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Case Study Of Brian's Relationship

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Mr storm reported that although he had been married before , his first significant relationship came after he left school at the age of 16. Mr storm reported that he left school at the age of 16 and worked in a bakery describing his work as arduous whereby he had to wake up at 4 AM in the morning. At 17 he moved to insurance company worked in the post room where he met his first partner Michelle Brian who was 22. Since the company policy been that there was no fraternising with colleagues, Mr storm reported that they kept their relationship a secret at work. Mr storm described the relationship as fun and exciting, however, after two years their relationship had been revealed and subsequently, Mr storm decided to leave the company in pursuit of other work.
Mr storm described that he moved around for a couple of months in search of employment and reported that since he is then partner Miss Brian owned her own property the couple would spend time there. Mr storm reported that prior to his relationship with Miss Brian she had experienced domestic violence and that he had begun randomly turning up at the property and for this reason, Mr Brian decided to sell the property and move on with her life.
Mr storm describes that the couple moved in with his parents in Kent and reported that this was a sudden change or miss Brian only grown up in …show more content…
The applicants felt that since they too were raising a child it wasn’t in the best interest for them to pursue a relationship with …………. And had been unaware of the concern with regard to the children. Mrs storm appeared shocked when I explained the initial concerns, reporting that it had been their understanding that the children’s parents had a stable support

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