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Dinosaur Observation Report

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Trace fossils were detected from an Upper Cretaceous Wahweap Formation in Utah. There were three types of ichnofossils. Type one of the trace fossil had a downward digging impression which was a sign of predatory behavior within the burrow. Simpson et al., (2010) reported that a dromeosaurid or troodontid may have been the predators. Type two and three fossils had a multiple digging impression which was similar to the inside of the burrow. The burrows were measured by the width and length, which was compared to the size of the foot impression. As a result, mammals were working together to prevent predators to invade their shelter. Trace fossils examined the behavior of the dinosaurs. According to Varricchio et al., (2007), digging developed over time. Simpson et al., (2010), reported new evidence of track fossils which indicated that dinosaurs used burrows to hunt for underground mammals. In addition, there were burrows that dinosaurs and mammals used as a shelter for parental investments, cold climates, and predators. These trace fossils were based on observations. …show more content…
Type one of the trace fossil was from a predator since its digging impression had a downward motion. Simpson et al., (2010), noted that the shape of the burrow size did not match the foot impression. The scratched impression was either from a dromeosaurids or troodontids. Next, type two and three had similarities to a modern mammal den. Sidor et al., (2008), noted that the mammals had a deeper burrow that connected to other dens. The scratches on the burrow matched with other similar impressions inside the burrow. Simpson et al., (2010), determined that the mammal was interacting with other mammals as a joint community. Furthermore, the burrow had a specific width and length of the organism to fit which prevented predators to enter (Laundre,

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