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Case Study Assignment #1, Communist Prison Camps


Submitted By birdman1967
Words 645
Pages 3
Case Study Assignment #1, Communist Prison Camps, Pages 84-85
What Specific techniques were used to bring about the destruction of self-awareness among the prisoners?
Specific techniques that were used to bring about the destruction of self-awareness among the prisoners included, physical privation, prolonged interrogation, total isolation from former relationships, detailed regimentation of all daily activities, humiliation, degradation and social alienation by “thought reform” group (s).

What opposite processes could be used to create the reverse process, that is, a strengthening of the self-concept?
Strengthening of the self-concept could be brought on by using processes such as the five core aspects of self-awareness: 1. Core self-evaluation – Identifying the persons individual personality attributes 2. Values- Identifying the individuals personal standards and moral judgment 3. Cognitive style – Identifying information acquisition and evaluation 4. Attitudes towards change – Identifying adaptability and responsibility 5. Emotional intelligence – Identifying emotional awareness and control.
These processes, as they are the very core of the self-concept can be used to work on the persons personality dimensions i.e. neuroticism, extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness.

Assume that you are charged with the orientation of a cohort of new managers in your organization. How would you help them understand their own strengths and inclinations and how they could best contribute to the firm?
Helping the new managers understand their own strengths and inclinations can be achieved by, first knowing my own strengths and inclinations and expanding and learning from them. In turn, I can use this awareness to work with the new hires to help them better understand their strengths and inclinations, This can take the form of

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