...The Victory is ours! When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah, thank God for saving me! When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah, thank God for keeping me! When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah, thank God I got the Victory! Victory because he’s keeping me, he’s giving me peace of mind He said ..If I keep my mind stayed on him, he’ll keep me in perfect peace) I AM More than a conqueror through Christ Jesus that strengthens me! 1Chronicles 14-19 Tells the story of when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed as King over all of Israel. They wanted to overtake him or take him out. David went sought out God and he asked him if he should go up against the army and god told him to go and HE and David would deliver them into his hands, they would defeat the army. When they came against him, God gave him Victory. Vs. 11: David said, “God Hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters; TRANSLATION….When god shows up it is going to be a flood of favor & power. Like a raging flood, a flood of strength. God is the same god yesterday, today and forevermore and what he did back then he will do...
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...Jesus Activities: Animal Charades: On slips of paper write down different animal names, put in a bag and play charades! Farm Animal Bingo: Play bingo with farm animal bingo card. Bible Story: The land where Mary and Joseph lived was part of the great Roman Empire. At the time when Mary as expecting her baby, the emperor Augustus ordered that all people under his rule go and register their names with his officials. By this means hw would discover the precise number of people whom he could demand taxes—the money he needed for armies, conquests and a rich, luxurious lifestyle. The order said that everyone must go to the town from which their family came. So it was that Joseph went from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem in Judea, for this was the birthplace of his ancestors and of the King David. Mary traveled with him. The journey was long and very tiring for her baby was soon to be born but reaching their destination brought no comfort, for all the rooms in the little town for traveler were full. Mary grew anxious. “I know that the baby will soon be born,” she cried. “We must find somewhere for me to lie down.” In desperation, the two sough shelter in a stable. There, the baby was born—a son, just as the angel had said. Mary wrapped her baby tenderly in a soft blanket held in place with swaddling clothes, and she cradled him in a manger. Craft: Create a paper mache nativity...
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...BIBLE DICTIONARY PROJECT Alonzo Anderson Bible 104 BIBLE DICTIONARY PROJECT Jesus Jesus was born December 25 1 BC in the city David, Bethlehem, to parents Mary and Joseph according to scripture he had four younger brothers and at least two sisters. (Mark 6:3) Jesus was raised in the small rural town of Nazareth, where His adoptive father, Joseph, taught him to use the tools of a carpenter. It was hard work, work requiring much manual labor, skill, an eye for construction and body that could bear up to hours of sweating in the hot sun. It produced hands made coarse from touching rough wood. For many years Jesus worked in the trade of being a carpenter. ("Who Is This Man Jesus?") When Jesus was age 30 he went out to find John the Baptist, John refused to baptize Jesus saying he was unworthy to touch the Son of God. In his thirties, Jesus began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles, yet still never travelled more than 200 miles from his birthplace. Over a three year period, despite his efforts to keep a low profile, Jesus' reputation spread nationwide. The Roman governors and rulers of Israel's provinces and the leaders of the Jewish people (the religious counsels) took note of him. (Jesus Central, 2009) On a Thursday night Jesus met with his twelve disciples in Jerusalem for the Passover meal (The Last Supper). Jesus told his disciples that he must die soon because it was Gods will that he give his life for his friends. Later that night while Jesus was...
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...Bible Dictionary Project Template Name: Brittani Fink Student ID: L25540669 Course: Bibl 104 Date: September 22, 2014 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: Ruth is one of the most well known women of the Bible. She began her life in Moab, and eventually she moved to Israel. Ruth lived approximately 1000 B.C. No information is known about Ruth’s birth. Ruth is best known as one of the most godly women in the Bible. God reinforced her decision to leave her own country and she is one of the most prominent women in Jesus’ geneology. Ruth was known best for her loyalty, love, obedience and diligence. Ruth was a wife to Boaz and mother to Obed. Ruth put her trust in God and left her family and a land she knew to marry her first husband. After her husband died instead of fleaing back to her homeland she satyed with her mother-in-law then traveled together to Judah. Tursting in God again, Ruth found herself to fend for herself and to begin work in the fields, which is how she met Boaz. By being faithful and trusting God she was blessed with a son and grandson. Through Ruth’s life we can see that she is an example that God will reward our faithfulness. After she made the sacrifice to leave her family then lost her husband she remained faithful and trusted in God and God rewarded her. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). The book of Matthew, although not physically...
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...Término de contrato de trabajo Sepa cuáles son las condiciones y procedimientos para poner fin a un contrato de trabajo. Las cosas han estado mal en la fábrica de Don Fernando. Las bajas ventas están causando grandes números rojos, y para salir a flote va a tener que reducir, es decir, despedir personal. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo? ¿Qué causas legales puede invocar para eso, y qué documentos debe gestionar? ¿Y corresponde pagar indemnización a los trabajadores que despedirá? ¿Cuáles son las causales legales para poner término a un contrato de trabajo? Muerte del trabajador. Mutuo acuerdo entre las partes. Renuncia voluntaria. Vencimiento del plazo convenido en el contrato. Fin del trabajo o servicio que originó el contrato. Caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Conducta indebida de carácter grave, que debe ser comprobada. Por ejemplo, falta de probidad del trabajador, acoso sexual o conducta inmoral. Negociaciones que ejecute el trabajador dentro del negocio y que aparecen como prohibidas en el contrato. Que el trabajador no acuda a sus labores sin causa justificada durante dos días seguidos, o dos lunes en el mes, o un total de tres días en el mes. Abandono del trabajo por parte del trabajador. Actos, omisiones o imprudencias que afecten el funcionamiento del establecimiento, la seguridad o la actividad de los trabajadores. Daño material causado intencionalmente en las instalaciones, maquinarias, herramientas, útiles de trabajo, productos o mercaderías. Incumplimiento grave de las obligaciones...
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...Arnaldo Garriga Professor Elosegui Humanities Adoration of the Magi The “Adoration of the Magi”, is a masterpiece attributed to Peter Paul Rubens, created in the year 1618 through 1619. In the piece we can observe from left to right the three magi represented as kings looking at baby Jesus. As we continue from left to right we can see Virgin Mary holding Jesus with her hands while he touches one of the kings. And in the back, and all around the kings and Virgin Mary, there is a group of people looking what is happening in the room. The baroque piece shows extravagance and exaggeration on the people’s cloth and body type, I can say that because the three kings are very tall, big in body size, and highly strong; they are shown wearing fancy and extravagant cloth, with gold, blue, and red colors. The baby looks very big as well, a little fat ,and with a strong body for being just a baby. Another detail that we can observe in the painting is the contrast of light and darkness. Rubens focused the light on Jesus, Virgin Mary, and the three kings to make them the focal point in the painting and to create some type of link between them, to show a mutual composition, and he left in the dark the insignificant details. This painting is a religious piece of art that describes a passage from the bible. The purpose of this piece of art is to show the viewers the birth of Jesus and how the three kings show respect to him. The “Adoration of the Magi” relative size is 246 cm height...
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...que una mala fe por parte del actor quien en pleno conocimiento de que se le pagaron cada uno de los haberes reclamados, vuelve a requerir su pago y además en la misma confesión judicial reconoce que la empresa nunca falto al pago de haberes, siendo así vendrá a su conocimiento que todas las pretensiones no pueden tener asidero. De la contestación a la demanda y Audiencia Preliminar En la contestación a la demanda se establece claramente que la terminación de las relaciones laborales fue ante la autoridad competente Inspector de Trabajo con la comparecencia de las partes mediante Acta de Finiquito haciendo constar todos los rubros pormenorizados a que tenía derecho acogiéndonos al Art. 169 numeral 6 del Código de Trabajo que determina el caso fortuito o fuerza mayor (plagas de campo) por parte de AGROCALIDAD,...
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...The short story “The Gift of the Magi” was written by O. Henry in 1906. The story is about a husband and wife who did not have enough finances to buy each other gifts at Christmas time. So the couple sacrificed two precious items to show their love for one another. This theme and narrative essay will explain O. Henry use symbolism and characters to contribute to the themes of poverty, generosity, and selfless love. The main symbolism was use in the title of the short story. In the biblical story of the birth of Jesus three men came in on camels bringing precious gifts to the son of Mary and Joseph. “These three represent the Three Wise Men or Kings, also called the Magi (Jesus, 2007).” The wise men brought Jesus three gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh. They gave them freely and unselfish because they believed Jesus was “the promise one”. The symbolization in “The Gift of the Magi” was that Jim and Della gave three gifts to each other freely and unselfish. Jim’s watch, Della’s hair and selfless love for each other were the three distinct gifts given in this short story. Three themes was basically portrayed in “the Gift of the Magi. One theme was poverty. One dollar and eighty-seven cent was all Della had on Christmas Eve. Della begins to cry over the fact she did not have enough funds to buy Jim a Christmas gift. “In the vestibule below was a letter box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring (Clugston, 2010).”...
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...The short story “The Gift of the Magi” was written by O. Henry in 1906. The story is about a husband and wife who did not have enough finances to buy each other gifts during the Christmas time. The couple sacrificed two precious items to show their love for one another. This theme and narrative essay will explain O. Henry use symbolism and characters to contribute the themes of poverty, generosity, and selfless love. The main symbolism was used in the title of the short story. In the biblical story of the birth of Jesus three men came in on camels bringing precious gifts to the son of Mary and Joseph. “These three represent the Three Wise Men or Kings, also called the Magi (Jesus, 2007).” The wise men brought Jesus three gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh. They gave them freely and unselfish because they believed Jesus was “the promise one”. The symbolization in “The Gift of the Magi” was that Jim and Della gave three gifts to each other freely and unselfish. Jim’s watch, Della’s hair and selfless love for each other were the three distinct gifts given in this short story. Three themes was basically portrayed in “the Gift of the Magi. One theme was poverty. One dollar and eighty-seven cent was all Della had on Christmas Eve. Della begins to cry over the fact she did not have enough funds to buy Jim a Christmas gift. “In the vestibule below was a letter box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring (Clugston, 2010)...
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...Why does O. Henry call his story “The gift of the Magi”? What do you think about the last phrase of the author’s remark? What do you think is his point of view of love and sacrifice? “The gift of the Magi” is a famous story by O. Henry. The author calls his story “The gift of the Magi” because he wants to emphasize the meaning of the gift and shows his admiration for the love of Jim and Della. First of all, the Magi were the three wise men from the Bible. They brought unique gifts to the baby Jesus (“Biblical Magi”, para. 1). This is reflected in the story by O. Henry. Della and Jim sold their most precious possessions to give each other the most valuable gifts for the Christmas. Della was willing to sell her precious hair to buy Jim a platinum chain, and Jim was willing to sell his precious watch to buy Della a beautiful comb. Both Jim and Della have shown that they were willing to sacrifice the most treasured thing they have to give something to the other. In the exchange, they gained something new. Love is not something they have of their own; love is something they share together. They unwisely scarified in order to make their sweetheart happy. The presents seemed to be useless but it is priceless indeed. Their gift giving shows the selfless love of each for their loved one. They care deeply and want to please the other. The gift was valuable because it came from the heart. At the end of the story, O. Henry expressed his love for the characters. He admired their unconditionally...
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...employ of the Midvale Steel Company at Philadelphia in 1878 and was successively gang boss, assistant foreman, foreman of the machine shop, master mechanic, chief draughtsman, and chief engineer. In 1889 he began his special work of reorganizing the management of manufacturing establishments. A plant that he made over was made over from top to bottom. He laid out the system from the duties of the boy who carried drinking water to the unskilled laborers to the duties of the President, giving his solution to the problems of shop, office, accounting department and sales department, and emphasizing the necessity for the humane treatment of labor. Some of the big shops into which he introduced his theories of scientific management are the Bethlehem Steel Company, Cramp's Shipbuilding Company, and the Midvale Steel Company. He was President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1905 and 1906. He was the author of technical books and articles, but is best known by "The Principles of Scientific Management" and "Shop Management," both published in 1911. http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0320.html What is it about? put forward the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay. His Theory of Scientific Management...
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...“Journal writing through short story” Submitted by: Leslie Daryl S. Rabago Submitted to: Mrs. Joji F. Chiong I. Data Gathering 1. http://americanliterature.com/author/o-henry/short-story/the-gift-of-the-magi Plan of activities 1. Emphasize what the story wants to tell us about 2. Read and understand a short story 3. Make a journal II. Introduction: “The Gift of the Magi” is a short story, one of several hundred written by O. Henry between 1903 and 1910. It was published in a New York City newspaper in 1905 and in a collection, The Four Million, in 1906 The Magi were the so-called three wise men from the east who traveled to Bethlehem, following a bright star, to present gifts to the infant Jesus. The term magi (singular, magus) come from the Greek word magoi, a rendering of a Persian word for members of a priestly caste. The Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 2, Verse 11) says: "And entering into the house, they found the child with Mary his mother, and falling down they adored him: and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh." These offerings, though valuable, were not as important as the recognition, respect, and love they gave the Christ child. Frankincense was used as a treatment for illness and as an fragrant additive to incense. Myrrh was also added to incense, as well as perfume, and found additional use as an ointment. The three wise men have been identified in western tradition as Balthasar, king...
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...A Christmas Prayer’- Robert Louis Stevenson Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen. Let’s bow our heads and ask forGod’s blessings, (pause for a few seconds) Heavenly Father, we are all gathered here for our Christmas Party. May you bless us with your generosity and love so that everyone present here would be able to partake of the joy of your birth. Allow us to share with one another your all-abounding love, just as you have showed us. Bless all our families, friends and everyone, so that as we enjoy this Christmas party, we would also realize that this is a celebration of your birthday; that Christmas is not about expensive gifts and grand parties but it is about love and generosity to everyone, especially the underprivileged. Make us realize that in celebrating your birthday, we should also spread joy and love not only here in this party but also when we leave this venue. Bestow your Divine Wisdom so we would be able...
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...The Gift of the Magi Argumentative Research Paper: Did Jim and Della perform an act of Selfless Love? Abstract The story was written by O’Henry in 1906. The story was centered around a seemingly poor couple who did not have enough money to buy each other the gifts that their significant other deserved. The story took place during Christmas. The Gift of the Magi is like a classic wisdom story in the bible. O’Henrys choice of title depicts symbolism between the three magi that brought gold, frankincense, and mur, to the baby Jesus and the gifts that Jim and Della had given to each other which mainly consisted of selfless love, Della’s hair and Jims pocket watch. This itself ties into the theme of his story. These gifts all entail the act of giving from the heart. The purpose of this research paper is to outline the key factors that support the claim that Jim and Della performed an act of selfless love. Now, after looking at that it is evident that Jim and Della performed the most beautiful act of love for each other. What makes it the most beautiful? The fact that they were selfless in giving up their most valuable possessions in order to get something for the other. There is a famous and well known saying, “Love means putting the other before oneself”. This is the epitome of Selfless love, and clearly of Jim and Della’s love. Towards the end of the text O.Henry said, “Of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.” This paper will serve to back this statement up. ...
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...MM 5009 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Krakatau Steel (B) Syndicate 10 Benediktus Duan Putra (29114445) Frans J Purba (29114590) Ramara Arief K (29114452) Shinta M Hutasoit (29114419) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2015 I. Objectives Currently Krakatau Steel has been claimed as the biggest steel company in Indonesia. Even all Indonesia citizens presume Krakatau Steel as one of the valuable asset of Indonesia. However being the biggest local steel company is not enough. Going global is another step that Krakatau Steel must take. Having corporation with POSCO, the biggest steel company in South Korea to make a joint venture which required 388 hectares land, has shown that Krakatau Steel is ready to go to the next level. Therefore Anto, a finance analyst in PT. Krakatau Steel, would like to see the position and the opportunity of PT. Krakatau Steel to compete with other global steel company. Anto will use three reputable global steel companies which come from different region in the world. This assessment will also be used as a mean to find an appropriate company as a benchmark. II. Analysis To asses PT. Krakatau Steel’s position and opportunity in global competence, we use two local companies, PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel and PT Jaya Pari Steel, and three global steel companies from different region in the world, which are Arcelor Mittal (Luxembourg), POSCO (Pohang Iron and steel Company...
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