The movie Regarding Henry, Henry Turner is a successful lawyer that ends up getting shot in an accident of the way to a convenience store. He has to relearn how to walk and talk and be a part of society again. He is mainly in his superego in the beginning of the film, sometimes being fairly critical and morality. By the end of the movie Henry is so different that his natural state completely changes from his Superego to his Id, and then back to his Superego. There was one scene right before he gets shot, when he wanted to go out and buy cigarettes. He walks into a convenience store and asks the store clerk for a pack of cigarettes, when another man pulls out a gun and he realizes that he has interrupted a robbery. The man asks him for his wallet and he says no twice, and gets shot twice. Most people would have just given up the wallet for a chance of safety, but he refuses. After the accident there are many times when Henry is in the state of the id. One scene was when his family came to get him at the hospital and he just decided that he did not want to go. He had his mind made up and that’s what he wanted to do. Then he remembers grey carpet and wants to go home. It’s just this impulsive, immediate state of mind.…show more content… Henry tells her that its okay and not to worry because he remembered his first day at that same school. It was scary and he was worried he wouldn’t know anyone, but after a few days everyone was laughing and having fun and they were having a great time. This reassures Rachel and she goes into the school. Henry’s wife is surprised that he would remember his school years, and he says “I don’t.” He just wanted to do what he could to make his daughter feel okay. Another example would be when Rachel spilled her juice and the table and Henry spills his too so that shell fell