and to ensure that they are given the right tools to survive in the world.

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