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The Giver: A Narrative Fiction

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As tears fall down Fiona's face and tall, sharp grass scratches her legs. As she thinks of all the things that just happened. Like when she was about to get released, then all of a sudden she remembers everything, and she can see color. She can see that Jonas’s dad remembers and that he can see color as well. He said this is wrong and that he can't do this anymore. He has a look on his face “sad” whispered Fiona
“what” Jonas’s dad replied
Fiona answers “sad you look sad”
Jonas’s dad said, “here let me help you with that.” As he unstraps her and helped her out of the chair.
“Thank you” Fiona replied. As she starts to walk out of the small room. Fiona overhears the chief elder saying that ”I'm going to release everyone. Then start a new population, so no …show more content…
“Yes I am are you”
Fiona replied, “hi I'm Rosemary and yes I am rill”?
As Rosemary look's weird she asks Fiona “where did you come from? How long have you been out here”.
Fiona answers “ well my name is Fiona and why does your name sons so familiar what your that one girl who ask to get released I thought that you died? And I don't know how long I've been out here I am looking for a friend his name is Jonas have you seen him any wear”?
“Know I have not sorry and yes i am the girl who ask to get released because I couldn't handle it, and I wanted to see what it was like to get released so after the giver show me how people got released I decided to make fake skin and then went to get released after they injected me they put me in a box then sent me down a tube I sell so many people they died then I climb over them all.
Then i ended up here i’ve been eating fruits from the trees. I went to get more and then i saw you and i had to see if you wear real.”
As that was happening the chief elder told the giver that he would be able to get rosemary back. if he went to go get jonis and bring him back to her. So the giver bullied her and went to find Jonic. On the way, he shall rosemary and

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