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Case Blaine Kitchenware


Submitted By jenny123
Words 544
Pages 3

N, Inc.
In July 2000, Reed Hastings, chairman ,md CEO of, Ine., faced a criticaI deci:;jon. Thrl'C months earlier, following one of tl1l' worst episodes O!l record for the NASDAQ market, NetFlix had submitted it:; 5-1 filing for its initial Pllblic offering (Iro).! A:; il rl'sult of thl' market downturn, many Internet companies had been forced to withdraw their 1['0s. Invl,:-;tment bankers indicated to Hastings that NetFlix would 11(.'Cd to show positive cash flows within a twdw-month horizon in order to have a succes.,,,flll offering. Hastings knew that NetFlix was at a crucial stage. With revenU($ doubling evcry six months, NetFlix was enjoying tremendolls stlccess. But continucd succcss depcnded on thl' company's ability to sustain triple-digit growth (or the fOfesceable future. Soon, Hastings would have to decide whether or not to proceed with the company's anticipated IPO. Hastings askl..'\l Barry McCarthy, the chicf finnnciai officer, to re-('vnluate the cash flow requircments of thc company's currcnt business pian, to suggest modificùtions that would improvc the company's projected cnsh flows, and to makc ù rccommcndation on whether the company should go forward with its plùnned offcring. As McCarthy rcviewed the existing NetFlix business model, hl' considered possiblc chùnges that might allow thc company to procccd with its planncd IPO ùnd yet sustùin thc typc of futtlrl..' growth that would be nccL,:-;sary for thc compùny to achieve its long-run objcctivcs. McCarthy was acutcly aware of thc company's currcnt financing m't'd, but he worried about thc cffect thùt changes to the business pian might hnve on thc company's current operatillns.

TheCompany, fne. was founded in 1997 by Recd Hastings ùnd Mùrc Rnndolph. NctFlix opcratcd ùn Internct-bùscd unlimitcd rcntal subscription service for digitùl video disc (DVD) formattcd movics. The DVD providcd ù ncw technology for storiog ùnd playing movies with image and sound qUùlity cxceeding thùt of traditional vidcocassettcs. A DVD was similùr in sizc to an audio compact disc and was capablc of holding no cntirc featurc-Iength film, as well as additional information such as subtitles in diffcrcot l'lI1guagcs, additional shortcr vidl..'oS about thc mùking of the film or othcr rclated subject mattcr, and information about thc élctors, director, ùnd produccrs. With its high quality and ùdditional fcatures, thc new DVD tcchnology provided an ùttractivc altcrnùtive to traditional vidcocasscttcs for thc home video market. By combining thc supcriority of the new DVD

I After r.,aching il hist{lrical high {lf 5,(148 on March lO, 21XlO, th., NASDAQ Composite Index h"ù fall.,n 25'1.. tu 3,794 by April 18, 2(XJO, the day of the Nctl-'Iìx S-1 filing.

NeIFlì, Inc.

tL'Chnology with the convenience or the Internet, NetFlix provided home movies.


new way to sclect and to rent

Rnndolph nml1nged production of the NetFlix web site, inclllding the featurcs, fllnctionality, and contL'nt on the site. Randolph bdieved that conSUn1ers were often frustrated in their dforts to scll'ct and view movies nt traditional video storcs because of limite..i sclections and il focus on new rdense movies. With its unlimited "virtual" she\f spnce for stocking videos, th ..' NetFlix wcb sile focuscd on improving the experiel1ce of sclecting

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...Case Studies Solutions Case Studies Solutions,Article Writing,Assignments,Research Work,Home Work MenuSkip to content Home How We Work ? Refund Policy How to Order ? Disclaimer Contact Us Finance Cases List POSTED ON MARCH 8, 2013 Hello, If u want us to solve any case study from below list, do contact us anytime, We are here to provide the experience, expertise, and professionalism that you are looking for , Our tutors are available 24/7 to assist you what you need, Click Here to submit your Order. ======================================================================================= Acquisition of Consolidated Rail Corp. by Benjamin C. Esty Airbus A3XX: Developing the World’s Largest Commercial Jet by Benjamin C. Esty American Chemical William E. Fruhan, John P. Goldsberry American Home Products David W. Mullins AQR’s Momentum Funds by Daniel B. Bergstresser, Lauren H. Cohen, Randolph B. Cohen, Christopher Malloy Arundel Partners: The Sequel Project by Timothy A. Luehrman AXA MONY by Andre F. Perold, Lucy White Beta Management Co. by Michael E. Edleson Butler Lumber Co. by Thomas R. Piper Cartwright Lumber Thomas R. Piper Citigroup 2007: Financial Reporting and Regulatory Capital by Edward J. Riedl, Suraj Srinivasan Clarkson Lumber Co. by Thomas R. Piper Cooper Industries, Inc. by Thomas R. Piper Cost of Capital at Ameritrade by Erik Stafford, Mark L. Mitchell Debt Policy at UST, Inc. by Mark L. Mitchell Dell’s Working Capital...

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... Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo, 3rd ed., Pearson - Prentice Hall, 2014. (SBN-10: 0-13-342415-4; ISBN-13: 978-0-13342415-7) There are several options for accessing the book and MyFinanceLab. You can purchase the book with MyFinanceLab. You can purchase the e-book and MyFinanceLab. You can purchase or rent the book, and purchase MyFinanceLab separately. Please see the last page of this syllabus for details for details on registering for MyFinanceLab. Other required readings are listed in the syllabus and made available through Canvas or Slides PowerPoint slides for all of the class sessions will be printed and handed out in class. The slides are also available on Canvas. 2 Cases Cases are available on which can be accessed through Canvas. Case-related material, if any, will be made available on Canvas. Additional Material...

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