...COMM S237 JOI Instructor: Gail Haynes Paper composed by: Vanessa Villefort Email: Vanessa.Villefort@edu.uni-graz.at Reaction Paper Experiences in Communication – Carl R. Rogers Everyone has different and unique experiences with communication. The psychologist Carl R. Rogers shares his experiences with communication in Chapter 1 of his book A Way of Being and by doing so provides major understandings of communication to the reader. Having read through the chapter thoroughly, I would like to follow Rodgers advice and “check what [he] says against [my] own experience and decide as to its truth or falsity for [me].” (439) In the following part I will try to make up my own mind by comparing his experience to mine. First of all, Rogers mentions the importance of hearing someone and also to be heard by someone. With hearing he refers to the process of truly listening to someone and that is not just listening to the words but also to the thoughts, the feeling tones, the personal meaning and meaning below the conscious intent of the speaker. Once people feel that someone is deeply hearing them they become relieved and more open. This feeling of being understood by another person lets people often bear their heart to that specific person which in turn makes them more open for the process of change (440). However, truly hearing someone is not an ability everyone possesses. It is a difficult process, since it requires the listener to be open and free of prejudices but also not...
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...EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OSIJEK, CROATIA ANALYSIS OF BASIC CONCEPTS OF CARL ROGERS’ CLIENT – CENTRED THERAPY COURSE: Individual Counseling PROFESSOR: dr. Sc. Zoran Vargović STUDENT: Damir Pil YEAR OF STUDY: 2nd – Mth DATE: 29th May 2012 1 CONTENT Introduction............................................................................................................................. ............... 3 I Rogers’ Theory of Personality .................................................................................................. ..........4 Organismic Valuing Process........................... ....................................................................4 a. The Structure and Dynamics of Personality.............................................................5 b. Self – Actualization..................................................................................................6 II Relationship between Therapist and the Client in Client – Centred Therapy.............................7 Introduction to Rogers’ General Hypothesis ...............................................................................7 Conditions of Worth.....................................................................................................................9 a. Core Conditions................................................................................ ....................... 10 III Biblical Perspective on Person – Centred Counselling...........
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...Comparative Analysis Person Centered Therapy and Choice Theory/Reality Therapy By Austin (Russ) Duffy Introduction Person Centered Therapy; Carl Ransom Rogers, Born January 8, 1902 – Died February 4, 1987. Rogers was an American Psychologist who developed Person Centered Therapy (originally referred to as Client Centered Therapy in 1951) based on premise that clients are responsible for taking control of the changes they believe are needed in their lives. This would be a clear departure from Freud’s lengthy approach where the counselor would interpret the client’s story or life experience. Rogers believed, using empathetic understanding and unconditional positive regard people would have the potential given the proper tools to resolve their own problems. Rogers identified accurate empathetic understanding as another critical task of therapists. Choice Theory / Reality Therapy; William Glasser, born May 11, 1925 is an American psychiatrist who developed Choice Theory / Reality Therapy in the early sixties therapies. Choice Theory is an explanation of human behaviour developed by Dr. William Glasser. Reality Therapy is the application of Choice Theory within the context of helping relationships Glasser first developed this approach to use working in schools for troubled adolescents and may explain his life-long interest in both therapy and education. In 1985 the Institute of Guidance Counsellors arranged for Dr. Glasser to visit Ireland. By 1987 the Irish branch...
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...Application Paper W4 Page 2 Carl Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association in 1956. The person-centered approach, his own unique approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (client-centered therapy), education (student-centered learning), organizations, and other group settings. For his professional work he was bestowed the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Psychology by the APA in 1972. Towards the end of his life Carl Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with national intergroup conflict in South Africa and Northern Ireland. In an empirical study by Haggbloom, using six criteria such as citations and recognition, Rogers was found to be the sixth most eminent psychologist of the 20th century and second, among clinicians, only to Sigmund Freud (unknown, n.d) Roger’s has his theory of self-actualization, which is a controlling drive toward fulfillment of our potentials that enables us to maintain and enhance ourselves (Ryckman 2008, page 450). He felt that people did things out of free will and that...
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...Carl Rogers is best known for his contributions to therapy. Dr. Rogers felt that clients look to therapists for guidance, and will find it even when the therapist is not trying to guide. Carl Rogers' theory on guidance was focused on a person's 'true self'. Dr. Rogers said that in order for people to know their true selves, they had to focus on their self-concept. This consisted of a set of beliefs about behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that could be more or less conflicting with the person's real behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. A person whose self-concept was drastically different from their true self would constantly run into situations in which their behavior surprised or upset them. Rogers said that self-concept was influenced by society. Society disapproves of a wide range of behaviors, and many people choose to ignore those behaviors inside themselves. Rogers would listen non-judgmentally to the patient's statements and would reflect back so that the patient would accept his or her true self. He named his therapy, client-centered therapy. He felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find the way to improve, and determine the conclusion of the therapy. Dr. Rogers assisted people in taking responsibility for themselves. He believed that the experience of being understood and valued gives us the freedom to grow. Dr. Rogers sees the human being as: "capable of evaluating the outer and inner situation, understanding themself in its context, making constructive...
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...Carl Rogers (1902- 1987), theory is described as a humanistic personality theory, that there is always an emphasis on personal growth. Rogers believed that all living organisms are born well and that they are motivated to grow and develop in a positive way (Atkinson, 1981). A concise description in this essay will explain Rogers’s theory of personality, and the difference approaches that he uses to define between a fully functioning individual and low functioning individual. It will then describe the approaches Rogers used in his client-centered –therapy. Rogers gives a detailed account of what he thought to be the most beneficial part of therapy, which is the relationship between client and therapist. It will give an account of both strengths and weaknesses found in both his theory and therapy. Carl Rogers’s theory of personality is a clinical theory based on years of dealing with clients (Pecitelli, 1996). In Rogers opinion the core of a “man’s nature is essentially positive”, and he is a “trustworthy organism” (Pecitelli, 1996). These beliefs are reflected in his theory of personality. His entire theory is built on a “single force of life”, in which he calls the actualising tendencies. It can be defined as the built in motivation present in every life form to develop its potentials to the fullest extent possible. The tendency is constructive, directional and is present in every living being (Atkinson, 1981). The key structural concept of his theory is the self. The self...
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...Rogers emphasized the therapeutic relationship in positive terms. He was one of the first psychologists to talk about optimal mental health. He engaged clients with a sincere appreciation of their own expertise in themselves. Less of an "expert" he was more a co-facilitator in clients' own therapeutic journey. The fundamental belief with this therapy is that the client wil eventually reconnect with their inner potential and do what they feel is ultimately comfortable for themselves. Rogers here is allowing her to find her own answers as thats the whole point really, he has total faith in her that she is self empowered in this way and that she has the ability to find the answers that are already inside of her as a mother. Rogers is not the expert on this, she is , so he wont answer. Rogers believed that we all have the resources within ourselves to sort our own issues. Rogers develops this theory through open questions and summaries, whilst maintaining an empathetic understanding of any decision she could make. He does not advise, but works with her own desires, to counsel. The transition that Gloria takes from having concerns with `lying`to her daughter to realizing that her daughter is not an issue here, rather it is her own self-acceptance that is judgemental of what she does with her love life. Roger's theory goes to the core of who we are as human beings - afterall we are social animals. A therapist guides in a non-directive way: This means there's a...
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...BICOL FOLKSONG AKO’Y POBRENG ALINDAHAW Ako’y pobreng alindahaw Sa hoyuhoy gi-anud-anud Nagita ug ka paniban-an ahay! Sa tanaman us sa mga kabulakan. Aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy Ania si bulak sa mga kahidlaw. Aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy Aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy Ania si bulak sa mga kahidlaw Aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, Aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy, aruy Di ka ba mahalooy ning pobreng alindahaw. DIGDI SA SAMUYA Pobreng kamugtakan Pero mga tawo garu magturugang Kada may okasyon Gabus nagtiripon Ang lambang pamilya Igwang namundugan Gabos nag-oogma Gabos nagtatabang-tabangan DAI NANGGAD AKO Dai nanggad ako maghigot nin manok kun ako malakaw Iba an nahimas, kun ako naabot An balukag gumos, ‘yan ang pinagpunan Maraot na boot Dai nanggad ako maghigot nin manok kun ako malakaw Iba an nahimas, kun ako naabot An balukag gumos, ‘yan ang pinagpunan Maraot na boot Proverbs 1. Ang mag-agom na daing baging Kahoy na ing sanga. 2. Ang ga-ulu-alistuhan na daing aram Ang nakukuha kaan kasusupgan. 3. Ang babaying salawahan Di dapat pag-ngaloan 4. Ang aking barumbado Mag-gurang man an tarantado. 5. Tunay na tentasyon ang babaying magayon alagad tentasyon na dai nakauyam kundi nakaumok 6. Ang tawong grabe ang gulang Minsan iyo pa ang nawal-an 7. Sabihun mo ang permi mong kaiba Ta taramun ko kung sisay ka 8. Inano man katibay ang abaka Dai man syempreng kusog Pag...
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...Transcripts of Carl Rogers' Therapy Sessions Edited by Barbara T. Brodley and Germain Lietaer Volume 12 Year Page Gloria Filmed Interview 1965 2 Sylvia 4th Interview (Filmed) 1975 21 Commentary interspersed throughout Sylvia 5th Interview (Filmed) 1975 39 Commentary interspersed throughout Kathy Filmed Interview 1975 53 Commentary 67 Dione 1st Filmed Interview 1977 68 Commentary interspersed throughout Dione 2nd Filmed Interview 1977 1977 85 Final Comments 109 These transcripts are available for purposes of research, study and teaching. They may not be sold. Throughout these interviews the responses of the therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C) are numbered for easy reference This transcript is available for purposes of research, study and teaching. It may not be sold. Throughout this interview the responses of the therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C) are numbered for easy reference. [Source: Shostrom, E. L. (1965). Three approaches to psychotherapy (Part I)[Film]. Orange, CA: Psychological Films.] GLORIA DR. CARL ROGERS PART I -- DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM [Before the Interview] "From my own years of therapeutic experience, I have come to feel that if I can create the proper climate, the proper, relationship, the proper conditions, a process of therapeutic movement will almost inevitably occur in my client. You may ask, 'What is this climate? What...
Words: 44273 - Pages: 178
...another's work or to attribute quotes to the author. Plagiarism in an assessment offence (see actions Section 11: Regulations of the Student Course Handbook, pp. 78-81). 1st Marker 2nd Marker Agreed Mark 1st Marker 2nd Marker Agreed Mark Student Declaration: "I declare that the work submitted is my own" Section C Tutor’s Comments A qualitative analysis of Carl Rogers famous interview with Gloria, encountering the basic principles of the client centered approach. Abstract This paper is a qualitative analysis of the famous Carl Rogers interview with Gloria filmed in 1964 in the United States of America. The basic concepts of the client centered theory and therapy will also be encountered in addition to an evaluation of the necessity and importance of the core conditions in the counseling process. Introduction Person centered theory is regarded as one of the most influential theories of counseling and therapy since its development in the 1940s. With the development of the person centered theory its originator Carl Rogers revolutionized the field of psychotherapy. He believed that people are capable of solving their own problems when the right conditions...
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...What Is “Person-Centered”? A Posthumous Conversation with Carl Rogers on the Development of the Person-Centered Approach Sharie Adams Cambridge College The article to be discussed in this journal capture the attention of the critic upon reading the title. It was not wholly morbid-to say the least-it was odd. There was a palm-reader-gypsy-at-the-fair air to the title. Out of the many titles that were perused, the title alone made the selection easy. The author, Howard Kirschenbaum- a notable author and educator in his own right- authored the biography of the late Carl Rogers. A friend, colleague and authority of Person-Centered theory, Kirschenbaum creates an in depth conversation with the disease that creates an interesting way to pique the interest but to also, bring a novice understanding of Carl Rogers’ person-centered counseling. The journal takes place in a dream where the author has a very in-depth conversation with his friend who affectionately refers to him as “Howie”. Howie then is able to ask his friend some very serious questions about his theories definition, challenges, person-centered antagonist, and the future of person-centered being incorporated in to different kinds of counseling. The author does a great job of using previous conversations, writings and interviews with Carl Rogers to give an accurate account of Roger’s point of view. The conversation begins with Kirschenbaum making the reader aware of the atrophy of person-centered approach in...
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...for single case studies, for exploratory cluster analysis and for a combined application of qualitative and quantitative research strategies is emphasized. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0402347 Q-Sort technique First developed by Stephenson (1953), and later by Carl Rogers (1954) in humanistic psychotherapy. The Q-Sort technique helps judge self-esteem and personal growth. It helps indicate the individuals (poor) perceived self, and ideal-self. Q-sort technique - scaling General methodology developed to discriminate among relatively large number of objects quickly. It gathers data and processes the collected information; the subjects are assigned the task of sorting a number of statements by placing a specific number of statements in each sorting category; the emphases are on determining the relative ranking of stimuli by individuals and in deriving cluster of individuals who display similar preference ordering of stimuli. For example, respondents are given hundred attitude statements on individual cards and are asked to place them into eleven piles ranging from “most highly agreed with” to “least highly agreed with”. Carl rogers For other people named Carl Rogers, see Carl Rogers (disambiguation). Carl Rogers | | Born | January 8, 1902 Oak Park,...
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...Carl Rogers and His Influence on Modern Psychology Introduction Carl Rogers is considered the founder of client-centered therapy, which asserts that childhood experiences affect an individual’s feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Rathus, 2004). The therapist must see the world from that of the client to be effective in treatment. Rogers has influenced many psychological theories and therapies present today, especially positive psychology. Despite this fact, many who practice positive psychology do not, or are not willing to, accept the influence of past theories. Client-Centered Therapy In 1959, Rogers asserted that the therapeutic relationship is used differently with different clients and “it is not necessary to manipulate the relationship in specific ways for specific kinds of clients” (Moon, 2001, p. 45). This means that when a client enters the therapy room, treatment using psychotherapy can begin if the therapist is warm, available, open, accepting, and seeks to understand and follow the client’s needs (Moon). Therefore, client-centered therapy asserts that when a clinician is successfully embracing the attitudinal conditions with a client, the relationship becomes therapeutic and psychological transformation occurs. In essence, Rogers believed that all humans are free to make choices and control their destiny, despite what has occurred in the past. Therefore, client-centered therapy’s goal is to provide insight into the client that has been discarded or disowned...
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...The perspective that I’m writing about that “fits” or is the closest to my own way of thinking is the humanistic theory. I chose to write about this because I agree with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow in that people are generally motivated to improve or achieve the highest level of success that an individual can. Even though Carl Rodgers believed that the actualizing tendency applied to all organisms and not just humans, I figured he deserved to be mentioned along with Abraham Maslow beings they both were on the same track together. Rodgers and Maslow held that human beings are inherently good and seek the good in their lives. I like the fact that every human being on this planet is responsible for achieving their own level of success, whatever that might be to each individual. Maslow’s also believes that in order to achieve self-actualization, all the other needs need to be met and satisfied in a hierarchical order: beginning with a person’s basic needs, moving toward safety, then belonging and finally to esteem. To me this was a nail hit right on the head, because you wouldn’t be able to move forward or help anybody else until these things are done first. Humanistic psychology helped remove the stigma attached to therapy, and made it easier for healthy normal individuals to be able to explore their abilities and their potential through therapy. This also...
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...Counseling Approach To Lisa Janelle Wheatley CNED 401 The Pennsylvania State University Abstract This paper will be focusing on Lisa, a Mexican American woman who suffers from a drug and alcohol addiction. I will be talking about Lisa’s family background and her current situation as well. I will pick a counseling theory and briefly describe this theory in detail. I will then apply this theory to Lisa and her situation. The last thing that this paper will focus on will be why I choose this particular theory for Lisa. Case Conceptualization Lisa is a 32-year-old mother of two twin boys age eight. Lisa suffers from a long history of substance and alcohol abuse. Lisa has been using since the age of 12 and her addiction has only progressed worse over the years. Lisa has experimented with a variety of drugs from marijuana, cocaine and eventually to heroin. Lisa is prone to outbursts of violent behavior and being in life threatening situations. As a counselor it is very important for me to consider all aspects of Lisa’s life, so that I can apply the right theory and provide the best treatment for her. Family and Social Dynamics Lisa comes from a very dysfunctional family. Most of Lisa’s childhood was spent in poverty and despair. She saw her mother getting abused at an early age and usually tried to stop the abuse. Lisa’s father used heroin and eventually died of an overdose. Lisa was taught to survive early on by having to fight her brothers and male cousins. When...
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