Premium Essay

Case 19


Submitted By BIANCA
Words 264
Pages 2
assets 361.4 sales 987 spon liabilities 161.4 change in sales 413.2 net profit margin 0.0348 retained earnings net income 34.3 1) sales in year t+1 1400.2 2) a) 70.62
0.2026 n b) 0.048
413.2 change in sales c) 1467.64 1538.32 1612.41
0.269 b
0.0348 net profit margin 3) a) 36.36%
1400.2 sales in year t+1 b) 36.73% c) 31.81% total equity 200.8 roe 0.171 4) a) 28.596 re/ni 0.269 b) 123.7 wo change w/change diff 5) sales 5%+ 1400.2 1470.21 -70.01 bad debt exp 18.2 102.91 -84.7147 discount taken 0 26.46378 -26.46378 net sales 1382 1393.75908 -11.75908 variable cost 1050.2 1102.6575 -52.4575 fixed cost 252 252 0 earnings b. tax 79.8 39.10158 40.69842 taxes (40%) 31.9 15.640632 16.259368 net income 47.9 23.460948 24.439052 capital cost 35 2.81531376 32.18468624 gain 12.9 20.64563424 10.08468624 6) a) b) sales 5%+ 1778.3 bad debt exp 124.481 discount taken 32.0094 net sales 1685.8284 variable cost 1333.725 fixed cost 252 earnings b. tax 100.1034 taxes (40%) 40.04136 net income 60.06204 capital cost 7.2074448 gain 52.8545952 7) A) stricter credit standards will cause other firms to follow and force the payments to be made across the boards. B) 8) Stanley shoud continue without the

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(3) the variances have no meaning unless the standard costs for each model are reasonable; (4) the overhead variance in Exhibit 1 is meaningless; and (5) the paperwork involved in the Conley system is less than that in the Bennett system. Comments on Questions (Numbered as in Mr. Bennett’s memorandum) It may be well to discuss the Bennett system first. The subject may be broken down into records of material, labor, and overhead cost, and the job-cost sheet. Enough hints are given in the case so that students should be able to visualize the contents of the documents needed to record the incurrence...

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Holding Fast

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Baker V.Canada Minister of Citizenship and Immigrtion

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...With these developments, it is obvious that conflicts between parties of different nationalities occur and liability to tax on income of foreigners especially among those engaging in trading venture. Whilst the laws affecting domicile and residence may be sufficiently settled, it is paramount for courts to pursue a detailed analysis to ascertain specific preliminary issues so as to avoid controversial rulings. Courts often handle numerous financial cases that involve what can be best described as foreign or international elements. In such cases, court must decide whether it has the jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975 to make a decision on such cases. In the event that it is determined that the court is invested with the jurisdiction to determine the case, the court has to consider whether there is a system of law in foreign country that also has the jurisdiction to handle the case. As it was addressed in the case Attorney General of New Zealand v Ortiz [1984] AC 1, these benefits and costs to either party if the case resolution is made in foreign country as compared with the apparent country should also be a subject of concern. [1] Legal systems in most countries around the world adopt community property regime, which takes effect at the inception of marriage or at the time of divorce. For instance, California and Massachusetts in the United States have adopted community property regimes that support equal division of assets upon divorce. However, this provision...

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