...Questão 1 Os problemas com que a Income se deparava eram: - Processos tediosos baseados em papel. - Possíveis atrasos desde o preenchimento do formulário até chegar ao departamento correto para o tratamento. - Armazenamento complexo, custoso e demorado. - Falhas frequentes do mainframe que servia as principais aplicações de negócio. Estas implicavam paragens de trabalho. - Processo de backup diário através de um sistema custoso, tedioso e com possíveis perdas de informações. - Software antigo e com falhas regulares que causavam paragens. - Dificuldades no desenvolvimento de novos programas/funcionalidades para a empresa visto que o desenvolvimento em COBOL era visto como custoso para a equipa de IT. Estas dificuldades causavam grande demora na capacidade da empresa desenvolver novos produtos. - A informação era processada em batchs não possibilitando o acesso em tempo real à informação com perda de oportunidades de negócio em vendas cruzadas, uma vez que os agentes não conseguiam a visualizar informação do cliente. - Incapacidade de oferecer soluções de mobilidade. O novo sistema utiliza tecnologias WEB (Java) e assenta numa infraestrutura de IT robusta, redundante (DRP) e escalável. Esta foi melhorada desde o hardware para servidores e armazenamento de dados até aos cabos e fibras óticas para comunicação dentro da sede e entre a sede e os escritórios. Desta forma foi possível endereçar estes problemas e resolve-los das seguintes formas: - O sistema de...
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...University of Melbourne Web: www.harzing.com Department of Management & Marketing Faculty of Economics & Commerce Parkville Campus Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia AN EXAMINATION OF THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON INTERACTIONS: SIX LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Anne-Katrin Neyer1) Anne-Wil Harzing 2) 1) University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Information Systems I, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lange Gasse 20, 90403- Nuremberg, Germany, Anne-Katrin.Neyer@wiso.uni-erlangen.de 2) University of Melbourne, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Parkville Campus, Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia, harzing@unimelb.edu.au Acknowledgements This study was supported by funds from the 'Jubiläumsfondsprojekt Nr. 11618 of the Oesterreichischen Nationalbank'. We thank Professor Gerhard Fink and Dr. Markus Pudelko for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. Abstract Using data collected from 25 interviews with Austrian employees in the European Commission, we explore the conditions under which cultural differences do and do not influence interactions. Previous experience with culturally-determined behaviour and experience working in a foreign language is found to foster norms that reduce conflict based on cross-cultural differences. Time pressure, on the other hand, makes cultural differences, specifically the way that criticism is delivered and the extent of relational-versus-task ...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 2010 2010-023X Information Technology roles in Accounting Tasks – A Multiple-case Study Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology...
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...[pic] GESTÃO ESTRATÉGICA E COMERCIAL [pic] Caso 5 PepsiCo Grupo 2 Francisco Morais, 56941 Ricardo Marcão, 58593 Índice Página Respostas às perguntas 2 Índice Figuras X Índice Tabelas X Bibliografia X Respostas às perguntas 1. What is PepsiCo's corporate strategy? Briefly identify the business strategies that PepsiCo is using in each of its consumer business segments in 2008. Desde a sua criação que a PepsiCo apostou sempre numa estratégia de diferenciação, não fosse a mesma resultante da fusão de uma marca de refrigerantes (Pepsi) com uma marca de snacks (Frito-Lay). Entre o fim dos anos 70 e o princípio dos anos 90, a empresa apostou ainda mais nesta estratégia, adquirindo cadeias de alimentação como a Pizza Hut, Taco Bell ou KFC, acabando por eventualmente vendê-las ou dar-lhes autonomia [4] [13]. No virar do século XXI, a PepsiCo voltou a focar-se nos produtos alimentares, adquirindo nos E.U.A. a Tropicana e a Quaker Oats Company e noutros países as marcas de bebidas locais que eram as concorrentes principais ou secundárias. Esta operação revelou-se um sucesso, pois todas as marcas estavam a crescer, embora lentamente, em todos os mercados, excepto a gama de refrigerantes com gás (carbonatados), nos E.U.A., onde o produto Pepsi estava a perder para a sua rival de sempre, a Coca-Cola, conforme se pode na Exhibit 8 do enunciado do Caso. Era preciso fazer algo e a solução...
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...and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 2010 2010-023X 103 Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology (IT) has shifted over the last decades (Teng & Calhoun, 1996) to become an important part of how companies manage and control their resources...
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...THE ON OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK RP OS T ON OP YO RP OT C OS T THE ON OT C Write Persuasively About Cases OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts YO RP OS T Copyright 2007 William Ellet All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. ON OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the cooperation of business firms and other organizations which may wish to remain anonymous by having names, quantities, and other...
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...INSTITUTO DE EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR DA PARAÍBA – IESP DIREÇÃO ACADÊMICA COORDENAÇÃO DO CURSO DE GRADUAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO JESSICA TOSCANO MENDES DIAGNÓSTICO DE EMPRESA FAMILIAR: Estudo de caso na empresa Rogetur Roger Agência de Viagens LTDA João Pessoa 2015 JESSICA TOSCANO MENDES DIAGNÓSTICO DE EMPRESA FAMILIAR: Estudo de caso na Rogetur Roger Agência de Viagens LTDA Projeto de Pesquisa realizado para o Curso de Graduação em Administração do Instituto de Educação Superior da Paraíba – IESP para o cumprimento da disciplina Projeto de Trabalho de Curso. Área de Concentração: Recursos Humanos Orientador: Prof. Dra. Luciane Albuquerque Sá de Souza João Pessoa 2015 AGRADECIMENTOS Primeiramente a Deus por minha vida, família e amigos. Aos meus pais Eduardo Mascarenhas e Rozania Toscano pelo amor incondicional e por terem sempre priorizado minha educação. Ao meu amado namorado David Larkins, que me deu apoio e incentivo nas horas difíceis de desânimo е cansaço. À minha querida amiga Poliana Silva, que passou de amiga à anjo da guarda, que não só me apoiou, mas por diversas vezes revisou este trabalho comigo. À minha orientadora e amiga, Prof. Dra Luciane Albuquerque, pelo suporte no pouco tempo que lhe coube, pelas suas correções е incentivos. À Profª. Maíra Vasconcelos pelo paciente trabalho dе revisão dа redação e por sempre ser tão gentil. À minha amiga-irmã Tatiana Leal por ter me ensinado conceitos de metodologia enquanto tomávamos...
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...Reflexão referente ao Caso Clínico 1 Perante um caso como o que nos foi apresentado, a decisão sobre revelar a informação obtida não deve ser tomada de ânimo leve, pois existem demasiadas variáveis a ter em conta. Da análise em grupo concluímos que existe um claro conflito entre os princípios da Beneficência, Veracidade, Honestidade e Prevenção das mulheres infetadas com o princípio da Autonomia, o dever da Confidencialidade e o sigilo médico para com o parceiro masculino. Além disso, a informação poderá trazer graves consequências relacionais e afectar o estado psicológico dos afetados se for apressada, pelo que o conceito da Não Maleficência (primum non nocere) também esteve decerto envolvido na reflexão a que nos propusemos. Prosseguindo com a análise, reparamos que, caso o médico não insistisse com o doente do sexo masculino para revelar a sua condição às suas parceiras, poder-se-ia ver assegurado o princípio da Autonomia, pois é dado ao doente o direito de lidar com a doença segundo os seus ideais e as suas convicções e escolher o momento ideal para revelar a informação. No entanto, ao atuar desta forma o médico estaria a pôr em causa os seguintes princípios para as duas parceiras afectadas: Beneficência (“salus aegroti suprema lex”), que advoga que as ações dos profissionais de saúde devem ser de acordo com o melhor interesse, o maior bem do doente. Ao ocultar às doentes a situação do parceiro, o médico não estaria a atuar de acordo com o maior bem destas...
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...1/22/07 3:37 PM Page i RP OS T ElletFM.qxp THE DO N OT C OP YO CASE STUDY HANDBOOK 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page ii DO N OT C OP YO RP OS T ElletFM.qxp 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iii RP OS T ElletFM.qxp YO THE OP CASE STUDY HANDBOOK How to Read, Discuss, and OT C Write Persuasively About Cases DO N William Ellet Harvard Business School Press Boston, Massachusetts 1/22/07 3:37 PM Page iv RP OS T ElletFM.qxp Copyright 2007 William Ellet YO All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 11 10 09 08 07 5 4 3 2 1 OP No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163. The copyright on each case in this book unless otherwise noted is held by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and they are published herein by express permission. Permission requests to use individual Harvard copyrighted cases should be directed to permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu, or mailed to the Permissions Editor, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163. OT C Case material of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is made possible by the...
Words: 99835 - Pages: 400
...beginning of the 21st century, its CEO/ Chairman, Yang-Ho Cho undertook various transformation initiatives - for instance, improving service quality and safety standards, technology integration, upgrading pilot training, better business focus; putting in place a professional management team, improving corporate image through sponsorship marketing, etc. He gave a new corporate direction in the form of '10,10,10' goal. However, Korean Air is held up by a slew of challenges. Among which are inefficiencies of - Chaebol system of management, possible clash of its cargo business with its own shipping company, limited focus on the domestic market and growing competition from LCCs. How would Korean Air manage growth as a family-owned conglomerate? The case offers enriching scope for analysing a family business’s turnaround strategies, with all the legacy costs involved. Pedagogical Objectives • To discuss the (operational) dynamics of Korean Chaebols - their influence/ effects on the country’s industrial sector and the economy as a whole • To analyse how family-owned businesses manage the transition phase - from a supplier-driven economy to a demanddriven economy • To identify all the possible reasons for Korean Air ’s turbulent times and assessing whether they are controllable or not • To critically evaluate Korean Air ’s transformation efforts - in terms of growth, productivity and cost cuts, especially the efficacy of '10,10,10' goal in a family-run business • To identify various challenges...
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...contemporary organizational issue you find intriguing. Use one field site or example for the entire paper. Also, be explicit about the level issue. For example, if you are using the concept of personality then it is an individual level issue. A list of concepts and their related levels is provided in a separate document. Focus of paper-related requirements: Outline: Submit a formal outline for your paper, complete with references. The purpose of the outline is to help you organize your content, which also results in increased clarity, improved logic, and better structure of the paper. There may be adjustments from this document to your final paper, but at this stage the paper should not require major revisions. Final Paper: Use a case study format for the structure of your paper. Identify and analyze issues using course concepts, and propose recommendations for the organization you are focusing on. Use of course concepts 1. Use a minimum of 8 concepts for the paper. Include a list of the concepts you used at the beginning of the paper. 2. Briefly define each concept you use within the text (a paragraph or two). 3. For each concept, write a diagnosis at one level (e.g., the person level). For example, you might write “The employee misses work frequently due to stress from conflict with her supervisor.” Note, stress and conflict would require definitions.) 4. For each concept, write a solution or solutions. Identify the level(s) you addressed in Step 2...
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...Calendar Overall for Case-Study Presentation & Mid-Term Exam – MGT 4760 (Strategic Management) Sem 1, 2012/2013 Sec 8 (M-W) No. | Week | Topics | Class Day | Date | Schedule | Details | | 1 | Chapter 1: The Nature of Strategic Management | 1- Mon 2- Wed | 10/912/9 | | | | 2 | Chapter 2: The Business Vision and Mission | 3- Mon 4- Wed | 17/919/9 | | | | 3 | Chapter 3: The External Assessment | 5- Mon 6- Wed | 24/926/9 | | | | 4 | Chapter 4: The Internal Assessment | 7- Mon 8- Wed | 1/103/10 | Quiz 1 (Chapter 1.2.3) | | | 5 | Chapter 4: The Internal Assessment | 9- Mon 10- Wed | 8/1010/10 | | | | 6 | Chapter 5: Strategies in Action | 11- Mon 12- Wed | 15/1017/10 | | | | | BREAK(22/10 – 28/10) | 13- Mon 14- Wed | 22/1024/10 | | | | 7 | Chapter 5: Strategies in Action | 15- Mon 16- Wed | 29/1031/10 | Case Presentation Session 1Case Presentation Session 2 | Group 1:L: Lia Hilaliah (Case Study 3)Group 2:L: Mas Syairah bte Mohamad (Case Study 5) | | 8 | Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice | 17- Mon 18- Wed | 5/117/11 | | (Mid-Term Exam 7/11 Wednesday)Seminar Room 1.1 | | 9 | Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice | 19- Mon 20- Wed | 12/1114/11 | Case Presentation Session 3Case Presentation Session 4 | Group 3:L: Mohamed Sheikh (Case Study 9) Group 4:L: Izzati Nor binti Salleh (Case Study 14) | | 10 | Chapter 7: Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations...
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...ARCTIC MINING CONSULTANTS Case Synopsis Arctic Mining Consultants is a mining company that deals with mineral exploration. In this case study, the project given is staking 15 claims in Eagle Lake, Alaska. The project Manager was Tom Parker, who has a wide experience and specialized knowledge in all nontechnical aspects of mineral exploration. He is a geological field technician and field coordinator for Arctic Mining Consultants. He assigned his previous field assistants John Talbot, Greg Boyce and Brian Millar to help him complete the project. The job required them to stake at least 7 lengths each day in order to be completed on time. However, the whole team has became very tense and agitated, especially Tom Parker, as the deadline was just around the corner and there’s still many to be finished within the limited time. The problem became worse with the way Tom managed and treated his team. The only motivation to the team was the $300 bonuses promised by the company when the job is done on time, otherwise, they might wished to give up already. This happened because working as a field assistant and in long-working hours only giving them low wages, which is considered unreasonable compared to what they have to do. During the eight hard days, everything had actually proved the strengths and weaknesses of each of the team members, including Tom. Case analysis symptoms 1) What symptom(s) exist in this case to suggest that something has gone wrong? The symptom(s) to suggest...
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...Running head: CASE STUDY XYZ Case Study XYZ: An Examination of Project Procurement Management Practices Group 12 John Doe Jane Smith Bobbie Sue University of Maryland University College Project Procurement Management, Semester XXXX, Section XXXX Professor Stephen R. Guth MMMM DD, YYYY [No Abstract or Introduction required for this assignment] The Inception Phase Rating Scale: 5—Excellent, 4—Very Good, 3—Good, 2—Poor, 1—Very Poor |Project Management Area |Inception Phase | |Scope Management | | |Time Management | | |Cost Management | | |Quality Management | | |Human Resource Management | | |Communication Management | | |Risk Management | | |Procurement Management | ...
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...policy. 2) Employee conditions: a. Lack of motivation b. Compensate for low wages by over indulgence of free food allowance c. High turnover rate due to availability of high application rates. d. Employees are mostly college and high school students e. Lack of respect for managers. f. No incentive to increase motivation. In the case study Perfect Pizzeria, the area supervisor has many problems that need his attention. The largest appears to be the organization. In this case study I will assume that the area supervisor has the authority to affect change within his organization (i.e. he is the franchise owner). Being in an area with few job opportunities should give him the perfect opportunity to recruit bright, ambitious, and motivated people to staff his pizzerias. How can the area supervisor change his organization to achieve a more fluid corporate culture? I think this change can be achieved by human resource changes, structure changes, motivational changes, and reward for good performance as well as accountability for poor performance. Each one of these areas will require a change from the corporate level. For the sake of my case study I am going to assume that the area supervisor (franchise owner) can lobby to achieve this change within the organization. The first area to look...
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