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Stan Lee Research Paper

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In today’s society you can go and talk to anyone, and most people will know who Stan Lee is. Jumping into fame as the mind behind the tremendously successful ‘Marvel Saga’ of movies, said franchise has - at the moment - raise more that $500 Million dollars in just three movies, with the last one being ‘Avengers: Infinity Wars’ raising more than $250 Million dollars in just the initial opening. At this moment Stanley Martin Lieber (later Stan Lee) may appear as a colossus of the entertainment for the big screen, nevertheless this is a man that has rise from the shadows, appearing out of the blue to capture the hearts of millions of people around the globe, and to create the greatest movie franchise of this decade, in this biography we shall …show more content…
Lee’s early life was rather tough, during his childhood development Lee was exposed to - and influenced by - the heroic tales of Errol Flynn. Lee’s father - a dress cutter - rarely kept a job (due to the great depression) which caused an unstable economy for his household. This then caused spikes and pits in the family’s economy, allowing for luxuries -like books - , and for his entire house to be two rooms total. During his adolescence, Lee attended the ‘DeWitt Clinton High School’ in the Bronx. In these times, he often find himself writing and holding dreams of one day writing the “Great American Novel”. Which is said to be the concept of a highly merited piece of literature, that is a prime example of the country’s culture at a specific epoch. And when Lee was not dreaming, he was working in all kinds of places, ranging from obituary writing, to sandwich-delivery boy for offices in the Rockefeller Center. After graduating early of high school - at 1612 -, he immediately enter the WPA (Work Progress Administration) Federal Theatre Project. Together with the agency and his uncle (Robbie Solomon), he was able to enter the Pulp Magazine new Timely Comics division, company of Martin Goodman. Lee would work as an assistance of Joe Simon, who hired him formally after he was informed that Lee’s aunt was Goodman’s wife, thus securing his

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