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Super Salmon Research Paper

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AquAdvantage is a man-made breed of salmon that is part Atlantic salmon and part Chinook(Pacific) salmon with a few genes from other fish to increase growth processes so they’re active most of the year. The Super Salmon was the first GMO specie created back in 1996, which have been sold on the London Stock Market since the early 2000’s. It’s taken nearly 20 years but AquAdvantage salmon will soon be served in restaurants and sold at local stores. The Super Salmon is the first approved GMO animal to be sold in the United States. A GMO, genetically modified organism, is the result of a laboratory process where genes from DNA of one species are extracted and forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from …show more content…
The Super Salmon also have less omega-3 which is a fatty acid the protects the consumer form getting heart disease. Normal pacific salmon have omega-3, but the GMO salmon has heightened levels of the fatty acid, omega-3. Omega-3 is extracted out of the fish to make fish oil pills, which are used for protecting and managing heart diseases; and helps lower blood pressure of the consume, and omega-3 contains both DNA and EPA. These Super Salmon do grow rapidly at a fast rate, they grow twice as fast as any of the other species of fish. The super salmon are said to produce more omega-3 which helps make more fish oil tablets used by people to help medical problems like lower an individual’s blood pressure. The FDA said the salmon was safe to eat and was nutritionally equivalent to other, non-GM salmon on the market. It also said GM salmon didn't pose a risk to wild salmon because it would be farmed inland from any oceans(Fox). There are more advantages to these GMO super salmon also known as AquAdvantage, than there are disadvantages to this specialized …show more content…
Only female salmon are at the Aqua Bounty Fish farms. These GMO salmon fish can also be very dangerous and harmful to some. If these fish are released into the wild, they will start reproducing with the each other and with the normal salmon which will cause the salmon population to reach zero. Under stimulated models, the GMO male salmon lacked reproductive success and reduced numbers of a surviving offspring, a normal salmon surviving offspring rate is 94% and the GMO salmon offspring survival rate is 5.4%. GMO Salmon contain high levels of a growth hormone TGF-1, this hormone has been connected to breast, prostrate, and colon cancer(MailOnline). Not too long ago thousands escaped from a ‘secure’ Norwegian farm and could now mate with wild salmon(MailOnline). These fish are projected to reproduce with wild salmon and they salmon population with decrease these thousands of fish that escaped from a fish farm located in Norway. Although there are several disadvantages to this GMO super salmon, AquAdvantage, there are more advantages to this different fish than there are

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