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Case Study Out-Patient Ot

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In order for Mrs. Sacca to have independence while engaging in her daily activities, she must start with small goals and build up on them. Although Ms. Sacca cannot return to volunteering due to her deficits, she could help out her synagogue from home and from around her community. During her out-patient OT interventions, Ms. Sacca could create a fairly large pinch pot to collect change and other small donations throughout her neighborhood to provide to the synagogue. Creating a pinch pot that will be useful to the place she was volunteering at can keep Ms. Sacca stay busy and when it is finished, she could either use her walker to use a wheelchair to request donations from neighbors. Ms. Sacca could also decorate the pot based on her preferences, and it could …show more content…
Sacca to feel accomplished, and may also build her self-esteem and confidence up to make her determined to achieve more independent activities. With the pinch pot, Ms. Sacca is working her muscles while creating the pot, as well as continuing to exercise by traveling either with a cane, walker, or wheelchair, to collect donations. If she continues to work on areas that need improvement, even after the session is over, improvements will be made. It is important to choose an activity that will make Ms. Sacca interested while considering safety precautions and her deficits. Due to the fact that Ms. Sacca has sensation impairments, it may be dangerous to allow her to engage in any woodworking activity. She would be working with hand and power tools and her deficits may inhibit her from recognizing pain or pressure if she would have gotten hurt. Due to Ms. Sacca’s limited ROM and strength, the use of the mallet or a rotary punch may be difficult, therefore a leatherworking activity would not be the most effective activity. Creating a pinch pot is the safest activity for Ms. Sacca. It also does not require her to stand up often, nor require her to problem

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