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Eleanor Roosevelt: The Qualities That Changed My Life

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“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” These quotes is from my muse Eleanor Roosevelt; you can get an insight into who I truly am through this quote. I can pull out many experiences to show how I have gained these qualities. Most of all I have proven these qualities through the activities that I am involved in including, National Honors Society (NHS), Future Farmers of America (FFA), band, choir, basketball, 4-H president, and volleyball manager. I have developed a strong work ethic through 4-H and NHS, in these two activities the members have great opportunities to help others. Ever since I was a young I wanted my career to be something that helps others. In my career choice as a prosthetist and orthotist, I would be about to fulfill that need every day. My goal is to help my patients see this as positive as possible. I can see myself being very happy in this career, and I will not give up until I am successful. Persistence is the key to succeed in anything and I will accomplish my goal if I set it, no matter the size of the goal. When I was younger, I had great role models, my father and mother, my father worked two …show more content…
I have worked hard for all the things that I have today, I do not like when things are handed to me. This being said, I have undertaken many responsibilities. The fact that I no longer I have parents, I have been in charge of taking care of my insurance, car needs, and taxes. I quickly learn that I needed to persevere over my challenges, and I have done this in many ways. Here is another quote from my muse, “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” I love this quote because I often forget just how amazing humans can be when we set our minds on

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