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Dive School Case Summary

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3.1. Dive Professional Questionnaires
Dive shop owners were very positive about MUSA; all believed that Cancun’s coral reef is in need of protection, from ‘direct human impacts’ as well as water pollution. All dive shop owners think MUSA successfully reduces pressure from the natural reefs as well as providing an alternative habitat for fish and allowing for the colonisation of coral.

• Dive school 1 believes the number of visitors to MUSA has remained fairly constant. The owner thinks that there should only be one artificial reef like MUSA.

• Dive school 2 has noticed an increase of visitors to MUSA and thinks that more artificial reefs like MUSA would be great to see. The owner would like for MUSA to be connected to the nearby natural reef.

• Dive school 3 would like an interactive area so divers can improve their buoyancy an therefore reduce the chances of contact with the reef.

3.2. Diver Attitudes and Demographics …show more content…
Diver’s ages ranged from 18 to 61 years old, the average age was 31, with a median age of 27, 67% of the sample were male and 33% female. Most divers originated from the US (59%). The total amount of dives participants had completed in their lives ranged from 1-2551, however some answered 1000+ so their total amount of dives could be higher. This gave a mean number of dives of 52.9 but the median number of dives was only 3 and 47.5% of divers had only completed 2 dives or less. Table 1 lists the percentage of questionnaires collected from each dive school, the qualifications of the divers, whether or not they were camera users or whether they had preference for natural or artificial reef dive

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