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CBM Advantages

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1. List three advantages of progress monitoring over annual achievement tests.
Curriculum based measurements help teachers find out how students are progressing on a regular basis. Some advantages of progress monitoring are that the results are much quicker versus the annual achievement test. Changes in the strategies and assessments can take place sooner. The results are very specific; it consists of information about the student skills and are provided as a graph, so parents and teachers can have a common understanding. Progress monitoring can be helpful in the screening progress as well as assist in determining if changes need to occur in the instruction that the student is receiving.
2. List two key differences between mastery measurement and CBM.
Mastery measurement is a series of short term instructional objectives that are sequence in an instructional hierarchy, …show more content…
Name three ways CBM can be used to help at-risk students.
CBM produces accurate, meaningful information about a student’s academic level and growth, with visual representation which can provide a better understanding of a student’s needs. It is sensitive to the student improvement in the sense that there is no assumption about instructional hierarchy. CBM can help determine if the curriculum needs to be altered for the student.
4. What are the six steps in the CBM process?
The steps to put CBM into action is to 1) select appropriate test for the student’s grade and skill level 2) administer and score test at regular intervals 3) graph the scores 4) set realistic and obtainable goals 5) make decisions based on the results to see what is and is not working 6) communicate results with parents through the school year using data and graphs.

5. How would you use CBM when teaching multiplication fact families (e.g., times tables for 2, 3, 4)? Describe what you would do for each of the six steps.
Step 1-I would create an appropriate grade level multiplication test for the times tables of 2, 3, and

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