...7. A perceived lack of integrity caused irreparable damage to both Andersen and Enron. How can you apply the principles learned in this case personally? Generate an example of how involvement in unethical or illegal activities, or even the appearance of such involvement, might adversely affect your career. What are the possible consequences when others question your integrity? What can you do to preserve your reputation throughout your career? A perceived, or even likely more detrimental to one’s career, a proven lack of integrity, can cause damage to a career in many ways. Integrity is an important foundation in client and employee/employer relationships. Integrity equates to placing trust in an individual that he or she will conduct themselves with ethical and moral standards. Studying the damage caused to Andersen and Enron is a good example to conduct oneself with a high standard and not engage in activities at our outside of work which would cause someone to question your integrity as well as the trust relationship. An example of involvement in unethical or illegal activities, or the appearance of involvement which may adversely affect your career, would be participation in gambling. While this activity is legal in some states and venues, this activity could be extrapolated to one’s personality which could go against the moral of integrity of clients or supervisors. Since this is a perceived negative activity, a client or employer might wonder what risks of integrity...
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...Job Shadowing the Career of an Accountant Emily A. Youngblood Northwood Inc. Abstract This paper was written in accordance of a job shadow I recently conducted at Northwood Inc., of an accountant manager named Denise Nass. Questions that are asked include why I am interested in this career, my previous knowledge, what I learned, the positive and negatives of this career, and my strengths and weaknesses. I’m interested in this career because of the creativity, “number-crunching”, and the environment. From previous accounting classes I know that accountants produce financial statements, budgets, and control inventories. I went to Northwood for a day and observed the actions of Denise and the other accountants in the department. I found that accountant involves many management aspects such as strategic planning and problem solving. I realized that accountant managers receive great pay, benefits, and work in a focused environment. On the other hand, it was very obvious that accounting can be quite boring and difficult to deal with individuals who are very different from yourself. My strengths include being very organized, have patience, can deal with different personalities, and have great problem solving skills. The only weakness I can see associated with this career is how easily I get stressed out. JOB SHADOWING THE CAREER OF AN ACCOUNTANT Since I was in high school, I always knew that when I was older I wanted to become an accountant. I was never really sure what type...
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...believe that the article written by Ruth D. Hines is an alternative view of reality through Don Juan’s personal experiences. The main idea of this article is how accountants and outsiders may see things differently. The article begins with Don Juan talking with his apprentice about a valley, he asks the apprentice to describe what he sees along with other simple questions. The apprentice answers with the first thing that comes to mind, which is the obvious and simple answers. Don Juan continues to steer him in other directions with his answers, forcing him to think outside of the box and to go against the flow of what others might think. I think that this article is showing us that accountants really do think differently than others. Don Juan is trying to make the apprentice think the way he does, the way of an accountant. He is trying to show him that accounting gives life to things such as goodwill and revenue at the time of realization. I think that he is trying to make the apprentice see things differently so he can better understand accounting in general. If we think of these simple things in a different way, it will help us in the long run when we come across these situations in our future life and jobs. With the knowledge of accounting, we can create an impression that we did not realize before. After reading this article, I too have started to think of reality differently. Although I have been studying accounting for a while now, I never really stopped to think about...
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...Career Management Guide In the current career environment, individuals with alternatives obtain more challenging and growth-oriented opportunities. Individuals with alternatives need not accept consequences, rather they create opportunities for themselves. Career Management Guide Section 1 Paaggee 11 SECTION 1: CAREERS TODAY Part 1 - The Environment, Career Issues and Trends The Importance of Education and Experience In the current economic environment, education is becoming increasingly critical to career success. While employment rose for Canadians with university and college educations, 651,000 fewer jobs existed for those people without high school qualifications. Unemployment rates in the U.S. exceed 10% for those with less than a high school diploma and approximately 2.5% for college graduates.1 When professional designations (i.e., accounting, engineering) are taken into account, the data on employability and income is skewed in favour of the professional, relative to those who possess only a post secondary educational background. However, in order to maintain a competitive edge, individuals must continue to invest in their development throughout their careers. Specifically, with respect to the future for business and accounting positions, “growth due to the increasing number and complexity of business operations will be offset somewhat by corporate restructuring and downsizing of management, resulting in average growth for executive, administrative and managerial...
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...Associates of Arts degree program in business I was unsure what I should do next. I wondered if I should continue my education with the hope of having a better chance at getting a good career one day, and if so, should I continue at the same college. I didn’t know it at the time, but I used the first step in the decision making process and recognized “that a problem exists and must be solved" (Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A.,2011). The problem was that I needed to figure out what exactly I wanted to do with my life in terms of a career, and should I continue in school and which school should I attend. I decided that my best chance would be to continue my education in hope of finding a better career. I spoke with my aunt who is an accountant, and she encouraged me to specify my area of business because more degrees in business would be too general. From there, I decided that it would be better to focus on accounting since accountants make decent money and everyone needs an accountant. After about a six month break from school during which I had more time to think about my next move, I began to research various other local universities to see if they had an accounting program and how much it would cost me including tuition, material, room and board, etc. I didn’t realize it, but I was “generating alternative solutions,” the second step of the problem solving process. There were a lot of factors for me to take into consideration such as the comparison of the cost of my old college, the...
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...Case 3.1 1. Brent has many alternatives. The first alternative Brent has is to eat the time. The pro of eating time is that he gets the work done and helps his team out without any problems. The con of eating time is that he cannot spend time with his wife. Also, this could lead to the firm and company believing that the time granted for the audit is acceptable and put pressure on future staff auditors. A second option Brent has is to quit the firm. The pro of this would be that Brent could not have to deal with the long hours and spend more time with his wife. The con of this decision is that it does not look good to quit a job very early and he would have to find a different job to provide income for his family. A third option would be for Brent to not take as many invoices when performing the audit. The pro of this choice is that Brent would finish the audit on time and the con is that this leaves rooms for mistakes which could be very costly. The final option Brent has is to speak with the manager about the time allotted to the audit. The pro of this choice is that maybe the manager will understand and grant Brent more time. The con to this choice is that Brent is new to the job and should be willing to do what he needs to do to help the team out. 2. If Brent decides to “eat time” there would be many consequences for him and the firm. Brent would have to buckle up and forget about spending time with his wife over the weekend and risk her being very upset. Also...
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...Running Head: BENEFITS OF FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES Prepared For Sandra Haynes, Accountant Manager Haynes Accounting and Tax Services Prepared By Victoria M. Foster, Accountant March 5, 2013 Contents i. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………..IV I. Introduction………………………………………….……….………………………5 II. Current Research……..…………………………………………...………………..6 III. Benefits and Challenges of a Flexible Work Schedule …... ……………...…....7 IV. Benefits of a Flexible Work Schedule……………………………………....….....8 V. Recommendations and Conclusion ………………………………...…….………8 VI. References……..………...…..………………………………………...………….10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Haynes Accounting and Tax Services is a mid-size accounting firm that specializes in accounting, bookkeeping, payroll services, business incorporation (S-corp & LLC), and tax preparation services in the Greater Baton Rouge Area. They have worked closely with their clients to understand their precise needs and support them in achieving their business goals. Their team has proficiency in tax preparation and tax planning, internal auditing, budgeting, financial planning in addition to other areas and with many years of experience serving the local community, they have developed a unique of record of truthfulness and expertise. Haynes Accounting and Tax Services employees will benefit from implementing a flexible work schedule in several ways, {a} employees with families may utilize their work...
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...controlling activities that ABC will opt would be determining if there were enough planned shows , were there any new shows loosed out to competitors, is the method on deciding on new shows being managed and run effectively,The meetings with the production companies going effective and smooth and giving a look upon the budget that either the shows and activities are running according to the budget or not. If you had to decide whether to continue making a component part or to begin buying the part from an overseas supplier, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision? Decision making evolves making the best use of the selected action complying with competitive alternatives. Quantitative factor : the quantitative factors that would enrage my opinion will include potential cost savings that can occur from buying the...
Words: 604 - Pages: 3
...Skip to main content. Subscribe to the Houston Chronicle | Shopping | Classifieds | Obits | Place an Ad | La Voz Register | Sign In ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Chron.com Local Directory Bottom of Form * Home * Local ------------------------------------------------- In Local * ------------------------------------------------- Neighborhoods * ------------------------------------------------- Houston & Texas * ------------------------------------------------- Traffic * ------------------------------------------------- Weather * ------------------------------------------------- Education * ------------------------------------------------- Politics & Policy * ------------------------------------------------- Election 2013 * ------------------------------------------------- Chronicle Investigates * ------------------------------------------------- Obituaries * ------------------------------------------------- Staff Blogs * ------------------------------------------------- Reader Blogs * ------------------------------------------------- Columnists * ------------------------------------------------- Opinions & Editorials * ------------------------------------------------- La Voz (Español) ------------------------------------------------- Neighborhoods ...
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...ACTIVITIES: * President : Commerce Student Council, Commerce Department (SY 1992-93) * Com. Budget and Finance : Central Student Government, Cagayan Capitol College (SY 1992-93) * Member : Dance Guild (SY 1989-91) AWARDS AND CERTIFICATE RECEIVED: * General Academic Excellence Award (SY 1988-1989) * Leadership Award (SY 1992-1993) * 2nd placer Inter-collegiate Accounting Quiz Bowl (1992) * CCS (Credit & Collection Specialist) Rookie of the Year Award (1993), Singer Finance Corporation * Automotive Servicing NCII ELIGIBILITY: Civil Service Career Professional – 82.33% SEMINARS OR SYMPOSIA ATTENDED: * Leadership Training Seminar (1992) * Positive Mental Attitude Seminar (1992) EXPERIENCES: * Credit and Collection Specialist, Singer Finance Corporation (1993-1996) * Auto Mechanic, FGC Enterprises (1999-2000) * Automotive Instructor, Goodwill Computer College Incorporated (2001-2008, 2014 * Consultant, Motorpool Division Heavy and Light Equipment, Provincial government of Misamis Oriental (2008-2013) * Automotive Facilitator, Alternative Learning System, DepEd, Gingoog City (2014-present) AFFILIATION: * Couples for Christ, Gingoog City Chapter * Extra-Ordinary Minister of the Holy Communion, Sta. Rita Parish Church EDUCATION: * Elementary : South City Central School * Secondary : Gingoog City National High School * College : Cagayan Capitol College, Cagayan de Oro City Gingoog...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...ACCTG 331 – INTEGRATIVE ACCOUNTING TOPICS I FINANCIAL REPORTING MODULE FALL 2014 INSTRUCTORS: Amy Barry EMAIL: abarry@welkgroup.com or abarry@mail.sdsu.edu CLASS TIMES: W; 7:00PM – 9:40PM; SSW 2501 OFFICE: Student Services East Building (SSE) 2419 OFFICE HRS: Wednesdays: 4:00PM – 5:30PM (If students cannot make these above times, students can always make an appointment to come see me in my office.) PREREQUISITES: Admission to Accountancy major, minor, or certificate. Minimum grade of C in both ACCTG 201 and 202. Completion of General Education requirement in Communication and Critical Thinking. Proof of completion of prerequisites required: Copy of transcript. TEXTBOOKS: Intermediate Accounting, 7th Edition (with Connect access card); Spiceland, Sepe, Nelson and Tomassini (REQUIRED) Financial Accounting Exam Questions & Explanations 18TH W/ A/C Test Prep Software – Gleim (Optional) ADDITIONAL: We will be using the red Parscore forms (F-289) for ALL EXAMS AND QUIZZES. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THIS MODULE: The purpose of this module of ACCT 331 is to enhance and expand your current understanding of corporate financial reporting for the subject areas covered in the module. More specifically, we will take an in-depth look at the mechanics of financial accounting and the theory behind U.S. GAAP as presented in the statement of operations (i.e., income statement) and the statement of financial position (i.e., balance sheet). We...
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...W Accounting Standards Boards Miranda Arnold ACC/541 Cecil Lucy March 17, 2014 Accounting Standards Boards The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) first converged in 2002 following the Norwalk Agreement (Whittington, 2007). The convergence was inspired by the need of the boards to produce a solid infrastructure by uniting the two frameworks represented by each board in a bid to harmonize accounting practices worldwide (Whittington, 2007). Additionally, the convergence was also inspired by the need to attain improvement in accounting standards by achieving completeness, and improving coherence (Whittington, 2007). In the IASB framework for example, Bullen, and Crook (2005) note that there were specific areas of difficulty that benefited from the convergence. Some of these areas include the explicit meaning of what liability is, and the distinction between equity and liability. Joining Forces During the FASB/IASB convergence announcement in 2002, the two boards stated that they would work together to develop accounting standards for both cross-border and domestic financial reporting. They also stated that they would work toward making their respective standards compatible, and that future work programs would be done with the need to retain compatibility (Schroeder, Clark & Cathey, 2011). Another development in the FASB/IASB relationship took place...
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...Accounting Standards Boards Name ACC/541 Date Instructor Name Accounting Standards Boards The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) first converged in 2002 following the Norwalk Agreement (Whittington, 2007). The convergence was inspired by the need of the boards to produce a solid infrastructure by uniting the two frameworks represented by each board in a bid to harmonize accounting practices worldwide (Whittington, 2007). Additionally, the convergence was also inspired by the need to attain improvement in accounting standards by achieving completeness, and improving coherence (Whittington, 2007). In the IASB framework for example, Bullen, and Crook (2005) note that there were specific areas of difficulty that benefited from the convergence. Some of these areas include the explicit meaning of what liability is, and the distinction between equity and liability. Joining Forces During the FASB/IASB convergence announcement in 2002, the two boards stated that they would work together to develop accounting standards that would be used for both cross- border, and domestic financial reporting. They also stated that they would work toward making their respective standards compatible, and that future work programs would be done with the need to retain compatibility (Schroeder, Clark & Cathey, 2011). Another development in the FASB/IASB relationship took...
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...Be able to assess and plan for personal professional development My Career Plan Career Goal: To become a financial manager. To design, plan, control and supervise the financing of construction of buildings, highways, and rapid transit systems. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in Accounting. • Ability to work as part of a team. • Creativity. • Analytical mind. • Capacity for detail. • Presentation skills. • Writing skills. • Knowledge of physical social sciences and mathematics. • Accreditation by Licensing Board. Current Skills and Interests: • Summer worker for Smith Construction Co. • High School mathematics courses • High School social science courses • Experience working as a team • Attended high school writing courses • Gave presentations in high school courses Plan To Reach Career Goal: • Bachelor's Degree - attend the University of Manchester School of Banking and Finance and a Level-4 Certificate on Management and Leadership at Kings College of Management. • Job Experience - Continue working for Smith Construction Co.; Seek internships through University career placement office • Networking - Join campus organizations for engineering students Introduction: Personal development planning is the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement. Personal Development Plan (PDP) begins by aiming...
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...Introduction In today’s competitive world, it is essential to understand the importance of pre-planning a career. It helps us to recognize the importance of what we want to pursue in our future, after we acquire a certain level of academic qualifications. On the other hand, we are planning a stable financial income for the future. Furthermore, choosing a right career could be a lot of pressure, to ensure maximum accomplishment, Interest, Values, Ambition and Motivators will be highly considered. The career path I choose is in the field of Sales and Marketing in the tourism sector. The main reason I chose this field is the interest, passion and challenges that are faced. At the same time, the opportunity to meet high qualified people around the world is second reason that made me want to pursue this career. Working in such a field is challenging, doing constant research on the changing market trends globally to be a top player. Lastly, the high income and incentives are highly attractive. Information of person interviewed I interviewed the Sales and Marketing Manager and Head of Collections of Platinum Capital Holdings Pvt Ltd, Maldives, Mr. Ahmed Sofwan. As per the interviewer after completing his Edexcel A’ Level, he pursued a degree in accounting and finance. He successfully completed his degree in Bachelor of Science Accounting and Finance at Stansfield University, Singapore. After completing the Degree from Singapore he went back to Maldives...
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