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Case Study: Sibley Memorial Hospital

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For this assignment I chose Sibley Memorial Hospital as the "company” whose mission statement I would like to analyze, I chose this particular institution because it's in the field/category that I am very familiar with (the healthcare sector). Sibley Memorial Hospital is a community hospital in Washington dc, specifically right on the borderline with Montgomery County Maryland.

Sibley, as locals call it states its mission on its website as "The mission of Sibley Memorial Hospital is to provide quality health services and facilities for the community, to promote wellness, to relieve suffering, and to restore health as swiftly, safely, and humanely as it can be done consistent with the best service we can give at the highest value for all concerned.”('washington dc, community hospital, health services | About Sibley Memorial Hospital | Sibley Memorial Hospital', n.d.) …show more content…
('new hospital facilities, planning stage, construction | The New Sibley | Sibley Memorial Hospital', n.d.). Sibley also have a program named the "community assistance program,” with this program the hospital intends to provide medical care to patients who cannot afford to pay for the services provided to them.('washington dc, community hospital, health services | About Sibley Memorial Hospital | Sibley Memorial Hospital',

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