...Mini Case Analysis- Level Operations Level Operations is a small company located in eastern Pennsylvania. New customers have placed orders, and the production facility has been enlarged to accommodate increased demand for safes. Stephanie Coles is currently working on a production plan for the safes. Organizations use forecasting methods of production and operations management to implement production strategies. The best option for Stephanie Cole is by forecasting this involves using several different methods of estimating to determine possible future outcomes for the business. But, there are also operations management that would be involved in the managing of the processes required to manufacture and distribute products. There are some important aspects of operations management include creating, developing, producing and distributing products for the organization. There are some advantages of forecasting but then of course you also have some disadvantages. Let see the advantages first forecasting provides the business with valuable information that the business can use to make decisions about the future of the organization. In many cases forecasting uses qualitative data that depends on the judgment of experts. So then we have the disadvantages that an organization can effectively use forecasting with other tools of analysis to give the organization the best possible information about the future. Making a decision on a bad forecast can result in financial ruin...
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...SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS STUDIES(BANKINGAND FINANCE) ABMF 3043 INVESTMENT & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TITLE: FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS OFACOMPANY LISTED ON BURSA MALAYSIA LECTURER: LEE HOCK GE Name Student ID Signature Aw Yong Li Wei 14PBD02557 Cheah Huey Shan 14PBD07187 Cheah Shu Ki 14PBD07227 Chua Wan Ling 14PBD03480 Jordan Tan Chyi Horng 14PBD04482 Lee Shei Wen 14PBD01641 Table of Contents No Title Pages 1. Introduction Company Background 1-2 2. Top- Down Approach 3 3. Economy Analysis: (a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (b) Business Cycle (c) Interest Rate (d) Inflation (e) Unemployment Rate 3-7 4. Sector/ Industry Analysis: Pioneering Stage Expansion Stage Stabilization / Maturity Stage 8-9 5. Company Analysis:...
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...inferioridad y de superiodad A) Combina las dos oraciones. Ejemplo: Yo estoy cansado.Tú estás más cansado. Yo estoy menos cansado que tú. 1. La película es interesante. El libro es más interesante. La pelicula es menos interesante que el libro.. 2. El japonés es difícil. El español es menos difícil. El japones es mas dificil que espanol. 3. La casa blanca es cara. La casa roja es más cara. La casa blanco es menos cara que la casa roja. 4. La carne es deliciosa. La sopa es más deliciosa. La carne es menos deliciosa que la sopa. 5. El libro de Miguel es largo. El libro de Ernesto es menos largo. El libro de Miguel es mas largo que el libro de Ernesto. Comparativo irregular Rellena los espacios en blancos con las formas correctas del comparativo. 1) María es la mayor___ que Juan. (mayor) 2) Ella es la joven___ de la família. (joven) 3) Esta película es peor__ que la otra. (mal) 4) Esta película es la _malo__ de todas. (mal) 5) Este auto es el mayor_. (bien) 6) La niña es _joven__. (joven) 7) La abuela es _mayor__. (mayor) 8) Ese libro es _malo__. (mal) 9) Aquella casa es la _bueno__. (bien) 10) Aquella casa es la más _grande__ de todas....
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...Educación Hispana en EE.UU. El número de hispanos en Estados Unidos va en aumento. A medida que el número se incrementa también el número en el aprendizaje de la institución lo hace. Diferentes desafíos en materia de educación han surgido que requieren atención. Algunos de los desafíos actuales que enfrenta el medio ambiente en la educación son las barreras culturales, herramientas inadecuadas de la escuela, y las barreras del idioma y entre otros. El entorno de la educación estadounidense tiene que entender de fondo a los hispanos y sus diferencias culturales con el fin de desarrollar un ambiente de aprendizaje saludable para los hispanos. Hay más de 11 millones de estudiantes latinos en las escuelas públicas de Estados Unidos. Se estima que por cada cinco estudiantes en escuelas K-12, uno es latino. Debido a los problemas mencionados que afectan a los hispanos, sólo la mitad de los alumnos matriculados latinos logran obtener sus certificados a tiempo. La educación superior es la zona más difícil, simplemente porque menos del 5% de los matriculados consiguen completar su formación en la forma correcta. Discusión El aumento en el número de hispanos en el entorno de educación en los EE.UU. ha desarrollado una discusión crítica, simplemente porque los estudiantes latinos que logran conseguir la mejor educación a reducir el nivel de educación alcanzado. Retos diferentes han jugado un papel importante en la toma de su vida la educación difícil. Con la ayuda del gobierno de los...
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...Sepulveda and Bartolomé de Las Casas, describe the Spanish conquistadores’ treatment of the indigenous people during the age of exploration. While one historian claims that both accounts of exploration are valid outlooks on Spanish colonization, only half of that claim upholds as true. Based on the provided text, Juan de Sepulveda did not proved to give a “tempered and academic outlook” on Spanish conquests due to his prominent biases; however, Las Casas did set a president for ideologies against racism and imperialism. Right from the beginning of Sepulveda’s account, his bias is shown as he refuses to acknowledge the indigenous people as human beings, “The Spanish have a perfect right...
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...de los conflictos. La saga fue originalmente planeada como una trilogía, sin embargo, actualmente cuenta con 5 libros, 1 en desarrollo y otro anunciado, por lo cual se espera que la serie sea una heptalogía. La narrativa de Martin es realmente interesante, pues cada capítulo es relatado en tercera persona desde el punto de vista de un personaje; el escritor explico su particular estilo argumentando que, debido a su pasado como guionista, escribió sus novelas en forma de guion televisivo. Los libros cuentan con aproximadamente 900 paginas cada uno, usando un tamaño de letra regular (Arial 12 o 13 aproximadamente) y no contienen dibujos ni imágenes salvo por un mapa del mundo en las primeras hojas y un árbol genealógico de las diferentes casas nobles que se presentan dentro de la historia en las...
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...had never been to before, to spread Christianity for the expansion of their religious power and to win the economic competition. At that time, two explorers, Christopher Columbus and Bartolome de las Casas, sought the New World to spread Catholicism and to find gold for trading slaves that can perform free labor in Spain. Columbus and Las Casas are well-known in the history of Indians. Both Columbus and Las Casas might initially have similar views on Indians when they discovered the new land and met Native Americans. As written in Columbus’s letter on their first voyage, Indians “show as much lovingness as though they would give their heart.” Las Casas also wrote in Apologetic History of the Indies that “they are most humble peoples and obey their kings in a strange and admirable manner” and “the most humble, most patient, most peaceful and calm, without strife nor tumults; not wrangling, nor querulous, as free from uproar, hate and desire of revenge as any in...
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...Bartolome’ de las Casas was a priest maintainer of records for Christopher Columbus. De la Casas was also called a traitor. He describes his accounts of how the Spaniards treated the Indians even with a high chance of repercussions to himself. He was the first to push for the Indians to receive rights. He does this through the use of his document, “The Devastation of the Indies”, to lay out the mistreatment of the Indians in the New World. His focus was on the differences on both Indians and Spaniards character, and the way the Spaniards treated the Indians. De las Casas’ view of the Indians was that they were a meek, and quiet culture, without being wicked to others, and faithful to even the Spaniards. He saw that they were slow to anger and did not take things personally. Indians had no interest in the same worldly goods as the Spaniards. Without immunities to the ailments from the Spaniards it greatly affected the health of the Indians. Unfortunately, this typically led to death in most situations. This peaceful group did not have or want tangible items,...
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...several different opinions on how one should deal with racial oppression. Sojourner Truth spoke of the racial controversy through the eyes of a Christian that is facing racial indifferences. Vibia Perpetua and Bartolomé de Las Casas both display the importance of being a Christian during challenging times. Being a Christian entails considerably difficult cultural issues that need to be solved with correct evidence and actions. In 1797, Sojourner...
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...The settling of the New World brought gold and riches for some, religious freedom for others, but death and the loss of culture for those already residing in the Americas. People came to the New World for one of two main reasons, religious freedom and personal financial growth. William Penn, a pacifist, was a member of a group in search of religious freedom, while Bartolome De Las Casas, was a priest who traveled with the Spanish in search of God, glory and gold. Through analysis of William Penn’s Letter to the Indians, combined with an understanding of Las Casas’ documentation of Spanish treatment of Native Americans, one can conclude that the motive for settling determined the treatment of Native Americans. The north was comprised of colonies who settled on the basis of finding religious freedom in the New World. This reason for settling helped to shape the nature of the relationship the settlers would have with the Natives. William Penn, in an attempt to achieve good standing with the Natives, sent a letter explaining his intentions and hopes for a harmonious relationship. Penn opens the letter stating his position with God and the lessons instilled upon him and his people through the word of God (Penn). This is an attempt to show the good nature with which he plans to treat the Natives, this is also a good way for him to bring up God in a first attempt at conversion of Natives. “I am very sensible of the unkindness and injustice that hath been too much exercised towards...
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...La Guerra de Sucesión Española La Guerra de Sucesión Española fue un conflicto internacional y nacional por la sucesión al trono de España tras la muerte de Carlos II, que duro desde 1702 hasta 1713,aunque la resistencia en Cataluña se mantuvo hasta 1714 y en Mallorca hasta 1715 .Se saldó con la instauración de la Casa de Borbón en España. . Fue una guerra civil entre borbónicos(reino de Castilla) y la casa de Austria (la Corona de Aragón=. Unos años antes de morir Carlos II, el no tener descendencia se convirtió en un problema para España y para las Cortes Europeas. Con la muerte de Carlos II en 1700, se iniciaba la Guerra de Sucesión Española, al no haber un sucesor al trono claro. Había tres candidatos, * José Fernando de Baviera, bisnieto de Felipe IV, era el candidato perfecto para Inglaterra y Holanda. Murió en 1699 * el archiduque Carlos de Austria, que tenía fuertes partidarios en la corte española; podía unir los reinos españoles y austriacos * y Felipe de Anjou, nieto de Luis XIV, rey de Francia. Que podía unir Francia y España Felipe de Anjou contaban con el apoyo de la Corona de Castilla; y el Archiduque Carlos de Austria con el apoyo de la Corona de Aragón, que tenía miedo que Felipe de Anjou hiciese, al igual que su abuelo, un modelo de administración centralista, y así perdiesen sus fueros tradicionales. Al principio Holanda e Inglaterra intentaron dividir el reino en tres partes, para que los tres aspirantes a la corona se repartiesen los...
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...Introduction The source that is being reviewed in the paper is a book written by Bartolome de las Casas and Stafford Poole titled In De Fense of the Indians. The piece was written at a time in history when the Spaniards colonized part of America and were exploiting the original habitants to acquire silver and gold. The Spaniard government assembled to determine what was going on in the new world and consequently what should be done about it. The author was addressing the assembly informing them of the plea of the oppressed Indians and at the same time disagreeing with the points brought up by another scholar, Gines Sepulveda. Sepulveda wanted the continuation of mining in the new world at the expense of the Indians terming them as barbaric and uncivilized, He gave a weak argument that made him look particularly selfish and greedy. Las Casas’ arguments were genuinely true and trustworthy whike Sepulveda’s were half thought and illogical. The thesis of the paper states, “The main goal of colonization is to effect positive change; however, colonialists quickly lose sight of this fact after discovering riches and other benefits.” Summary...
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...Casa de Pilatos La Casa de Pilatos fue iniciada por Pedro Enríquez de Quiñones y su esposa Catalina de Rivera, fundador de la Casa de Alcalá y completada por el hijo de Pedro Fadrique Enríquez de Rivera. En 1520, Don Fadrique Enríquez de Rivera, el primer marqués de Tarifa, regresó de un viaje de dos años de duración a un viaje de Europa a Tierra Santa. Sus encuentros con la maravillosa arquitectura renacentista en ciudades como Roma, Venecia y Florencia le causaron una gran impresión en él que decidió cambiar drásticamente su residencia y convertirlo con un estilo renacentista. Curiosamente, el palacio real de los Duques de Medinaceli es comúnmente conocido como la Casa de Pilatos. El nombre se puede remontar de nuevo al primer Marqués de Tarifa, que, en su viaje a Jerusalén descubrió que la distancia de su casa a un pequeño templo en la Cruz del Campo fue exactamente el mismo como la distancia entre la antigua casa de Pontius Pilate y Golgotha (el nombre bíblico del lugar donde Jesús fue crucificado). De vuelta a casa, el marqués creado un Vía Crucis con doce paradas en el ruta de acceso al templo. Es por eso que la gente comenzó a identificar el palacio de la Casa de Pilatos y esa es la forma en que obtuvo su nombre. El Patio Principal se conoce como la parte más famosa del palacio y es situada en el patio central, que se llama el Patio Principal. Influenciado por la arquitectura renacentista, el dio el palacio un cambio de imagen con balcones, columnas y una fuente...
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...QA Concept Introducing LoadRunner • Why should you automate performance testing? • What are the LoadRunner components? • Understanding LoadRunner Terminology • What is the load testing process? • Getting Familiar with HP Web Tours • Application Requirements The Power of LoadRunner • Creating the Load Test • Running the Load Test • Monitoring the Load Test • Analyzing Results Building Scripts • Introducing the Virtual User Generator (VuGen) • How do I start recording user activities? • Using VuGen’s Wizard mode • How do I record a business process to create a script? • How do I view the script? Playing Back Your Script • How do I set the run-time behavior? • How do I watch my script running in real time? • Where can I view information about the replay? • How do I know if my test passed? • How do I search or filter the results? Solving Common Playback Problems • Preparing HP Web tours for playback errors • How do I work with unique server values? Preparing a Script for Load Testing • How do I measure business processes? • How do I emulate multiple users? • How do I verify Web page content? • How can I produce debugging information? • Did my test succeed? Creating a Load Testing Scenario • Introducing the LoadRunner Controller • How do I start the Controller? • The Controller window at a glance • How do I modify the script details? • How do I generate a heavy load? • How do I emulate real load...
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...Preparing Business Scenario Analyses The following general guidelines may be used in preparing for an oral or written business scenario analysis and presentation. There may be several feasible courses of action regarding the solution to any case. It is more important to concern yourself with the process of problem definition and isolation, analysis, and evaluation of alternatives, and the choice of one or more recommendations, rather than trying to find a single answer. Very often, the right answer is the one that you can propose, explain, defend, and make work. • The Process of Analyzing a Case 1. Read and study the scenario thoroughly and efficiently. Read the scenario once for familiarity, noting issues that come to the forefront. Read the scenario again. Determine all the facts, making notes about symptoms of problems, root problems, unresolved issues, and roles of key players. Watch for issues beneath the surface. 2. Isolate the problem(s). Get a feel for the overall environment by putting yourself in the position of one of the key players. Seek out the pertinent issues and problems. 3. Analyze and evaluate alternatives. a. Once the problems and issues are isolated, work at gaining a better understanding of causes. In what area of the unit do the problems exist? Why? What caused them? Examine and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the unit’s processes (e.g., planning, communication), human behaviors, and/or exhibits (e.g., financial statements,...
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