Premium Essay

Capitalist vs. Socialist


Submitted By ericatommy
Words 458
Pages 2
The difference between capitalisms and socialism is the extent that the government interferes with the financial countries growth of the society. Under capitalism, private citizens can own their own business with limited government interference. Under socialism, the government owns all businesses. Socialist believes that private citizens should share the wealth of the financial growth to equalize out the gap between the wealthy and the poor.

Capitalist Society vs. Socialist Society
Does one live in a country where they can have the opportunity to have personal wealth or live in a country where the government makes all the decisions? In Belgium, the socialist system believes that everyone should have equal equality; the government does not permit much freedom when it comes to the economy because it controls all forms of capital. Living in a capitalistic country everyone is concentrating on their own personal wealth and success, Socialism is concentrating on society as a whole. Concentrating on a society as a whole can impair society by putting hard working people in the same financial group as the non-hard working people. The same person working hard in the United States can secure success and wealth. In Belgium, that same person is not able to profit from his success or wealth because he has to give his earnings to the government. Julie, who lives in the United States, might try to persuade Jean-Paul that moving to the U.S. would be more beneficial to his overall wealth because he would have sole ownership and control over his own earnings. Julie might give Jean-Paul an example such as, if he moves to the U.S. he would have the opportunity to be an entrepreneur. U.S. belief is ever person is to have control of their own wealth and have the privilege of owning property.
Jean-Paul might respond to Julie that living in Belgium, they provide employment

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