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Informative Essay On War

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“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe.” (Churchill). As an enthusiast of World War II I would like to tell you about three soldiers whom in there own ways helped shaped a war. In my own right I have served in the United States army and with those experiences and tales I have learned a great deal about war and the Soldiers who fought it. The three gentlemen that I will present are as follows Audie Murphy, Desmond Doss, and Richard D. Winters. These men were average run of the mill men who would shape the war in their own ways.
At the ripe age of twelve Murphy …show more content…
Audie Murphy was a Texan from Kent County, Texas. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Murphy stepped up to the plate and tried to join the Marines, then the Navy, but was denied due to his size and age. His sister Helped forge his birth certificate and he enlisted in the United States Army. The same year he was sent to invade Sicily. Murphy earned his first medal, the Bronze Star, in 1944 for singlehandedly knocking out a German tank. Audie Murphy earned the Distinguished Cross after German soldiers killed his best friend right before his eyes. The German soldiers threw up the surrender flag only to trick Audie and his friend. The Germans soldier shot Murphy’s friend right out in the open. In such an intense moment Audies emotions got the best of him and he quickly cleared the entire hill of all German soldiers. One of the main battles that Murphy will forever be known for was a battle that took place on the border between France and Germany. It was a calm, bitterly cold morning when it started, one loud bang after another as the artillery started dialing in. On the opposite side of the clearing some 250 men were advancing On Audie Murphy and his depleted group of men. At

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