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Case Study 2 - Costco


Submitted By asfont86
Words 759
Pages 4
, costco Founded in 1983 by Jim Sinegal, Costco is the worlds leading wholesale warehouse retailer. A membership based club, “Costco provides a wide selection of merchandise, plus the convenience of specialty departments and exclusive member services, all designed to make your shopping experience a pleasurable one.” ( In 2013 Costco reported net sales of $31.77 Billion in the fourth quarter and $102.87 billion during the 52-week fiscal year (Yahoo Finance).
Does the company’s strategy reflect the company’s mission?
Costco’s mission:
“To continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices” (Thompson, pg. c-11).
Costco’s strategy:
Pricing – Costco strives on keeping prices low and only stocks merchandise that is priced to reflect this strategy. They often buy goods at bargain prices as “one-off” and/or bulk deals. This allows the company to price their goods at an exclusive cost. Costco does not believe in marking the goods up to make more money, but instead believes that the lower costs will allow for a faster turnover and a “wont find this deal again” attitude.
Product Selection – By keeping a small selection of active items (nearly 3,600) including brand names and store brand goods, Costco is known for selling limited quantity options and typically in bulk. This strategy is called “intelligent loss of sales” and they believe that by stocking large quantity of a good with no other option, they will only lose 1 or 2 but allows them to run efficiently.
Treasure-Hunt Merchandising - Costco keeps 20-25% of their products constantly changing, and as mentioned above, some of these products are one-time wholesale purchases (Thompson, pg. c-12). This strategy tempts shoppers to purchase right away because there is no guarantee the bargain offered would be there during their next shopping trip. Treasure

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