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Cardinal Virtue Research Paper

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A virtue is a habit that needs to be practiced in order to help us grow closer to God.

The Cardinal Virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. They are acquired by education and good actions. They call us to be prudent in our decisions, just in our dealings with others, be temperate in our use of things, and have a strong determination to do what is right.

I chose Justice and it means respecting the rights of others. It gives up the determination to protect those rights and to fulfill our responsibilities to people and God.

The Theological Virtues are Faith, Hope, and Charity(love). They are given by God and are focused on God. They help us grow closer to Him. They lead us to trust, love, and know Him.

I picked Faith. It …show more content…
Cecilia was born in Rome around the 3rd Century. She was of a patrician family. She was often sought after to be obtained in marriage, but she declined, as God would be her only spouse. She loved music. Her parents arranged for her to marry a Roman man named Valerian. She obeyed, but was loyal to her promise of virginity to God. God converted Valerian himself, leading him away from the falsehoods of the pagan religion into the loving arms of God. Valerian soon converted his brother as well. Cecilia, Valerian, and Tiburtius spent their wealth on the Christians cast aside by Pagans. They also spent a good amount of their time burying martyrs. The prefect of Rome, Almachius, heard of these acts and ordered Valerian and Tibertius to sacrifice to Jupiter. The man who led them to the statue questioned them at such a horrible moment. Tiberius answered him. Maximus soon went on to proclaim his intentions of becoming a Christian, Cecilia in turn had Maximus prepare for Baptism. Maximus greatly admired Tiburtius and Valerian as they were beheaded in the name of their faith. Almachius heard this, and had Maximus tortured, but he died looking at heaven with joy. St. Cecilia would soon come next, but she calmly expressed how wrong their actions were, that the fact pagans worshiped idols of stone and marble. 400 Christians were baptized by Pope Saint Urban after hearing her testimony. Almachius had her shut up in a stove, but she did not die still, they attempted to behead her with a …show more content…
Cecilia because she is the patron saint of music and she often expressed her faith in God through song and other types of music, as I do. St. Cecilia was brave to obey her parents in marrying Valerian and remain a virgin. I also admire her friendship with Valerian and Tibertius. Also, while dying, she consoled those who had wronged her, in fact, that is what she planned on doing during those 3 days she had requested. She was able to look into the face of death, and ask for it to be longer for those around her, a sign of true trust in God. I just admire her greatly, and I love what she represents in Christian

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