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Marie Antoinette Research Paper

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Hello, my name is Kassie Isbell and my tech essay is on Queen Marie Antoinette. I also mention the French Revolution as she contributed to much of the dissatisfaction. I chose this topic because she was a rather disfavored queen since the beginning of her reign because she was Austrian, whose history with France was not the greatest. Also, the activities she had done throughout her rule brought disparagement and only instigated the people to grow discontent with the aristocracy and monarchy. This is important because the French Revolution divided the people into pro and anti-revolutionary bodies and Marie Antoinette nonchalantly became the narcissistic, apathetic mascot of France.
Life in the beginning
Ok, let’s start off from the beginning, …show more content…
In 1771, she was blamed for not having born any children with the King, as he did not ever want to be intimate. She was also criticized for her extravagant spending and lavish lifestyle. Rumors began to go around as newspapers and pamphlets were distributed, portraying her as debaucherous and promiscuous. In 1774, King Louis XV passes away of small pox and in the following year Louis XVI is crowned the new king. This is also around the time when the price of bread hiked up in price after a harsh winter kills crops.
In 1778, the end of a barren marriage comes as the King and Queen welcome their first born, Marie Therese. The years following she has 4 more kids but the public is convinced that she had meager responsibilities and wasted her time socializing and wallowing in her lavish lifestyle. For example, she had a model farm built on the estate so that she and her staff could dress in embellished costumes and impersonate shepherdesses and milkmaids. Marie would also escape to her personal retreat on the estate (Trianon retreat) and as she spends most of her time in her there, she is blamed of disregarding her duties and having extramarital affairs. In 1783 rumors began to circulate about her pornographic behavior and was the root of all of France’s

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