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Dally: A Short Story

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While Dally was driving with Ponyboy and Johnny, Dally notice there was a fire at the church. Johnny had the urge to go to the church and find out what had happened. Ponyboy lept out the car and follow Johnny on a hot Pursuit. Dally cus at Johnny and Ponyboy to get back in the car. When Johnny and Ponyboy came to stop, they heard a shriek. Ponyboy ask a man what was going on, the man described” I am a teacher and my students are trapped in the church. because the kids went to play hide and go seek. We blew the whistle and we had all the kids except for a few.” Dally was halfway there while Ponyboy smashed the window and jumped into the fiery building. Johnny was right behind him. Ponyboy scream for the kids for 5 minutes, and finally heard …show more content…
create the door just a little to see who it was. when he saw Dally, he locked the door and ran away. Dally yelled for 10 minutes until he finally realized he had to leave. It sadly depressed him and then he swore that he would exact revenge on Bob. He realized he could not kill him since he is already dead. So he was going to exact his revenge on the one person that truly knew him. Randy. So he went off and try to find Randy. He went to his house first but he was not there. People said that he left town forever after what had happened.Dally asked Randy's parents and they had no idea were he had gone. His parents asked Dally if he ever found him tell him they love him. Dally payed his respects to his friends and left to find Randy. 12 years has passed and he still has not found a single clue on where Randy has gone. He had took him a new name and now he has learned the ways of to be a non hoodlum. His new name was Eric Steven. He returned back to Oklahoma and realized Johnny was driven to madness and did suicide. Eric wish he was there to stop Johnny and told him he was the best family he could have ever had.Dally went to Ponyboy, and Ponyboy told him the entire story. “Johnny header been locked up in his house for 17 …show more content…
Everyone he knew did everything they could to cheer him up but we knew he would have never listen. Johnny asked his mom to give him a book and she felt no shame in giving him a knife instead. We all pleaded with Johnny to never use the knife. So Day 1 pass and we talked to him all night to morning. Without you he was driven into madness. After a week we had checked on him and realized he was dead. His parents never bothered to even tell us.They said they were too busy celebrating. Sadly I think they were celebrating the death of their son.” cried Ponyboy.We would have told you sooner but we didn't know where you were. Eric left Tulsa, Oklahoma. He said he would never come back not even he was bribe a billion dollars. He spent his whole life traveling the word. After two years later he met this wonderful girl who believed in him. Her name was Sarah. Sarah and Eric had a kid name Johnny. Eric never told Sarah about his old life. He was too ashamed and was too afraid of what might happen. Then one day Ponyboy came to find Eric and finally did. Ponyboy realized the story of Johnny must be told. So he went all around the world trying to find a person who would listen to him and he finally did. History about Johnny and his adventures were read across the entire

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