...Capital Punishment January 26th, 2014 Since capital punishment is the legal process in which the state puts to death a person that commits a certain type of crime, the death penalty should deter criminals from committing violent crimes. “The executions of people who have been found guilty of offenses believe that some crimes, especially murder, are so serious and so destructive to society that the perpetrators deserve the most severe punishment” (Capital Punishment 2014). In the article, Capital Punishment, the issues focused on the moral argument that killing is wrong, the mental capacity of people facing the death penalty, and the fairness of the death penalty in which wrongful executions of innocent people, and the lack of uniformity in applying capital punishment. “Advances in technology, such as new and improved methods of DNA testing and other laboratory procedures, have shown that the justice system can make mistakes” (Capital Punishment 2014). An opponent of capital punishment argues that this type of punishment discriminates against minorities and the poor, encourages a culture of violence, and that it violates human rights. On the other hand, an advocate of capital punishment argues that it deters crime. The unstated premise in the article is that killing is always wrong. If killing is always wrong, then the death penalty is wrong. Killing is always wrong. Therefore, the death penalty is wrong. “Opponents of capital punishment argue that there are no circumstances...
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...English 11 Mrs.Bivins 12/15/11 Capital Punishment Capitol punishment is Murder. It is wrong in so many ways. Capital punishment is when a person is sentenced to death because of a crime. It has been around for years. It has always been a controversial thing. In the novel A Lesson before Dying by Ernest Gaines, the main character, Jefferson, is sentenced to death after being accused of murdering a store owner, but in reality he is innocent. Capital punishment should be abolished because it is unconstitutional, it sends out the wrong message, and it is a waste of money. Capitol punishment is unconstitutional. The death penalty violates an amendment in the U.S constitution. In the article should the death penalty be banned as a form of punishment by Joe Messerli, he states “The 8th amendment of the U.S constitution prevents the use of “cruel and unusual punishment”.(Messerli) Many would interpret the death penalty as a violating this restriction”. This evidence shows how the death penalty is unconstitutional. The death penalty really does violate the 8th amendment. It is like a mother telling her kid that they are not allowed to eat candy at night, while she is eating candy at night. It is an ironic thing. Another thing Messerli states in his article is “It’s barbaric to allow state-sanctioned murder before a crowd of people”. (Messerli)This statement is very true, capital punishment makes the United States seem barbaric. Capital punishment goes against the constitution and...
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...The human rights activists are against this type of punishment I believe in second chances. The Disadvantages of Death Penalty * Though there are scientific methods available to investigate the crime, nothing is guaranteed. You cannot remove the chances of punishing innocents completely. * The cost involved on the death penalty prosecution is greater than the expenses occurred in the life imprisonment of the accused. The appeals against such capital punishments take too long to decide, and often it takes years to decide the fate of the death penalty. All these things make the death penalty an expensive option for the governments who spend millions of the dollars of the taxpayer money on death penalty prosecutions. * It is reported that some of the jury members are not completely impartial as they decide the penalty on racial or religious basis. * Some of the accused are mentally ill, and it is ethically wrong to put mentally ill patients to the death. * In most cases people who can afford to hire the expensive lawyers often survived from such kind of capital punishment. People who are poor, and cannot afford to get a quality legal assistance becomes the victim of this penalty. * Some of the experts believe that life prison is a more effective punishment to control crimes as compared to the death penalty. The countries where the death penalty is banned have less capital crime rate as compared to those countries where the death penalty is practiced. ...
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...Capital Punishment is Wrong “ For hundreds of years people have considered capital punishment a deterrence of crime. Seven hundred and five individuals have died since 1976, by means of capital punishment; twenty-two of these executions have already occurred this year at Death Penalty Information Center”, exclaims Tara Volpe in her article, Capital Punishment: Does Death Equal Justice? In another article written by Coretta King, the author states that, “In recent years, an increase of violence in America, both individual and political, has prompted a backlash of public opinion on capital punishment”. Capital punishment is a tremendous issue that faces the criminal justice system. Some people think that capital punishment is a good idea for those who commit capital or very serious crimes; on the other hand, some people believe that capital punishment is wrong. In reality, capital punishment is wrong for several reasons. According to the free online dictionary, “capital punishment” is defined as the penalty of death for the commission of a crime. There are several words, which are the same as capital punishments are execution, death sentence, judicial murder and death warrant. To begin with, capital punishment is wrong because it is immoral and unfair. Some people are subjected to capital punishment even when there is speculation as to whether they actually committed the specified crime. A known case of this kind was the one involving David Spense who was given the death...
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...Marc HIS 202 Powley Capital Punishment The death penalty is viewed one of two ways. Either you oppose it or you agree with it. Over the years there have been studies done to try and justify or discredit the actions surrounding the death penalty. Whether you agree or disprove the punishment doesn’t make it right or wrong. The process of capital punishment has been around a very long time. Through the years societies have put their own twists and added their personal variations to the concept. While the death penalty will never lose its ability to start a great debate, who is right and who is wrong? One thing stand the same, whichever side you’re on, you picked that side for a reason and that’s what you believe in, no matter what anyone else says. Well the church is the same way, they have a viewpoint and have taken a stand as well. During this paper we examine the ideas and thoughts of the church as a whole, and how they feel about the death penalty and how it is used in our society. Throughout history, one of the most influential institutions in society has been the church. No matter the demographic location, the religious influence can been seen in almost every aspect of the culture in that area. One reason why religion is so influential is that religion gives a moral foundation for behaviors. Morals are believed to be from a higher power, mainly from God. So when one debates the issues dealing with behaviors, and the laws that govern those behaviors, religion ends...
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...CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital punishment or the death penalty is the execution of a person of the state as punishment for a crime. Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are many different opinions as there are people. Supporters of the death penalty believe that in some instances, people who take another human life deserve to forfeit their own lives. Many supporters also believe that the threat of death discourages crime. I am oppose to the death penalty for many reasons. Criminals need to live with their consequences for the rest of their life’s, not die for them. He or she will never have to look in the mirror and regret he/she’s horrible crime. Life in prison without parole is the best alternative for the death penalty. Criminals should have to face what they committed everyday of their life; they need a punishment to fit their crime. Death is just an easy escape for the criminal. If we kill the killers we are only becoming them. When turning on the television, radio, or simply opening the local newspaper, one is bombarded with news of arrests, murders, homicides, serial killers, and other such tragedies. Killers kill innocent people, there is no question about that, but does that give us the right to kill these killers? I do not think so. I believe that there is a risk of executing mistakenly convicted people. One could be spending and ending his life incaptivity for...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...Essay about Gustav Dorés picture US’ sentences and capital punishments The picture is called ‘Exercise Yard’, and is made by Gustav Doré in 1872. The picture illustrates a flock of prisoners walking around in a circle at Newgate Prison in London. In the time the picture was made, London also had capital punishment and rough prison sentences. In the US some states still have capital punishment - for example California, Texas, Tennessee and Florida etc. Many states have abolished it, but it still exists, especially in the US. Capital punishment is in debate and discussion all over the world, and it has always been a taboo as everyone knows they are going to die someday, but apart from that we do not know anything about death, and many people fear it. Capital punishment was repealed in 1972 because of an innocent man who were charged with death penalty for a murder he did not commit. Four years later in 1976 capital punishment got re-established and today in year 2016 the US still has it. As I said before there are many different opinions and arguments for and against capital punishment – so it is basically impossible to define whether it is wrong or right. Some people believe that death penalty is a good punishment to have in society. These people believe that if you do something horrible, for example kills a significant or major person, you are not suitable for the society and you have to “kick the bucket” and evaporate from the surrounding world. It is not only political...
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...Argument for Capital Punishment Since the 1970's, almost all capital sentences in the United States have been imposed for homicide. There has been intense debate among Americans regarding the constitutionality of capital punishment. Critics charge that executions are violations of the “cruel and unusual punishment” provision of the Eighth Amendment; while supporters of the death penalty counter that this clause was not intended to prohibit legal executions. In the 1972 court case of Furman vs. Georgia , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was no longer legal. However, in Gregg v. Georgia (1976), the court allowed capital punishments to resume in certain states, and shortly thereafter, Gary Gilmore was executed by a firing squad in Utah. Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States,a separate penalty trial has been required for some capital cases, at which time the jury reviews circumstances that suggest the need for capital punishment. In 1982, Texas became the first state to execute a prisoner using lethal injection; other common methods of execution used in the United States include lethal gas and electrocution. In recent years, the Supreme Court has made it more difficult for death row prisoners to file appeals. Nearly 3 of 4 americans support the death sentence as a form of punishment. The other third has condemned it and their list of claims against it is long. Opponents challenge proponents on issues of deterrence, economics, fallibility...
Words: 1933 - Pages: 8
...Why would we kill people to show that killing is wrong? Well, there are a few specific reasons that can clearly show why the death penalty is a necessary punishment. Overall, capital punishment is morally justified, protects society from dangerous people, and is an effective deterrent to crime. Some would argue that the death penalty is not morally justified. I do not believe that this is a strong argument in many cases. Morality is defined as the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. Normally, people are praised for good behavior, and punished for bad behavior. Punishments, specifically by the law, can be anything from a fine, to time in prison, and even death in some cases. Opponents of capital punishment say that it is completely wrong to kill someone as a punishment for murder. If it is for the protection of innocent lives though, then why is there such opposition against it? Casey Carmical, a professional translator who writes about current social and political issues, said, “Executing murderers, however, prevents them from committing their crime again, and thus protects innocent victims. The good, therefore, outweighs the bad, and the executioner is morally justified in taking the murderers life.” This statement is very true in so many ways. The lives of so many innocent people, including opponents of capital punishment, are being protected when an impenitent murderer is executed. Capital punishment not as a way to get revenge, but as a way of self...
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...Murder is wrong. Since childhood we have been taught this indisputable truth. Ask yourself, then, what is capital punishment? In its simplest form, capital punishment is defined as one person taking the life of another. Coincidentally, that is the definition of murder. There are 36 states with the death penalty, and they must change. These states need to abolish it on the grounds that it carries a dangerous risk of punishing the innocent, is unethical and barbaric, and is an ineffective deterrent of crime versus the alternative of life in prison without parole. Capital punishment is the most irreparable crime governments perpetrate without consequence, and it must be abolished. “We’re only human, we all make mistakes,” is a commonly used phrase, but it is tried and true. Humans, as a species, are famous for their mistakes. However, in the case of the death penalty, error becomes too dangerous a risk. The innocent lives that have been taken with the approval of our own government should be enough to abolish capital punishment. According to Amnesty International, “The death penalty legitimizes an irreversible act of violence by the state and will inevitably claim innocent victims.” If there is any chance that error is possible (which there always is), the drastic measure of capital punishment should not be taken. Also, it is too final, meaning it does not allow opportunity for th accused to be proven innocent, a violation of the Fifth Amendment which guarantees due process...
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...Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Capital punishment is a topic that anyone can count on to stir emotional discussions with plenty of opinions. In the world today, people commit horrific crimes daily. There are many who feel that those who carry out these terrible crimes deserve one fate: death. Capital punishment is used in reference to the death penalty that is issued in a judicial manner to execute those found guilty of a capital or hard offense. This according to our text is called legal punishment. Legal punishment is defined as the state-authorized imposition of some form of deprivation-of liberty, resources, or even life-upon a person justly convicted of a violation of the criminal law. (Stohr, pg 3) In this review of the pros and cons of the death penalty we will examine some different aspects of the process and allow the reader to form their own opinion. History The death penalty can be traced back a long time throughout history. The first established death penalty laws date back to the Eighteenth Century B.C. In the code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which gave the death penalty for 25 different crimes. This code expressed the well-known concept of lex talionis (the law of equal retaliation), which is further enunciated in the Mosaic code, the ancient law of the Hebrews, as “an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth.” (Stohr, pg. 3) During the 18th century, many philosophers like Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham wrote influential writings on prison...
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...The Death Penalty and Catholics All criminals should be held responsible for their wrong doings. If a criminal is found guilty of a crime, they should have to pay for their actions. No matter how atrocious the crime is, a human being should not have to pay with his or her life. Yes, it is true that people do commit horrible crimes but to kill a person for their immoral behavior is not just. Some people may think that capital punishment is justifiable but all it is is revenge. Instead of killing the person we should lock them up behind bars, where they are away from the general population. Offer the person counseling so that they can become a healthier person both mentally and spiritually. To just kill someone for their actions does not solve anything. When we kill for justice, the only thing that separates us from the criminal is the reason why we are killing. A death for a death does not help any situation. The victim will not be brought back to life, the only thing that happens is that two families are greatly affected. Two wrongs do not make a right, the death penalty should be abolished from the laws of our country. In the Old Testament there are many references to capital punishment. The Mosaic Law set numerous offenses that were punishable by death. In Exodus 21, God commanded capital punishment for murderers. The consequences were harsh to prevent people from doing wrong. On the Sermon on the Mount Jesus is calling us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. The...
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...Capital Punishment and Crime Deterred Should capital punishment be used in a justice system to deter the level of serious crimes in a society? There have been arguments that capital punishment is the best way to deter crime and arguments that say it is not all over the world. The justice system is in place to keep societies functioning proper, and punish those who hurt that goal, capital punishment is one of the ways that have been aiding in the success. If capital punishment does act as a deterrent for crime, shouldn’t a society use it as a tool for the justice system? However, if capital punishment does not act as a deterrent for crime, then should it be scrapped by the justice system and emphasis be placed on looking for a new way to deter crime? This is more than just a crime deterrent issue because it involves taking a life to save a life. This is an ethical issue of whether capital punishment is the best way to solve the problem, and this has been argued by millions of people all over the world for decades and it is still a highly debated topic to this day. Capital Punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the practice of sentencing a person to execution as punishment for a capital crime after a proper legal trail. It is typically only used as a form of punishment for people who commit serious types of murder. It may not be known, because many countries never actually use it, but there are 58 countries that currently have a form of the death penalty (Unknown, 2010)...
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...immorality and unjustness of capital punishment and its connection with mental illness and shows that one can be conditioned or born to criminality Capote shows that capital punishment is undeniably immoral and unjust through its high usage among mentally ill offenders. Capital punishment is immoral which is shown through the inequality of it and its inability to deter crime and its ability to diminish the value of human life. Most people facing capital charges and the death penalty are poor and do not have the resources to retain expert attorneys and witnesses for their trial. They often get a court appointed attorneys who never raise their mental...
Words: 966 - Pages: 4
...Since the 1970's, almost all capital sentences in the United States have been imposed for homicide. There has been intense debate among Americans regarding the constitutionality of capital punishment. Critics charge that executions are violations of the “cruel and unusual punishment” provision of the Eighth Amendment; while supporters of the death penalty counter that this clause was not intended to prohibit legal executions. In the 1972 court case of Furman vs. Georgia , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was no longer legal. However, in Gregg v. Georgia (1976), the court allowed capital punishments to resume in certain states, and shortly thereafter, Gary Gilmore was executed by a firing squad in Utah. Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States,a separate penalty trial has been required for some capital cases, at which time the jury reviews circumstances that suggest the need for capital punishment. In 1982, Texas became the first state to execute a prisoner using lethal injection; other common methods of execution used in the United States include lethal gas and electrocution. In recent years, the Supreme Court has made it more difficult for death row prisoners to file appeals. Nearly 3 of 4 americans support the death sentence as a form of punishment. The other third has condemned it and their list of claims against it is long. Opponents challenge proponents on issues of deterrence, economics, fallibility, and rehabilitation. Their...
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8