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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Case: United States V. Virginia

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg completed a lifetime's worth of work in her years before being nominated by Clinton to become an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Ginsburg was born on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, New York. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was repeatedly brought too the library by her mother, which instilled in her a faculty to learn. Ever since Ruth was little, her mother had played a tremendous part in her career. The day before Ruth's graduation of high school, her mother passed away due to cervical cancer. In 1954, Ruth graduated from Cornell University at the top of her class. She had met her husband, Martin David Ginsburg at Cornell University, and they married the year she graduated. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Martin …show more content…
This conclusion is based off of her opinions on cases and how she speaks during a hearing. One case that stood out that Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote an opinion on was United States v. Virginia, in 1996. In this case, the United States sued Virginia and the Virginia Military Institute, stating that VMI's solely male admission policy violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. Ginsburg, a strong advocate of woman's rights, wrote and made it clear that women should be able to obtain the same privileges as men, including being allowed to apply to the Virginia Military Institute. Another case that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a strong opinion on was Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 2007. This case was about Lilly Ledbetter who sued her employer of 19 years, Goodyear Tire & Company, due to gender discrimination. The company had been paying the male employees more than Ledbetter because she was female and that violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of Goodyear though, because Goodyear countered that same clause stating that discrimination complaints are to be filed within 180 days of the violation. Ginsburg did not agree with this ruling and argued that Ledbetter couldn't have filed her complaint sooner because she isn't know she was being discriminated against. When President Obama was elected into office in …show more content…
She seems to be one of the strongest and most dedicated justices because of the effort she puts into the cases. For instance, for the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber company, she did not just file her dissent with a clerk, she made the case known so it would get the attention it deserves. Her dedication is presented in this situation, through how hard she worked pressing Congress to amend the clause, which they eventually did, just for one woman, to show how much woman's rights matter. It is not common to see a person go out of their way to help others, so she is clearly different than all of the other justices. One imperative thing that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is noted for, is how she made the decision to resign when Hillary Clinton got into office in 2017, because she felt safe knowing a liberal would be in office. But, since Clinton did not win the election, and Donald Trump did, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is keeping her position as a Supreme Court Justice, despite the fact that she is eighty four years old. This fact proves her dedication to the United States and the Supreme

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