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Submitted By mweggs
Words 2053
Pages 9
Matthew Wegermann
Elizabeth Rosebrough
English Composition II
October 24, 2011
Castro: The End of an Era On August13, 1926, in south-east Cuba, a successful sugar planter and his wife welcomed a son into the world. They named him Fidel Castro. After studying law at the University of Havana, Castro intended to run in the elections of 1952. Instead, the government was overthrown. Fidel and his brother Raul became insurgents and tried to uproot the new government, but failed and Castro spent time in prison. After a few years of exile, Castro snuck back into Cuba and with the help of another rebel, overtook the government and set himself up as Cuba’s prime minister. This is a position he held for around 50 years before advancement in years and a declining health caused him to step down and his brother Raul to take his place. With Fidel Castro’s health diminishing and his reign in Cuba at an end, Cuba could move to a more capitalistic economy. Fidel Castro’s health has been in decline for many years now. His brother has been prime minister since 2006, taking the place of his aging, ailing brother. Since that time, Fidel has stepped down from all official positions he held. This includes the leadership of the Communist Party which he founded back in 1965, not long after his ascent to the role of Cuba’s prime minister. Recently Fidel has been seen more in public in support of his brother’s leadership. In a spring 2011 session of Cuban congress, Fidel appeared to support the recent important economic changes that Raul is implementing in Cuba. “This was the first time that the Castro brothers had been seen side by side in public since 84-year-old Fidel underwent major surgery five years ago” (Voss, 2011). Since Raul Castro has taken over, changes have started appear on the horizon for the Cuban government. First, Prime Minister Raul Castro limited

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