Premium Essay



Submitted By currysiam
Words 3538
Pages 15

According to Apple Computer's 2007 10-K Annual Report, "The Company is committed to bringing the best personal computing, portable digital music and mobile communication experience to students, educators, creative professionals, businesses, government agencies, and consumers through its innovative hardware, software, peripherals, services, and Internet offerings." The company's 2005 Mission Statement reads:

Apple Computer is committed to protecting the environment, health and safety of our employees, customers and the global communities where we operate. We recognize that by integrating sound environmental, health and safety management practices into all aspects of our business, we can offer technologically innovative products and services while conserving and enhancing resources for future generations. Apple strives for continuous improvement in our environmental, health and safety management systems and in the environmental quality of our products, processes and services.

In recognition of current market trends, Steve Jobs has claimed that he wants to transform the company by making the Mac the hub of the consumers’ digital lifestyle. Despite Apple Computer's recent successes, the company is facing an ever-changing competitive environment on multiple fronts.

1. What are the key strategic challenges facing Apple Computer?

2. What are some of the dimensions along which company success can be measured?

3. What critical external and internal environmental factors have strategic implications for Apple's future?

4. How does Apple's strategy stand up against industry rivalry?

5. What recommendations can be made to enhance the effectiveness of the company's strategy or to change its strategic approach for better results?



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