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Cannons In WW1

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Fire provides warmth, a way to cooking food, and can light a cannon. Soldiers need fire to not die of starvation or food poisoning, prevent hypothermia, and provide way of defense.
Water and Canteen:
Water provided hydration and health to a soldier’s body, and the canteen held the water. In war, you need water not to die of hydration. If water was not available, then soldier would charge canteens with water in them.
Shoes were meant to cover the foot to prevent injury. Soldiers without the proper footwear often got trench foot which in some cases caused the foot to be amputated. This means that less soldiers can fighting in the battle which means less of a chance of winning the battle.
Horses allowed people to have quick transportation which was used to help get supplies and information. This information may include a future surprise attack. The horse also was tall so, the person, usually of higher ranks …show more content…
Rain, snow, and wind made it hard to sleep. Tents helped stop some of the unpleasant weather. Sleep is very important to soldiers, because when fighting a war you need to have good focus and energy to survive. Tents look like a long blanket in a rectangle triangle shape held up with wood.
Cannons is a way of defense that takes out more soldiers than a gun and all can be shot at a longer distance. The soldiers who fire the cannons at an advantage, because they are less like to die in combat. More soldiers means a higher rate of winning the war. A cannon is a looks like a long tube at an angle. On one side of the cannon, cannon ball is placed and it lit by fire. Then the cannon ball shots from the other side.
Ships allowed soldiers to have battles at sea also known as a navy. North also used the ships to create a blockage around the south so, no ship can go in or out. This was one of the major reasons the union won. In the civil war, the iron clad was build, now making an wood boat

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