Premium Essay

Sex and Gender


Submitted By kgreen11
Words 8070
Pages 33
Sex and Gender are Different:

Sexual Identity and Gender Identity are Different

Milton Diamond, Ph.D.

University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology
Pacific Center for Sex and Society

Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry -
Special Issue In Press for July 2002

Special Editors:
Bernadette Wren, Portman Clinic
Fiona Tasker, University of London | |
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|Sex and Gender are Different: |
|Sexual Identity and Gender Identity |
|are Different |
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|Abstract: |
|This paper attempts to enhance understanding and communication about different sexual issues. It starts by offering definitions to|
|common terms like sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual identity. Alternate ways to discuss one's sexual attractions are also |
|presented. Terms are defined or redefined and examples given of their preferred use in different clinical situations including |
|those associated with children. Adherence to the usage advocated here is proposed as helpful in theory formulation and discussion

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