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Submitted By faffn0402
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Pages 16
1.What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has influenced your thinking, and in what way? (University of Virginia applicants to the College of Arts and Sciences)
2.Discuss how a particular work of music, literature, or art has inspired your life. (William and Mary)
3.Tell us how a particular book, play, film, piece of music, dance performance, scientific theory or experiment or work of art has influenced you. If you choose a novel, film or play, assume we know the plot. (University of Notre Dame)
4.Consider the books you have read in the last year or two either for school or for leisure. Please discuss the way in which one of them changed your understanding of the world, other people, or yourself. (Duke University)
5.Tell us about a situation where you have not been successful and what you have learned from the experience. (William and Mary)
6.First experiences can be defining. Cite a first experience that you have had and explain its impact. UPA
7.Recall an occasion when you took a risk that you now know was the right thing to do. (University of Penn)
8.Tell us what you think about a current scientific or social controversy. (William and Mary)
9.Most people belong to many different communities groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. Limit your response to half a page, or approximately 250 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)
10.What can you contribute to a multi-cultural world? (William and Mary)
11.The quality of Rice¹s academic life and the residential college system is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What perspective do you feel that you will be able to share with others as a result of your own life experiences and background? Cite a personal experience to illustrate this. (Rice University)
12.Northwestern is a community of individuals from diverse cultures and regions of the world and with a myriad of interests and talents. Is there a type of individual you have not had much contact with in your community whom you would like to meet on campus? What do you think would be the outcome of that meeting, and what would be its effect on you? (Northwestern)
13. How can I prepare educationally for a global society? (Hampton University)
14. Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)
15. Names have a mysterious reality of their own. We may well feel an unexpected kinship with someone who shares our name, or may feel uneasy at the thought that our name is not as much our own as we imagined. Most of us do not choose our names; they come to us unbidden, sometimes with ungainly sounds and spellings, complicated family histories, allusions to people we never knew. Sometimes we have to make our peace with them, sometimes we bask in our names¹ associations. Ruminate on names and naming, your name, and your name¹s relationship to you. (University of Chicago)
16. The late William Burroughs once wrote that "language is a virus from outer space." We at the University of Chicago think he¹s right, of course, and this leaves us wondering what else came here with it. Could this finally explain such improbable features of modern life as the Federal Tax Code, non-dairy creamer, Dennis Rodman, and the art of mime? Name something that you assert cannot have originated any other way. Offer a thorough defense of your hypothesis for extraterrestrial origins, including alternate explanations and reasons for eliminating them from consideration. (University of Chicago)
17.What effect has any voluntary or independent research, reading or study, work in the arts, science project, etc. (outside of school), had on your intellectual and personal growth in recent years? Discuss what influence this involvement has had on your academic goals. (Northwestern)
18.What has been your most profound or surprising intellectual experience? (Duke University)
19.Anatole France said, "If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." On what subject do you disagree with most people, and why? (Northwestern)
20.According to Stephen Carter, we can admire those with integrity even if we disagree with them. Are there people you admire even though you deeply disagree with them? What do you admire about them? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction in your assessment? (Duke University)
21.Who is the secondary school teacher who has had the greatest positive impact on your development? Please describe the ways in which this teacher has influenced you. (Bowdoin College)
22.Reflect on these words of Dorothy Day: "No one has the right to sit down and feel hopeless. There's too much work to do." What is "the work to be done" for your generation, and what impact does this have on your future as a leader? Write a creative, reflective, or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)
23.Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail." It can be found in several anthologies, most recently King Remembered (W.W Norton & Company, 1986). Drawing upon personal experience, write a creative, reflective or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)
24.What characteristics of Penn, and yourself, make the University a particularly good match for you? Briefly describe how you envision your first year in college. How will your presence be known on campus? (University of Pennsylvania)
25.Why did you first become interested in William and Mary? (William and Mary)
26.Why do you consider Duke a good match for you? Is there something in particular you anticipate contributing to the Duke community? If you are applying to the School of Engineering, you may discuss your interest in the field of engineering in general or your interest in Duke's program specifically. (Duke University)
27.You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217. (University of Pennsylvania)
28.Imagine you have written a short story, film, or play about your last four years. Briefly describe the one moment or scene that your audience will most remember from this autobiographical piece. What will they learn about you from that moment? (Northwestern)
29.What do you think people who know you would be surprised to learn about you? Limit your response to one page.(Rice University)

30."The instructor said,/Go home and write/a page tonight./And let that page come out of you‹/Then, it will be true." The second line of this poem by Langston Hughes, "Theme for English B," goes on to ask: "I wonder if it¹s that simple?" We ask you here to write a truthful page about yourself, beginning where Hughes begins: "I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem./I went to school there, then Durham, then here/to this college on the hill above Harlem./I am the only colored student in my class." That is to say, each of us is at a certain stage of life and has a history. Each of us has lived somewhere and gone to school. We each are what we feel and see and hear, as the poem goes on to say. Begin there and see what happens. (University of Chicago)
31. Pose a question of your own, the answer to which you believe will display your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, sensible woman or man, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago. (University of Chicago)
32. Tell us the question you think a selective college should ask. Why? (William and Mary)
33. The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions is interested in learning more about you. Please use this essay to relay information about you that cannot be found elsewhere on your application. You may choose to write about your future ambitions and goals, a special talent or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant event or relationship that has influenced you during your life. (George Mason University/Virginia Tech)
34. Please submit a final piece of writing on any subject you choose. Limit your response to one page, or approximately 500 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)
35. Please write on a matter of importance to you. Any topic, and any form of written expression, is acceptable. If you have written something for another purpose--even an essay for another college--that you believe represents you particularly well, feel free to submit it here. As a guideline, remember that we are especially interested in issues of personal significance. (Duke University)
36. Which of the majors in the School of Architecture ‹architecture, architectural history, or urban and environmental planning‹ most appeals to you, and why? (University of Virginia applicants to the School of Architecture)
37. Please respond to each of the following: 1) What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue the study of architecture? 2) Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find most challenging? Responses should be one page each. (Rice University applicants to the School of Architecture)
38. Using a piece of wire, a car window sticker, an egg carton, and any inexpensive hardware store item, create something that would solve a problem. Tell us about your creation, but don't worry: we won't require proof that it works. (Johns Hopkins)
39. Select a creative work: a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or other work of art that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you. (University of Virginia/William and Mary/NYU)
40. If you could be a fly on the wall to observe any situation--historical, personal, or otherwise--describe what you would choose to observe and why. What would you hope to learn and how would it benefit you? (University of Pittsburgh)
41. Name one book you have read in the past year, describe your reason for considering this book significant and what you gained from reading it. (Lewis and Clark College)
42. Discuss how something you have read has affected you or changed your mind about something.
43. Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life. (Kalamazoo College) 44. At Colorado College, diversity is considered an integral component of every student's liberal arts education. Discuss your division of "diversity" and the ways in which you expect it to affect your college experience. (Colorado College)
45. Of all the activities you listed above, which one has proved to be the best, or the worst, use of your time, and why? Use one specific example to illustrate how this activity has, or has not, been worthwhile. (University of Virginia)
46. Who are the people who have done the most to influence your personal development and in what ways were they influential? (Carleton College).
47. If you were to protest something, for or against, what would it be and why? 48. Relate a personal experience that caused you to discern or refine a value that you hold. (University of Virginia) Relate an incident in your life in which honesty or character (or both) were at issue. (University of Virginia) Describe a situation in which your values or beliefs were challenged. How did you react? (NYU)
49. As a prospective 21st century college graduate, you will enter a workforce and live in a society with an increasingly global perspective. How will your current knowledge of international issues and cultures influence your undergraduate study? (NYU)
50. If you could invent something, what would it be, and why? (University of Virginia)
51. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo College)
52. If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why? (Stanford)
53. What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)
54. What effect has any voluntary or independent research, reading or study, work in the arts, science project, etc., had on your intellectual and personal goals in recent years? Discuss what influence this involvement has had on your academic goals. (Northwestern)
55. Describe your most important academic accomplishment or intellectual experience to date. We don't want to know about test scores or course grades, rather we want to know about your creativity, your willingness to take intellectual risks or your affinity for scholarly endeavors. (MIT)
56. Describe an intellectual experience of the past two years that has given you great satisfaction. (Amherst)
57. Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.
58. George Washington said, "Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; it is better to be alone than in bad company." About which of your friends do you and your parents disagree? Why do you feel that the continued company of this friend is a good thing? (Northwestern)
59. Explain how your experiences as a teenager significantly differ from those of your friends. Include comparisons. (University of Puget Sound)
60. Imagine you have written a short story, film, or play about your last four years. Briefly describe the moment or scene that you think your audience will most remember after they have finished this autobiographical piece. What will they learn about you from that moment? (Northwestern)
61. If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)
62. Imagine that you are a "hero" or "heroine" for one day during any time period and under any circumstances. Write a creative essay describing your experience. (Notre Dame)
63. What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it? (University of Pennsylvania)
64. Tell us about a conversation you've had that changed your perspective or was otherwise meaningful to you. (Stanford)
65. If we could only admit one more student to ________ University, why should it be you? (University of Pittsburgh)
66. Of all the things you hope or expect to gain from your college experience, which two or three would you place at the top of your list? Explain what you want to gain and why these experiences are most important to you.
67. You are about to write your future college roommate a letter. Please provide the roommate with a personal story that will give him/her some insight into your personality. (St. Mary¹s College, MD)
68. Tell one story about yourself that would best provide us, either directly or indirectly, with an insight into the kind of person you are. For example, the story can simply relate a personal experience, or a humorous anecdote; it can tell about an especially significant academic encounter or about an unusual test of character. The possibilities are unlimited (well, almost so). You choose. Just relax and write it. (Princeton)
69. .Please provide information that you feel will give a more complete and accurate picture of yourself, e.g., background, personal philosophy or traits, goals, etc. Be sure to describe the influence of these factors. Please be concise and limit your response to one or two pages. (Pomona College)
70. What single adjective do you think would be most frequently used to describe you by those who know you best? Briefly explain. (Stanford)
71.If you were to describe yourself by a quotation, what would the quote be? Explain your answer. (Dartmouth)
72. Create a metaphor for yourself using something you would find in your kitchen or your garage. List as many similarities or relationships between yourself and this object as you can think of, then elaborate on this comparison in an essay. Why is this object a good representation of you? (adapted from U. of Chicago)
73.Discuss how some negative experience (disability, illness, failure) has had a positive influence on your life.
74..Describe a personal habit that helps to define you as a person.
75.Discuss how a specific place can be used to help illustrate your personality.
76. Describe a fictional character. Be sure to point out what you do or do not like about the character and relate these attributes to yourself.
77. What have you undertaken or done on your own in the last year or two that has nothing to do with academic work? (Northwestern)
78. Discuss how your travel experiences have affected you as a student and a citizen of the world.
79. If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?
80. If you were given the opportunity to spend one year in service on behalf of others, which area would you choose? Explain what you would do and why.
81. If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)
82. .Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)
83. .What do you think has been the most important social or political movement of the twentieth century? Do you share a personal identification with this cause? (Trinity College, CT)
84. History has recorded the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Sexual Revolution. Today we are witnessing a revolution in the way we receive information. What do you think will be the next great revolution, and what will be its impact on you and your society? (Northwestern)
85. If you were to develop a Mt. Rushmore representing the 20th century, whose faces would you select and why? (William and Mary)
86. If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person in the past, present, or future, whom would you choose? Why? (Kalamazoo College)
87. If you could hold a conversation with someone (living or deceased) you consider significant, who would you talk to and what would you talk about? Describe your conversation. (University of Oregon)
88. If you could meet any famous person, living or dead, who would it be? Write a dialogue between you and that person.
89. If you could become another person, real or fictional, for one day, who would you become and why?
90. If you had the power to change three things in your community or in the world, what would you change and why? (Middle East Technical University in Turkey)
91. Please write a personal journal entry as if the date were Sept. 20, 2030. (St. Mary¹s College, MD.)
92. It has been said [by Andy Warhol] that in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. Describe your fifteen minutes. (New York University)
93. Recent developments in technology have revolutionized the way we gather information, communicate with one another, and even express ourselves as individuals. If there is a computer in your life, tell us how you use it. If there is not a computer in your life, tell us how you would. (William and Mary)
94. Select a technological innovation of this century and discuss its effects on your family, local community or nation. (Notre Dame)
95. Look through old family photos and pull out a few that remind you of important times or significant moments. (Remember that the impact of a moment is what makes it significant. A hike through the woods can sometimes be more significant than a birthday.) Choose one of these "Kodak Moments" to describe and explain its significance to you. Speak about the photograph and your feelings about what you see in it.
96. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what animal would you select and why?
97.You are on your dream vacation and have just finished shooting a roll of film. As you go to develop the film, the local merchant offers to make a postcard of one of your photos. Describe the photo, why you selected it and write a brief note to your friends back home. (Be sure to include where you are and what you have been doing there.) (University of the Pacific)
98.Elvis is alive! Okay, maybe not, but we have been persuaded that recent Elvis sightings in highway rest areas, grocery stores and laundromats are part of a wider conspiracy involving five of the following: the metric system, the Mall of America, the crash of the Hindenberg, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, lint, J.D. Salinger, and wax fruit. Construct your own theory of how and why five of these items are related. (University of Chicago)
99.The subject of food is never far from our minds here in College Admissions. It is a topic of serious conversation this year on campus, too, with the publication of a book called The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of our Nature, by Leon Kass, M.D., a Chicago faculty member who teaches in the College. The book takes a philosophical look at what food, eating, and table manners have to tell us about our human estate. Compose an essay about a memorable meal you have eaten. We are especially interested in the details: the occasion, your company at this meal, its physical setting, the kinds of foods you ate, or their preparation. (University of Chicago)
100. Ask and answer the one important question which you wish we had asked. (Carleton College)
101. If you could change the course of a singular event in history, what event would you affect, and why? In addition, please provide insight on how you would implement your decision. (St. Mary¹s College, MD)
102. If you could go back and change one day in your life, what would you change and why? (Santa Clara University)
103. Sartre said "Hell is other people," while Streisand sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." With whom do you agree? (Amherst)
104. Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.
105. Tell us about the biggest mistake you¹ve ever made, or heard of. (University of Virginia)
106. Tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life. (Santa Clara University)
107. Tell us about the neighborhood that you grew up in and how it helped shape you into the kind of person you are today. (Yale and the University of Chicago)
108. Are you honorable? How do you know? (University of Virginia)
109. What are the responsibilities of an educated person? (University of Puget Sound).Identity and culture are clearly intertwined.
110. How has your experience of culture influenced the development of your own personal identity? (NYU)
111. Defend your least conventional belief. (University of Virginia)
112. What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)
113. Eleanor Roosevelt quote “A woman is like a teabag, you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.”

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Death Note

...Death Notes and Shinigamis Light’s POV “Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk”, an unusual thing mutters. “What is so funny Ryuk?”, Light said to no one. “Hyuk Hyuk, nothing, it’s just that the look on your face yesterday was priceless, Hyuk Hyuk”, the thing replied. “Those two detectives just surprised me”, Light replied. “Yesterday you didn’t say a thing to me all day even though I keep talking”, the thing said. “What do you expect? You’re a shinigami for crying out loud, and no one else can see you. They’ll think I’m insane if I talk to you”, Light replied. Ryuk, a Shinigami/Death God. He has a monstrous yet a bit human like appearance, has big red eyes, scary face and huge hidden black wings. “Oh yeah, that lady detective is fast and quite smart to have been able to think that, Hyuk Hyuk”, Ryuk said while chuckling. “To be honest, it was out of my expectation that she was THAT smart”, Light said irritated. “Hyuk Hyuk, guess Light can be outsmarted by a girl sometimes”, Ryuk said. “Hmph”, Light replied. General POV “Phew, finally done with the groceries. Good thing I’m not needed in the case yet, I can enjoy a day off-like day”, I said as I went out the grocery store with a bunch of plastic bags in both of my arms. I walked in to the nearest cake shop that I can find then bought a strawberry cheesecake. As I went back to walking home, I noticed something fell on a vacant lawn. I went to the lawn to check what it is. “Hm? What’s this?”, I said as I picked up the item. “Death...

Words: 2417 - Pages: 10

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Promissory Note

...SECURED PROMISSORY NOTE (AMORTIZED PAYMENTS) $__________________[Amount of Note] This promissory note (the “Note”) is made and effective _____________ [Date], by and between ____________________, an [individual] [corporation] [limited liability company] [etc.] (the “Borrower”), and _______________________, an [individual] [corporation] [limited liability company] [etc.] (the “Payee”). 1. PROMISE OF PAYMENT. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the Borrower promises to pay to the Payee, at _______________________ [Address], _________[City], ___ [State] __________ [Zip Code], or at such other place as the Payee may designate in writing from time to time, the principal amount of _________________ Dollars ($_______), together with interest accruing on the unpaid balance thereof until due. The interest rate on this Note shall be an annual rate of interest equal to [Rate] ([Rate]%) percent, or the maximum amount allowed by applicable law, whichever is less. Interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 365 days and the actual number of days elapsed. 2. MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. The Borrower will pay said principal and interest to the Payee in equal installment payments of _______________, on the ____ day of each month, until the principal and interest have been paid in full. [INSERT OTHER PAYMENT SCHEDULE AS AGREED] Payments shall be to the Payee’s address as designated above. All payments will be applied first to interest and the remainder to principal, and interest...

Words: 1143 - Pages: 5

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Taking Notes

...Taking Notes Eboni M. Whitfield Grantham University Student Success & Week 6 Taking Notes “Hang on to the world as it’s spinning around. Just don’t let the spin get you down”. This will always be one of my favorite songs by a great lyricist, Donny Hathaway; Someday we’ll be Free. In learning and retaining songs, I refrain from listening to it over and over again. I listen to a line of the song and write each line out. Writing the lyrics to songs is almost like note-taking. This strategy is in alignment with the Sentence Strategy in which I feel is most useful and effective in note-taking. The sentence note-taking method consists of writing a list of sentences as you read through the material (Johnson, 2011). The advantage to this strategy remains that it is more organized and it records most of the information. A disadvantage makes it difficult when it comes to determining the focal points and editing. Based on the courses I am taking, is this strategy most effective? Yes. Are there other strategies that may be effective? Yes. I have also found that with note-taking in my current courses, the strategy that best suits me is the mapping strategy. This strategy has been used in the past and in the light of the concepts of note-taking, it is also resourceful. This strategy allows readers to pinpoint the main theory of what they read and provide a visual representation of relationships between information and ideas (Johnson, 2011). Because research...

Words: 381 - Pages: 2

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Promissory Note Example

...THIS NOTE AND THE SECURITIES ISSUABLE UPON THE CONVERSION HEREOF HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. THEY MAY NOT BE SOLD, OFFERED FOR SALE, PLEDGED, HYPOTHECATED, OR OTHERWISE TRANSFERRED EXCEPT PURSUANT TO AN EFFECTIVE REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, OR AN OPINION OF COUNSEL SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED UNDER SUCH ACT OR UNLESS SOLD PURSUANT TO RULE 144 UNDER SUCH ACT. CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE Date of Issuance $XXXX (Date), 2015 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, (XXXX), an Indonesian Company (the “Company”), hereby promises to pay to the order of XXXX.(the “Lender”), the principal sum of $XXXXX, together with interest thereon from the date of this Note. Interest shall accrue at a rate of six percent (X%) per annum, compounded annually. Unless earlier converted into Conversion Shares pursuant to Section 2.2 of that certain Note Purchase Agreement dated XXXX among the Company, Lender and certain other investors (the “Purchase Agreement”), the principal and accrued interest shall be due and payable by the Company on demand by the Majority Note Holders at any time after the Maturity Date. This Note is one of a series of Notes issued pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, and capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement. 1. Payment. All payments shall be made in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal...

Words: 920 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Refinance Notes Payable

...xxxx, Assistant Accountant of Tyler Corporation Date: January 15, 2011 Re: Classification of Note Payable on the December 31, 2010 Balance Sheet After checking the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, I want to explain how to classify the $100,000 note payable on the December 31, 2010 balance sheet. According to Accounting Standard Codification 470-10-45-14, “A short-term obligation shall be excluded from current liabilities if the entity intends to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis”, and “After the date of an entity's balance sheet but before that balance sheet is issued or is available to be issued, a long-term obligation or equity securities have been issued for the purpose of refinancing the short-term obligation on a long-term basis. If equity securities have been issued, the short-term obligation, although excluded from current liabilities, shall not be included in owners' equity.” Tyler Corporation has the same situation above. On January 5, 2011, Tyler Corporation sold 2,000 shares of its $10 par common stock for $80,000. It intends to use these plus $20,000 cash on hand to repay the note payable on March 6. Therefore, the company should get $80,000 common stock out of owner’s equity and report the $80,000 as note payable in long-term liabilities on the December 31, 2010 balance sheet. For the $20,000 cash on hand, the company should report it as note payable in current liabilities on the December 31, 2010 balance sheet. Thank you for your...

Words: 277 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

The Innovation Cycel of the Post It Note

...“If I had thought about it, I wouldn't have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can't do this.” - Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M Post-It Notepads. Innovation has been described by The Oxford Dictionary as the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something. The Post-it Note is a product so conceptually simple, that in the technologically advanced time we live in, we have been almost desensitised to its brilliant innovation. The innovation of the Post It Note went through a number of distinct stages and processes. In this assignment I will attempt to give a clear and cohesive analysis starting from the earliest ideas of the Post It right through to the products available today. 3M The physical invention of the post it spanned over a period of 10 years, however, I believe the earliest derivation of the modern day Post It Note can be traced back to the very establishment of the 3M Company itself. In 1902 the business got off to a rather bad start when a group of investors by mistake bought a mountain containing worthless mineral to start a business to mine corundum to manufacture sand paper). Unsurprisingly the company did not generate profit for 14 years. Seemingly spurred on by their less than successful origins, 3m have since always strived to create a working environment in which innovation can flourish. Brand (1998) on the topic of 3m states that “to guarantee such conditions are in place...

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