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Catastrophism vs Uniformitarianism


Submitted By channinw3
Words 270
Pages 2
Catastrophism – the belief that the past history of the earth and of living things has been interrupted or greatly influenced by natural catastrophes occurring on a worldwide or very extensive scale.
Uniformitarianism – the belief or principal that the past history of the earth and its inhabitants is best interpreted in terms of what is known about the present. It explains the past by appealing to known laws and principles acting in a gradual, uniform way through past ages.
The young earth theory is more believable than the old earth theory scientists to me, because in proving their theory of the earth existence, and catastrophes events, of floods, fossils, etc... They will pull examples out of context in order to prove their theory. I can see and understand their logic of catastrophic events did take place but we really don’t know what any particular events caused it. Unlike the old earth that states the events (catastrophic) happen and we were created out of fossils.
One of the most fundamental doctrines held dear by Christians is God’s creation of the world and all living creatures. Yet among evangelicals, an ongoing controversy exists regarding the age of the earth and when God created the universe and life. Indeed, the “young-earth” vs. “old-earth” debate is one of the most polarizing and divisive issues within the Christian community.
By: Jon W. Greene
My faith and belief is with the old earth that God created the earth and mankind. I have a better understanding of both sides and I have enjoyed reading and learning more about theories of both young and old earth.

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