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Career Observation Report

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Taking part of the Career Preparation Program was a very good choice for me. Not only was my

experience at the veterinary clinic enjoyable, it was also quite eye opening for my future. While reflecting on my

experience at the vet, I noticed that my previous expectations were a bit off, things I've learnt in school relate to

being a vet, there's a lot of education that is required for becoming a vet and I learnt a lot about myself in the

process of it all.

My expectations of being a veterinarian before and after my work experience were a bit off. Before I had

started I thought it would be much more of a quick paced and constantly busy job. Although I thought that, there

was plenty of down time where there were no patients who …show more content…
Although I thought this, there was quite a bit of blood, but not even close to as much as I thought and

there weren't too many emergency cases that needed to be dealt with during the time span of my placement.

Learning in school actually related a lot to this job and there's many years of education required to

become a veterinarian. Biology class relates to being a veterinarian in a huge and obvious way. Learning about

bodily functions, body structure, WHIMIS symbols and disecting animals all help greatly in the learning process

of what it takes to become a veterinarian. Chemistry class is also of high importance when being related to being

a veterinarian. I noticed that quite a few of the bottles of medication used at the vet were labelled with chemical

formulas, such as the intravenous bags, and also consisted of how concentrated the medication was which is a

part of what I learnt in chemistry 11. In order to become a veterinarian there's plenty of training and education

required before hand. Firstly, I would need to begin volunteering at local shelters or veterinarian clincs in order

to increase my chances of getting into a veterinary school as it's very competitive. Before getting into

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