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Case Study of Horizon Technology


Submitted By dinesh79
Words 909
Pages 4
BUS550-Project Management/Case Study #1 – Horizon Consulting

1. How successful was the post- meeting?
Meeting was pretty successful since Patti was able to pick a programmer who is very quick sturdy to work on her Shanghai Wok project. Patti’s project Shanghai wok is a small size and limited in terms of scope and hence she was given Purple flag for her project. Purple designation is given for the projects which have low priority in terms of scope of the project. Shanghai wok project is for a smartphone application for Chinese restaurant called Shanghai wok, a busy Chinese mom and pop restaurant located in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina. The owners of Shanghai Wok wanted Horizon to create a smartphone app that would allow customers to order and pay in advance for meals they would simply pick up at a walk- up window. The programmer working on this application previously worked on TAT project. TAT project was for an iphone application that allowed subscribers to reserve and see in real time what swimming lanes were available at a prestigious athletic club. Jackson was the project lead for the TAT project and his project was submitted to Apple Inc for approval before it go operational. Unfortunately TAT was rejected for variety of reasons by Apple Inc. Jackson was in a difficult situation and he had to act fast to make those required changes to get an approval. In order to make the changes, he had to pull all the application engineers who worked on the TAT application. One of the app engineers who had developed the TAT app was working on Patti’s Shanghai Wok project. Patti had to give up her app engineer and replace him with engineer who was available to work. Due to purple designation of Shanghai wok project, Patti was given a last choice to choose the app engineer from the list. She knew very few names in the list of app engineers since she worked or

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