Premium Essay

Observation Report


Submitted By ladypink82
Words 540
Pages 3
Artina Robinson
December 8, 2013
EDU 210
Nancy Winship

A Night at Tijuanna Flats
Is a Sunday evening around 5:06 PM. I pulled into the Tijuana Flats parking lot. As I entered into the restaurant I noticed that it is not as full as it normally would be. As I ordered my food I noticed two parties sitting at the table. The first party was a young couple who looked to be in the 20s and the other party was a family of 7. Within the family there were five children, 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys look to be between the ages of 5 to 12 and the girls look to be between the ages of 1 and 8. The children dressed like typical 21st-century kids, the boys Graphic T-shirts and shorts and the girls multiple colored top with fitted shorts.
As the family waiting for their food I noticed that the oldest and the youngest boy were playing on the tablet together and the oldest girl and the middle boy were swapping an iPhone and a tablet amongst each other. Whatever game they were playing must have been very interesting because when their food came they were eating and playing their devices at the same time. Overall the 4 children seem to be pretty happy and enjoy each other's company. As I was eating my food I noticed the youngest boy yell out "oh yeah I shot him right in the butt ". I looked to see what reaction the parents would give but to my surprise they didn't even flinch. The mother continued to play and feed the one-year-old and the father continued to watch the reviews of the football game that was playing on the television. The oldest girl then shouted out "dang the deer got away", it was then evident that the kids well jointly playing a hunting game and that is why neither parent flinched after the first Child's comment. A few moments later the mother told the kids to put away the tablets and eat because they would be leaving soon.
Once the children put away the

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